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Transcript: Pelosi Eight Hour Speech Celebrating DREAMers (Feb. 7, 2018)

The following is a rough and uncorrected transcript:


Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I thank the gentlelady for yielding. I congratulate her on her extraordinary leadership as the ranking democrat on the financial services committee. She has been a champion for America’s working families. Protecting consumers, protecting the taxpayer. Doing so in a very balanced way sensitive to the needs of all parties concerned. I’m so proud of her leadership and service, thank you congresswoman waters. I rise in opposition to the bad bill for hardworking Americans that's on the floor today. simply named the mortgage choice act provides anything but choice. Instead it raises costs on consumers and a few alternatives. this is yet another attempt to stack the deck further against working families. Mr. Speaker, this debate is an utter waste of time. Every courageous patriotic DREAMers lose their status. every day the American dream slips further out of reach. as members of congress, we have a moral responsibility to act now to protect DREAMers who are the pride of our nation and are American in every day but on paper. I use this occasion as opposing this bill to speak further about social justice in America. The American people want congress to pass a dream act. 84 percent of Americans support a path to citizenship to DREAMers or permanent status. 8 percent on the path to citizenship. 70 percent of Republicans back either citizenship or permanent status. The three b.'s, business, badges, our law enforcement community, bibles. are imploring congress to pass the dream act. Evangelical leaders to call on earlier this month I stood with the speaker to bring the dream act to a vote. pass the dream for the sake of family, fairness, and respect for the spark of divinity within every person. Political about protecting there is nothing partisan or DREAMers. if a dream act were brought to the floor, it would pass immediately with strong bipartisan support. and I commend my republican colleagues for their courage in speaking out on this. yet our DREAMers hang in limbo with a cruel cloud of fear and uncertainty above them. the republican moral cowardice must end. members of congress are trustees of the people and of our nation. why are we here if not to protect the patriotic young people who are determined to contribute and to strengthen America? I’m going to go on as long as my leadership minute allows. i'd like to speak to the bible in luke 10: 2537. the prabble of the good samaritan. teacher, he asks, what must I do to inherit eternal life? what is written in the law, he replied. how do you read it? Jesus answered, love the lord, your god with all your heart and your soul and all your strength and with all your mind. and love your neighbor as yourself. You have answered correctly, Jesus replied, do this and you but he wanted to justify will live. Himself so he asked Jesus, who is my neighbor? and replied Jesus said, a man going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he love your neighbor as yourself. by robbers they stripped him of you have answered was attacked his clothes, beat him, and went away leaving him half dead a priest happened to be going down the same road when he saw the man he passed to the other side of the road. so, too, a lee vite, when he came to the place and saw him passed on to the other side. but a samaritans as he traveled came where the man was and when he saw him he took pity on him. he went to him and bandaged his wounds, and then he put the man on his own donkey, brought him to an inn and took care of him. the next day he took out money and gave them to the incooper. look after him, with and when I return I’ll reimburse you for any extra expense they have. which of these three do you think was the neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of the robsers. the man who had jersey on him. Jesus told him, go and do likewise. the parable of the good samaritan is one that has been used over and over again to welcome strangers. samaritans were not friends to the person that the samaritan saved. but he was a man of justice. we all know how proud we're of America as a land of opportunity, the land of the American dream. which for decades and centuries have attracted people to our shores. to make a future for -- future bert for their families. in doing so, they subscribe to the vows of our founders. new order for the ages, it says on the great seal of the United States. a new order. and that meant that every -- was predicated on the idea every generation would take responsibility to make the future better for the next. it became known as the American dream. People flocked to our shores. Bringing their determination, their hope, their courage to make the future better for their families. doing sorks as I said, they subscribed to the -- doing so, as I said, they subscribed to the values of our founders, to make the future better. that's why our country would be a new order for the ages. so how proud we're to have a statue of liberty welcoming people to our shores. in the words -- in the Lazarus inscribed on the statue it said not like the brazen giant of Greek fame with conquering lens astride from land to Lazarus inscribed on the statue it said not like land, here our sea washed sunset gates stand a mighty woman with a torch whose flame is imprisoned -- has imprisoned lightning, her name motherer exiles, from her beacon hand goes worldwide welcome, her mild eyes command. words that are music to the ears of everyone who loves freedom. Keep ancient hands your starried pup. give me your tired, poor, humble masses yearning to live free. Teeming shores send these the wretched refuge of your homeless tempest tossed to me I lift my lamp beside the golden door. with those words America has been a beacon to the world and how proud this has made us. America is great, some say, because America is good. and this manifestation of our goodness is one that is historic. in responding to the call to the statute of liberty who must by now have tears in her eyes having heard some of the debate on immigration, I want to read some of the DREAMers who came to our -- who came to our shores. Maybe through land or by sea. I want to talk about lieu viss, Luis, luis came to the United States when he was 5 years old and grew up in poverty. Today he's an agriculture ambassador at college of the sequoias and works to help students improve their grades. Working to help students improve their grades. Following the repeal of DACA, Luis constantly worries about his ability to continue working in order to afford his education. he is one of four siblings also attending college that are also DACA recipients. is one of Jacqueline, her DACA expires this month. she was raised in the city of chicago much she's an undocumented American aspiring to earn a bachelor's degree in