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‘I think it’s been a very, very tough time for him’
Mar 8, 2019 10:11 AM
‘I’ve never been to Prague’
Feb 27, 2019 1:48 PM
‘I don’t care if they chase you away … Fuck!’
Feb 8, 2019 10:57 AM
‘I definitely think she has a credibility issue’
Feb 6, 2019 2:50 PM
‘I’m perfectly in control, congressman’
Feb 5, 2019 2:19 PM
‘Because I know him; I don’ think he has chance’
Feb 1, 2019 10:41 PM
‘He’s a good person and I like Cory Booker’
Feb 1, 2019 3:13 PM
‘The problem today is not the vitriolic words of the bad people but the appalling silence and inaction of the good people’
Feb 1, 2019 11:43 AM
‘It’s our duty to respond appropriately’
Feb 1, 2019 9:20 AM
‘The only thing that works for security and safety for our country is a wall’
Jan 31, 2019 1:12 PM
‘If you’re worried about Texas, you know, you may as well give up the game’
Jan 30, 2019 11:16 AM
‘A president to get things done in this constitutional republic needs to be a consensus builder, CEOs aren’t wired that way’
Jan 29, 2019 2:56 PM
‘And the fact that the CNN producer in question is a former assistant to James Comey at the FBI and formally worked for the FBI, his claim that he just had a hunch is not credible’
Jan 28, 2019 10:31 AM
‘I know from my trips to Russia, everything you do and say is being listened to and is being followed’
Jan 18, 2019 2:59 PM
‘This was really, really unfortunate and in my judgment somewhat unbecoming of a presidency’
Jan 9, 2019 3:40 PM
‘That was one of the worst apologies, excuses, I’ve ever heard’
Jan 3, 2019 3:39 PM
‘It strikes me as a classic tit for tat strategy that Vladimir Putin has used in the past’
Jan 2, 2019 11:56 AM
‘If Nancy Pelosi and Democrats really believe in border security, if they want to make sure that we are a nation of laws, I’m eager to see their plan’
Jan 2, 2019 9:42 AM
‘What we have seen from her is that she is unwilling to actually do anything until she gets her speakership’
Dec 28, 2018 3:31 PM
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