
Pelosi Promises to Raise Taxes on All Income Levels if Dems Retake House by Repealing Tax Reform

‘We’ll sit down at the table and say … what would be a tax bill that creates growth, that creates good paying jobs as it reduces the deficit?’
By Grabien Staff

MODERATOR: “Assuming that you flip Congress, will you rewrite the tax bill from scratch, reversing specific components?”
PELOSI: “Let me just say this, because on the big complaints about what they did with the tax bill is they did it in the dark of night at the speed of light. They didn’t even know what they did. You know, they’re already trying to correct it here and there and everywhere. And they know what their purpose was, they knew the damage it would do. It had some collateral damage even for their wealthy friends in the government that they’re trying to correct. So what we’re saying is, when we win, and we will win, we’ll sit down at the table and say, ‘What would be a tax bill that creates growth, that creates good paying jobs as it reduces the deficit?’ It’s not about chipping at this piece or that piece, it’s about a comprehensive look at what our tax policy should be for the future.”

(via NTK Network)

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