graphic science design. Her education is her priority. ever since she was in elementary school, throughout high school she had serious doubts about her future due to her status. But never stopped her from pursuing higher education. She went on to community college, working at a part-time job and earning a few scholarships that eventually added up to afford tuition. Her mother, a single mother, would not be able to contribute to her education after high school, it was her choice and responsibility to work her way financially through college. Thanks to scholarships like the Illinois dream fund and the dream -- of the dream u.s. and other community scholarships, she was lucky to follow through higher education. something that most of her undocumented peers would not have the chance to do. her dreams are -- the same dreams of other undocumented Americans to persevere in this great country. hector suarez, he's a DACA recipient from Greensboro, north carolina. he's been a recipient for DACA for the past six years. this may come to an end in January -- on January -- well, it came to an end on January 21. graduate in may with a degree he is currently on track to in philosophy and education. As the student body president and honor scholar at gilford college, this part of his curriculum to serve in the local community. he has served as an after school tutor at a local community center that services predominantly latino community as well as assisting in classrooms andcocome school. his plan for after graduation is to enroll in teach for America since it is his only opportunity for being a teacher while being a DACA recipient. once it was rescinded in december these plans for America since had to be delayed. without DACA he will not have the opportunity to keep serving the community in greater ways. hector's DACA expires five days before the teach for America january deadline. this is why he needs there to be a resolution as soon as possible so he can move forward with his plans of mentoring the future leaders of America. Mr. Speaker, I bring this up because as you know the discussions and negotiations on the caps bill, the budget bill are making progress and perhaps soon-to-be coming to an end. on that score, so far as what I know, the budget caps agreement, which will be announced today, includes many democratic priorities, bipartisan priorities, with the disaster recovery package and dollar for dollar increases in the defense and nondefense budget. democrats have secured money to invest across America. strengthen our veterans and the n.i.h., build job creating rural infrastructure and broadband, and fund access to childcare and quality higher education. . that's something that was negotiated, our input between leader mcconnell -- mitch mcconnell and leader chuck shumer. but mitch mcconnell -- chuck schumer. but mitch mcconnell also made a commitment to his members -- made a commitment to his members that he would bring up a dream bill to the floor of the senate in an appointed time. so why can't we have some kind of commitment on this side of the aisle that enabled e discussion to take place on a values-based place? here we asked the speaker if he would bring up the hurd-aguilar bill, which is bipartisan, would win if brought to the house, has sufficient number of republican co-sponsors. thank you for your courage to go public. but others that said they would vote for it. but we would like the speaker to bring that and any bills to be considered. the bill with the most votes becomes prevailing -- either support what the senate has done or to reconcile what the senate has done. that is a simple request. that is a simple request that the house democrats and in a bipartisan way others have joined in asking the speaker to bring a bill to the floor, to give us that commitment. why should we in the house be treated in such a humiliating way when the republican senate leader has given that opportunity in a bipartisan way to his membership? what's wrong? there's something wrong with this picture? . that's why this morning when we took a measure of this caucus on support of the package -- well, we have to see all the particulars of it yet, but there are good things in it -- that does nothing to even advance, even with a commitment, without having passed the legislation first to advance bipartisan legislation to protect DREAMers in this house. without that commitment from speaker ryan, comparable to the commitment from leader mcconnell, this package does not have my support, nor does it have the support of a large number of members of our caucus. so then I go on to some other -- I always am reminded in all these debates about our commitment to faith. in god we trust, it says that right over the speaker's chair. in the gospel of matthew, it has been an inspiration to many on either side of the aisle in terms of what our values are and how we make choices. and when -- in the gospel of matthew, he writes, when the son of man comes in his glory and all the angels with him, he will sit on his glorious thrown. all the nations will be gathered before him and he will separate the people from one another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. he will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left. then the king will say to those on the right, come, you are blessed by my father, take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. and the sheep will ask -- christ goes on to say, for when I was hungry you gave me something to eat. I was thirsty, you gave me something to drink. I was a stranger. I was a stranger and you invited me in. I needed clothes and you clothed me. I was sick and you looked after me. I was in prison and you came to visit me. then the righteous will answer, lord, when did I sigh you hungry and feed you or thirsty and give you something to drink?
the lord says, when you see us -- what did you see a stranger invite them in and clothing you -- he's asking the lord. and when did you see and in prison and I visited you? the king replied, truly whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine you did for me. that's always important. everybody knows that. the least of my brett ren -- however, the king goes on to say -- say to those on the left, the goats, depart from me you are cursed in the eternal fired prepared for the devil and his angels. for when I was hungry you gave me nothing to eat. when I was thirsty you gave me nothing to drink. when I was a stranger you did not invite me in. when I needed clothes you did not clothe me. when I was in sick and in prison you did not look after me. they say, when did I see you and did not help you? they will reply, truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these you did not do for me. not only positive of what you did you did for me, it's what you did not do when I was a stranger, you did not help. then, it will go into eternal punishment, the righteous will go into eternal life. so anyway, more stories about our DREAMers. and why they are honoring -- why they honor the vows of our founders. why they deserve our support. we're just talking about this discreet group of people, have the command and support of the American people. one is from ponca city, oklahoma. one is working as a medical assistant and trying to pursue a career in nursing and volunteers with casa, city rescue mission and rebuilding together oklahoma city. to address issues of poverty and homelessness in her city. with DACA, was able to apply for a driver's license and work legally. however, because her application was caught up in postal delays, isela was not able to get her renewal and DACA will expire january 20 -- already expired january 20. because of this she will have to take a semester off from school and she is facing disruption in her life. this is really important to note because the people -- some of the people in the white house have been saying, nobody's being deported. well, we'll see about that. but they're saying these people are protected. they're not protected. and you heard the characterization that the president's chief of staff made about some of these people, about being lazy or whatever it is. I think our discussions on the economy in a separate context we've seen how few Americans would be able to rise to the occasion immediately if they had a $500 unsuspected bill that had come their way. whether their water heater broke or whatever it is, it will be challenging. it would be disruptive to their lives. it would be hard for them to have an expendable -- immediately expendable $500. but that's what it takes to sign up to what the president -- signup that was required by the president after his september announcement. so it's not about being lazy or, yes, probably about fear, too, that mr. kelly -- general kelly mentions that. but it's about not understanding the situation of fear and of contribution, the beautiful contribution that people make to -- the DREAMers make to our country. it's ok -- isel came 7 and attempted to adjust her status with her families, she aged out of eligibility at 21. she was able to apply for DACA when she was 17 years old. in new mexico, dahlia immigrated to the United States from mexico. she's a licensed mental health therapist provided services to at-risk youth for those in new mexico. she's trying to open her practice to continue aiding families in her state. she recently obtained a masters degree in clinical social work and previously earned a bachelors degree in criminalology and psychology. all of these people are making such an -- wonderful contribution to our society. because they have courage and they have values and they have purpose in their lives. these stories were given to me by our colleagues as they have taken up the cause of many of these DREAMers. but it is not enough. we have no right to talk about DREAMers and to tell their stories and take pride in their actions unless we are willing to take action to support them. and we have that opportunity today by asking the speaker of the house to give us a vote. what are you afraid of? give us a vote. let the house work its will. senator mcconnell -- mitch mcconnell is enabling the senate to work its why. why should the house of representatives be constrained, especially on such a values-based issue as who we are as a nation and recognizing our biblical responsibility to each other? nicole robles from houston, texas, she was born in mexico. her family immigrated to the United States when she was 6 months old and she faces deportation. in less than 100 days her DACA will expire. I’m anxious. this is now much less than 100 days. I’m anxious, she says, because I’m graduating high school in a few months and want to start college august of next year. how would I do that without my DACA? there are so many barriers to higher education when you're not documented. with the dream act, undocumented students will have a sense -- see, what the dream act gives them is a documented sense of security and opportunity to go to school, to get a job, to care for their families, to continue their studies in college and university, she says. I want that security and opportunity to deserve that we need congress by the end of the year so that more people don't reach their expiration dates. now, let me say that we talked mostly about education, people working in education and social activities to help other people do their best. but many of our DACA -- our DREAMers have served in our military with great courage and great patriotism to the only country that they know. and, again, using my leader's minute, I want to make sure that the record is clear about what this debate is about. it's about honoring our own commitment to the statue of liberty to the founding fathers in terms of making this is land where one generation would take responsibility to make the future better for the next. and that brings to mind another person from new mexico, albuquerque, urilia. growing up I was reminded of my immigration status every day by my mother. 20 years later I realized she did this to prepare our family for the imminent day our family would face a be deportation and that could be today because my DACA has expired. DACA is what allowed me to pass through the immigration checkpoints safely. I am a survivor of slault sexual assault. with DACA I was able to approach the police to report the person who assaulted me. trump has put border residents and survivors of assault in jeopardy. this is not how this country should treep immigrant youth and our families. just want to know why we are making this plea. this is a human plea to the speaker, a prayerful human plea to the speaker. it's almost 40 hours. this morning when I first met with my colleagues in our meeting at 8:00, it was exactly 40 hours until midnight tomorrow. 40 is a meaningful fraught -- a number fraught with meaning in our religious lives. 40 years, old testament, 40 years of moses and the jews in the desert. 40 years christ was in the desert himself. 40 days, the length of time of lent. and therefore 40 hours is a catholic devotion that many of us grew up with. and we have that same 40 hours from 8:00 this morning until tomorrow night at midnight to be prayerful, to be prayerful and to show our purpose and to show why we're asking the speaker for this vote. I have great admiration for the work that is done in a bipartisan way on the budget bill. of course, it's not everything we want, but there are many good things in it. and I just can't explain to the DREAMers or to my colleagues why we should be second-class members of congress in this house without a commitment from the speaker, that's Mitch McConnell, gave to the senators that there would be a vote on the floor, to let congress work its will. what are you afraid of? are you afraid the dreamer bill will pass? The work of Mr. Hurd and Mr. Aguilar working with other members to shape a bill that would recognize concerns that the president has and others have to put a bipartisan bill there that should attract the support of the president. Instead, we're hearing words that are hard to process from the white house, but nonetheless recognizing that we have to go down this path together. We all believe, as the bible tells us, there is a spark of divinity in every person, and that we must respect that spark of divinity. Tomorrow will be the prayer breakfast and that's a solemn occasion in Washington, D.C., and we're always thinking in terms of Christ. Christ became man. He brought his divinity -- his assuming humanity brought his divinity to us so that we participate in his divinity. Every one of us. We have to remember that not only does it exist in every person we encounter but it exists in us. It exists in the president of the United States and his staff and all of the people who elected him. That’s a beautiful thing about it all. . That spark in each of us has to relate to other people and treat them with respect. What kind of country would we be, how would we judge other countries, if they said we have several hundred thousand people who came here as children and now we're sending them back where they came from. We would make a judgment about those countries that that was outside the circle of civilized human behavior. And yet, and yet we have something to do about that right now. I want to talk to you about Juan Carlos from Oregon. He said, I immigrated to the United States when I was 3 years old with my parents because I needed medical treatment for cerebral palsy. I went through six surgeries and 12 years of physical therapy and walked for the first time when I was 15. Growing up I did well in school but felt struck because I didn't know how to go to college. With the help of my counselor I was able to apply for private scholarships and attend a community college. I’m at western Oregon University where I’m inspired to start my own group of undocumented young people like me. I’m getting my masters there and part of the college student service administration program with the dream of one day making higher education accessible to low-income and undocumented students. without DACA I no longer have health insurance through an employer. I suffer from depression and suicidal thoughts. that's why I visited my members of congress to urge them to pass the dream act because my life and health are on the line. patricia was born in el salvador. she said I have mixed status family. my parents have t.p.s. I have one u.s. citizen brother and two sisters and I have DACA. we need the dream act now because one of my sisters' DACA expires on march 6, 2018. pretty soon the rest of my sisters and I could loose our protections, too. our parents are already using their t.p.s. protections because trump terminated the program. I want the government to recognize us as part of society and know that this is our home. we contribute to our communities even without papers. my family wants to be able to stay together and feel safe to work, drive, and travel. here she says, I want to repeat this, we contribute to our communities even without papers. as an Italian-American who grew up at a time when I did not feel any prejudice or bias or if I did I thought it was the other person's problem, papers. as an Italian-American who grew up at a time when we italian Americans think there are only two kinds of people, those who are italian American, those who want to be. my father's generation and grandfather's generation. great grandmother's generation it was a different story. there was a term called w.o.p. people used that as a derogatory term to italian Americans. you know what it means, Mr. Speaker? w.o.p. means without papers. without papers. that's what these people were called. and that's all that these kids without papers. are. without papers. and every other way, strong participants in our society, in rr community, and in our country. so again, just give us a chance to have a vote, Mr. Speaker. another day will come when we can talk about comprehensive immigration reform. we can talk about this, that, and the other thing. but right now the hurd-aguilar bill whatever is being put together in the senate recognizes our responsibility to protect our borders, recognizes the value of immigration to our country, hopes, dreams, aspirations, making America more American every newcomer who comes. I truly believe that. the constant reinvigoration of America. a maximum can-born individual, writes, we still don't know a lot about cancer. we still don't know about genetic diseases. my research at texas tech goes it uses pure math mathematics to the heart of that. to look at wull-y all don't know about genetic diseases. my these genetic diseases exist and how. so someday we can come up with cures for them. we're paragraph from that point but this is the challenge I work on. in addition to conducting research at texas tech, I taught undergraduate students as a teaching assistant. this past semester I got to teach anatomy and one of my students was blind and had a service dog. it was a blessing, great experience to teach her anatomy. something that she got to touch and feel to learn. it taught me a lot of patience, what it's like to work alongside my American students and peers, and I’m just as much a part of their lives as they are of mine. if DACA is repealed, I would be out of job immediately and I won't be able to teach my students. I won't be able to continue conducting the research I’m conducting right now. this research could help scientists understand diseases like cancer and lay down a path toward a cure. without DACA I can't continue. I wanted to just say this. I think that there is a lack of understanding and we should have made it clear on the other side of the aisle and with the white house about what the president's action in september did. the president may be in good spirits thought by giving us a march 5 deadline he was giving a six us six months reprieve to DREAMers, but what he was doing was making matters worse for thefment it was most unfortunate. most -- for them. it was most unfortunate. most unfor the -- unfor the nafment while they maintain the status of dreamer, they did not have the protection of the DACA executive order that president obama put forth. perhaps it would have been better if president trump had said, I’m giving a six-month -- congress six months to pass a bill but I’m not changing the status quo that protects the status, protects the DREAMers. just on that point, president obama when he protected the DREAMers and their parents, what he did was significant. but it was not as significant at what president reagan did in the 1980's. president obama acted because congress would not act. he took action. president reagan acted after congress did act. the immigration act of 198 -- 1986. president reagan said interesting but you did not go far enough. he instituted by executive order family fairness. and in the family fairness continued under president george herber walker bush. two -- herbert walker bush. two great presidents for immigration in our country. what they did protected with their executive orders, which stood the test of court cases, with their executive orders protected a higher 3ersage -- percentage of people than what president obama did. two republican presidents, two great champions on immigration. even after congress acted they said you didn't go far enough. president obama had to act because congress would not act. then we come forward with president clinton following in that tradition. president george w. bush, great president on would not act. immigration, couldn't convince his own party to pass comprehensive immigration reform, but his statements, his values-based policy on immigrants is something to this day and his current statements are so beautiful and inspirational. about treating people with dignity and valuing their worth as we talk about immigration. so this president -- of course president obama doing what he did in terms of executive orders, protecting people, and the tradition of ronald reagan and george herbert walker bush and with the common values of george w. bush and president clinton. now we have the first republican president in modern times, the first president, really, who is anti-immigrant. and that is just such a change from his own party. it makes it hard to see where we can have shared values. certainly one piece of that debate which would require fuller stimulation of fact, see what the best path forward is, is important for us to do. but for now because of the action that the president took, it necessitates us taking action here. as the president anticipated by putting a march 5 deadline on t we'd like to do it sooner -- it. we'd like to do it sooner. this is a vehicle leaving the station. if the Republicans need our support for this legislation, which has many good features, and I commend the negotiators on it and was a part of that, unless we can get the same commitment that mitch mcconnell gave the bipartisan group of legislators in the senate we would like that same response to our bipartisan group. I want to talk about jaime. to me georgia is my home. I’m proud to be from the south and I love to give back to my community. I tell everybody I’m a latino that grew up eating tortillas and grits at the same time. in north georgia is home. for somebody to say, hey, you can't get some in-state tuition a place I consider my state was really heartbreaking. I felt out of place. right now I feel optimistic because I believe the greater part of the country understands you can't support 750,000 individuals. these are individuals who give back to their community, they are involved in their churches, they have ph.d.s, they are creating jobs, and just want to make this country a better place. when president obama announced DACA to me it was a life changing experience. I felt I was finally given a decent chance to be somebody in to contribute to my state. this country. to contribute to my community, get a job just to get back and be somebody in the greatest country on this earth. that's the patriotism of our DREAMers. when DACA was introduced to open the doors to many things, even doors I didn't think were imaginable to open, my name is jaime, I was born in mexico but came to this country when I was only 3 months old. as the president said, he loves the DREAMers. he loves the DREAMers. he loves the DREAMers. these people came to this unot off their own volition, through no fault of their own. I myself thank their parents for bringing them here because they are a blessing to America, but from their standpoint through no fault of their own. why can't we be fair and give them a break? javier came from next dough. I invest in the next generation of my cal tech solutions. when I was working in a convenience store I had big aspirations. the moment DACA was passed, it put everything in perspective and I made a conscious effort to focus on my career. I ended up pursuing a career as a software engineer. I went to school at cal state university northridge. I studied economics and biotechnology after working as a saft wear engineer in silicon valley. I moved to brooklyn, new york. I now work in a venture capital turning a small venture fund that invests in early safe life science and frontier technology start-ups. as the c.e.o., DACA being repealed does not only affect me t. could affect the start-ups which I work and my ability to invest in them and their ability to continue to grow and employ workers. hundreds of workers across the country. I’m a DACA recipient from mexico city, I came to the United States when I was 5. he did not come alone. did he not. he was brought here by his parents. so many of our DREAMers here, they are called DREAMers because they are big dreams, entrepreneurs, teachers, they are researchers in science. they are in our military. they are making such a fabulous contribution to the future of our country. it's not just about them. this DACA repeal that we're making. it's about us. who are we as a country? how do we honor the vows of our founders. the statue of liberty and her appeal to the world that has made America such a beacon of hope. the list goes on and on about many, many DACA recipients. and I intend to read them all. but in addition to that I want to go back to the bible because the -- coy have brought the bible here and just read the bible and said if we're people of faith, as we, in god we trust, as we contend to be, we must, we must act upon our faith, act upon our values. people always say to me, where is hope? where should we find hope? hope is in god we trust, sitting there where it always has been right between faith and charity. . people have hope because they believe in god and the future of our -- faith in our country and themselves, their families and they have faith in the goodness, the charity of others that people, when given the chance, will do the right thing and then hopefully that will be returned to them when they need hope and can have faith in the goodness of others. I want to tell but maria from connecticut. she said, I didn't let anything keep me sfransing academically. when high school aeneded I couldn't attend the university of my dreams. I was getting all these acceptance letters. I couldn't go to these schools because I didn't have a social security number. this is the point, my colleagues, you can't get a social security number, and therefore I wasn'tible eligible for financial aid. I couldn't pursue the dreams I had been hoping for but did I not let my undocumented status hold me back from continuing to advance academically. I enrolled at gold gateway community college. graduated with 3.8 g.p.a. to then be able to attend univeity.y. I graduated magna cum laude. it's surreal, she says, to work -- wake up every day and be reminded even though I have been living in America in the past 18 years, all my honors and education may not end up mattering anymore because I can't contribute to the country which I have called home for so long. my name is maria. I was born in peru and moved to the United States when I was 5 years old. documentation after documentation of how young these children were when they came to the United States. all because their parents wanted to make the future better for them. andrea writes, my dad was a fighter pilot in the peruvian air force so I grew up with lots of military influence. in high school I joined new jersey rotc which was the junior rotc and I was there for 1/2 years. it gave me the taste of maybe what my dad may have lived when he was in the military. I just lost him -- I lost him when I was only 6 years old so I never got to know that part of him. I always thought in the back of my head when I graduate I’m going to join the military. when I was in my junior year I realized I couldn't enroll in the military because I was undocumented. I was sitting with a recruiter, air force recruiter and asked, what's your social security. when I told him, well, I don't have one -- meaning social security number -- he said, what about your passport? I have a peruvian passport. you don't have to either -- you have to be u.s. resident or citizen to be able to join. that was the first time I ever experienced that big wall of being undocumented like a big stop son saying no, you can't pursue this passion of yours. I didn't live a normal life until I got DACA. thanks to DACA I was able to pursue my career after graduating in marketing. I was able to build my professional nit work. help people. influence people. do all these things for my family and community. if that will take away everything I accomplisd, I worked for, that I helped people will just fall apart, shake the foundation who I am as a person. I was brought here by my mom when I was 11 years old. she lost her dad when she was 6. this idea of military service, many we got the a DACA stat protection served honorably in the military and we are very proud of them as we are proud of all of our men and women in the military. and I emphasize the story of hard work that these DREAMers have because they are very consistent with American workers. American people are so resourceful. they're so wonderful. they so care about their families and their communities. this is not to say DACA are different. it's to say they're just like us. we are very proud of the American people, of our -- the productivity of our work force, the faith of our families, the civic-mindedness and the generosity of spirit and really of resources of the American people. And by telling these stories is not to separate the DACA from them but to show how similar they are and how assimilated they are into our community. It’s mutually beneficial. Jose Manuel santobo from Texas, he said, my education was so that I could contribute to society. My last year at southern methodist university I began an engaged fellowship. I was selected to be commencement speaker for my graduated class and represented 600 other students. In my speech, he said, I thaad the faculty and staff at my university. I have teachers I looked up to my whole life who provided amazing educational opportunities regardless of the papers I had or didn’t have. I wanted to be able to work and I wanted to work in public service. In order to do that I would need to have DACA. I would need to have work authorization in this ilcountry. — In this country. My education wasn’t for me. My education was so I could contribute to society. My education was to give back to the community, give back to the country that has given me so much. I hope this Congress and president work to find a permanent solution to find us DACA recipients to give us a pathway to citizenship, in order to provide for ourselves and our families and ourcommunities. What Manuel said is he looked up to his teachers. He learned from others in our country, also demonstrating the beautiful commitment of the American people to teach, to shed light, to younger people, new comers to our country to make a valuable contribution. So in saluting, as I say, the DREAMers, we are saluting the opportunity they were given by the American people to make their contribution. Hopefully Congress will live up to the values of the American people. Overwhelmingly support theDREAMers. And see this as a separate issue, not just about the DREAMers, but about who we are as a country. Cesar vargas was born in Mexico. Holds a law degree and wants to become a military lawyer. He’s been advocating for immigration reform through acoalition called dream action coalition. It’s challenging lawmakers on their stance on immigration and highlighting the political power of voters. In his case, Latino voters. Kelly, just Kelly from Dover, New Jersey, Kelly is a student working toward becoming a medical assistant. She’ll be done with courses in January. However, without a Dake work permit she won’t be able to complete an internship to get her training, get a certified driver’s license. Understand this, you can’t have a Social Security card, passport, driver’s license. You can’t function as a person in our society without having your status protected by the dream act. So when people tell you it’s all protected, it isn’t. It isn’t. Listen to the stories. So, as I’m talking about Kelly, is a student working to become a medical assistant. However, without DACA she won’t be able to complete her training, get her driver’s license, as I mentioned. Kelly, just Kelly, has lived in New Jersey since she was 5 years old. She said DACA has given me a chance to drive, get a work permit, buy a car, get car insurance, things that benefit the community as well. Helped me not be stuck, not depend on others. Kelly’s DACA renewalapplication was rejected because she forgot to fill in a date of expiration. Date of expiration. When she received notice of the error she fixed it and sent the application back immediately. By then the arbitrary October deadline had passed. What kind of — another reason why we need to clear this up. Crystal, just crystal, is a single working mom of five U.S. Citizen children. She was born in the Bahamas and arrived in the U.S. At 6 years old. Crystal had hire fifth child only three weeks ago. She had been on unpaid leave from her retail job. Now her work authorization has expired she will not be able to return to work and her ability to provide for her kids will be impeded. What? Carlos of the Bronx. Carlos lives in the Bronx and undocumented member of her family. They care for Carlos’ younger sister who has severe cerebral palsy. His company wants to desperately keep him on as a employee. His DACA expires February. Carlos sent his DACA renewal application on September 18, 2017. Two weeks after the president’s announcement. But it was not received until December 11. He sent it on September 18. It was received on October 11. In the rejection letter he wasnotified he failed to fill in his DACA expiration date. The relevant information was included in a cover letter and other parts of the packet. Carlos arrived in the U.S. When he was 2 years old. New York is the only place he can call home. The expiration date was in the package but in one of the forms. It was not added. So he lost his protection. Saul from San Francisco, a — I have to mention that Kelly that I mentioned is a constituent of Rodney Frelinghuysen. And crystal, who was here from the Bahamas, is a constituent of Ted Deutch. Carlos is from the bronx, Joe Crowley. Saul is from San Francisco, a constituent of Jackie Speier. Saul aspires to be a teacher,Mr. Speaker. DACA allowed him to work in the field, education. Was able to get a driver’s license. Saul submitted a DACA renewalapplication September 30, well in time via USPS delivery, expressed delivery. He received notification of an error, which he fixed and re-submitted. However, his application was rejected as untimely. Augusta from Brooklyn. Expire in January, already. Within days of his 21st birthday he worked to go to school and his DACA expired. He won’t have means to pay his bills and the cost of school. What are we doing? What are we doing? Without papers, and now people who are striving to have their pammers on a technicality. A technicality. Really? Aren’t we supposed to be enabling people to make their contribution instead of hurting them with the process?It is, again, important to note. For our viewers to note that what people are asking for is nothing special. It’s asking them to honor what was there. When DACA recipients were told to sign up, they submitted considerable information about their lives. They effectively outed their parents. With the commitment that there would be protection for them. We heard many good bipartisanproposals to protect the DREAMers, to give consideration to parents so they would not be deported because they brought a child into the country and some of these parents have citizen children now who are also making a contribution to our society. And so it’s because people don’t understand the September 5 announcement by the president was very disruptive. Let’s hope that it was notintentional, and I don’t think it was. I have no reason to think that it was. But it did cause problems that perhaps were unforeseen and the system did not even allow for a correction in a form in a timely fashion because of dependence on when it was received to be jummed — judged, protection for those students. In fact, over 110 a day, DACA — DREAMers lose their protection. It’s over — approaching 20,000 already who are losing their protections. It will be more by the time of March 5, which is the deadline. We are going to reach a March 5 deadline or any deadline, we have to get on a timetable to do so. One timetable we have is the opportunity today to have a commitment from the speaker not to be afraid of DREAMers. Thank god for them. They contribute — we are a nation of DREAMers. That’s why they fit so comfortably in our society and contribute to it so beautifully. I’ll tell you about Augusta — well, I told you about him. I will tare you about Maryam, Rick Larsen’s constituent. From Honduras. Has lived her since 11 years old. Knows no other country. As a successful entrepreneur and owns three businesses. He submitted his DACA renewal application. It arrived on October 2, 2017. Submitted the processing fee for $465 instead of $495. That’s what it takes, $495. A lot of money. His entire case was sent back for that entire reason. With that rejection he received a green document stated, you are invited to resubmit yourapplication package after you have corrected the reasons for rejection. Place this letter on top of your application package. He fixed the processing fee, resubmitted his application with the green document on top of his application package. On October 31 he received the entire package in the mail with a rejection notice dated October 24 that stated uscis is no longer accepting DACAapplications. He’s been a DACA applicant for the last three years and is heart broken by the d.h.s.’s actions in rejecting his DACA. .Brittany was born in Trinidad and toe tageo and arrived in the United States at 3 years old. All of her friends and immediate and most extended family who are citizens and residents live near her in New York. She’s a full-time caretaker for a family in Brooklyn with two 14-month-old sons. One who has special needs and requires physical therapy. Although the child’s special need were not known when she was hired, she was risen to the occasion with grace, calm, and competence according to the family of the we’re devastated by the thought she may not be able to continue to work in this country. And no, we won’t find another caregiver who is as reliable, nurturing, and unshakable as Brit nifment she submitted her renewal application September 21 but sent back to her onOctober 5 because she forgot to sign her name in one place. She sent it back immediately but rejected. Untimely. Hugo in Texas, Houston, Texas. A 34-year-old father who lives in Houston, Texas. He came to the United States from Mexico when he was 6 andlived in Houston ever since. He he completed grade school and works at a — he completed works at a — he completed K through 1 in Houston. Hugo found out from one text message of a friend on September 6 that he needed to apply before October 5 or risklosing his DACAment he decided to quietly put together his application as his DACA was set to expire September 9, 2017. Hurricane Harvey, just hit the Houston area. While his home was not destroyed, the entire city of Houston was shut down. Including many businesses, his work was one of them. He had to borrow half the money for the application fee because he couldn’t get $495 together. He was unable to get it mailed until October 4, which still of deadline. Uscis received his application on October 6. On November 1, Hugo received a letter from uscis denying his renewal. You know if he got his application October 6 they knew it was mailed before October 5. In time. But they turned him they knew it was down. And that’s the — that’s why — the point I want to make here these are tents now that people have been — technicalities now that people have been turned down on. And would that we all could live up to the standard that has been set to sign in every place with the date and this and that even though theinformation is contained in the package. Even though hurricanes intervened in the mail service or the opportunity to put thepackage together. No mitigation. No consideration for that. That’s really hurricanes unfortunate because the American people arethe losers in all of that. Fernando writes, I arrived in the U.S. Age 2 wearing a pink parka and matching pants clutching my mom. She carried a single bag and abandoned her family in search of a Bert life. Besides nigh father in the U.S., my dad was already inAlabama and they were wanting to be by his side. And the year before his decision to leave Mexico he had been assaulted five times and abandoned her family in search of a Bert life. Besides nigh father in the U.S., my had his wedding band stolen twice. Since arriving to the states, they have been able to start four businesses and create jobs. They purchased two cars and put me through college. They also have helped their u.s.-born son reach his goal to being a professional soccer player and on the olympicdevelopment program team for the southeast region. Sheila Jackson Lee was with us in the chamber earlier. Her story is one of these young people living with uncertainty is Caesar, a dreamer from Houston who came to America from Mexico at the age of 6.Cesar adopted quickly to the Texas home and became a standout student ackseg at programs for the gifted and talented throughout his primary and secondary education. Faced with the constant threat of deportation, he and his family were forced to have an emergency plan in place in the event one of his family families were detained. Espinoza graduated from high school near the top of his class and was accepted into some of America’s most prestigious universities, including Yale. But his undocumented status prevented him from obtaining financial assistance nearly shattering his college ambition. He could have given up on thedegree instead he chose to make a difference. I know there are other young people just like me. They need someone to fight forthem and try to make a way. That’s instead he when he founded fiel, an immigrant rights organization based in Houston.Congresswoman Barbara Lee’s constituent, Emily,. A resident of Alameda, California. She came to the U.S. When she was 9 from her family in south Korea in the year 2000. She currently works the community health work in a federally qualified health center in Oakland, California. Serving underserved A.P.I. Community. She graduate interested U.C. Berkley in 2017 and been working as a community health worker ever since. Emily says DACA has changed her life and the lives of her family members. She was able to finally contribute to her family’s living expenses upon graduation and to continue to pursue her dreams. Emily is grateful for theprotection she received under DACA, but she’s also deeply concerned about her mother and friends who don’t have the sameopportunity to come out of the shadows. While my rights as a deserving American were justified that it was no fault of my own, itautomatically criminalizes my mother whose love, sacrifice, and resilience made it possible for my and my siblings to be where we’re today. I am thankful for her courage and sacrifice she made. Emily’s story’s a reminder that we must protect DREAMers but never give up the fight for comprehensive immigration reform. It’s past time for long to pass the clean dream act. Jose, 22 years old. When I was 4 years old, can you imagine, my parents took my little sister and me and packed up everything they owned. We got on a plane and headed to the United States to escape a country in which early stages of turmoil. My parents gave up everything they had to provide us with a sliver of a chance once they knew we couldn’t live in Venezuela. They made it a point to raise us well while shedding us from racism and fears of deportation. Eventually we came to understand how many doors were closed to us. We pray for something, anything, DACA was that something. DACA has given me hope and real chance. More importantly given me a voice.Can I proudly tell my story to anyone who is willing to listen. A story about a family who is determined persistence and pursuit of an American life. DACA’s removal would rip that away from us, ending DACA would hurt more than — much more than 00,000 people.People not just with dreams and aspirations but people that want to be seen, understood, and welcomed. They are your friends andneighbors — listen, this is so important. Your friends and neighbors. They are your schoolteachers, doctors, they need you to cometo their side and help. Call Congress. Have an open people that want to be seen, conversation, rely on facts. This goes on and on. It’s just seems like it’s just an easy rely on facts. This solution. There are plenty of challenges we have that are complex, comprehensive immigration reform. Issues that relate to how we prepare our country for jobs for the 21st century. How we prepare our workers and education system and the rest. But in all of that we have to be strong as a country. And to be strong as a country we have to be true to our values. To be true to our values is to respect, to respect the aspirations of true to our values. To be people who are our future. Our young people are our future. And these DREAMers are part of that. They have been. They have enriched our community.They have been enriched by our community. By the goodness of the American people. By the greatness of our country. And so our plea to the speaker is not just one for the DREAMers, our plea to the speaker is for us to — for us, for ourselves, to honor the vows of our founders, our pay tree arc,—patriarch, George Washington, and others who followed him. But also make it a beacon of hope to the rest of the world. Claudia came to the United States when she was 5. Her family brought me to a country I would call home, newlanguage, culture, way of life. I was brought here by loving parents who wanted what was best for my future. Running away from poverty and leaving family behind in hopes of a better life. DACA allowed me to have my chance at a better tomorrow. I am now medical assistant and third year student at the university of Utah. I am not an illegal alien. Nor am I a criminal or rapist. I am a human. I’m one of the 800,000 DREAMers who thrive for a better Fuhr. America’s my home. I didn’t choose to be undocumented but I do decide to keep fighting for what is right. I keep moving forward. Undocumented and unafraid. I am a dreamer and I am here tostay. Did I tell you about Juan? With much foresight on the oncoming political evidence, my parents fled Venezuela. In 2000. With my brothers and me in tow. We learned an immigration attorney mishandled our case which meant after six years of legal fees and paying taxes we were no longer on the path to U.S. Citizenship. By the time President Obama announced a deferred action forchildhood arrivals program in 2012, I graduate interested Florida state university with a political science degree. I fought and lost two legislative fights to support the 2012, I dream act. Helped enact a law in Florida that would provide in-state tuition for undocumented students across the state and helped organize thousands of DREAMers from across the country. Since 2013 DACA has froketted my brothers and me. I was able to return to F.S.U. For a master’s degree in public administration. I am a Tallahassee resident. Mella came to the United States at 6. I now lived in the United States for 21 years. Currently I work full-time as special education paraprofessional. April he also a college student. Working on my third college degree. How many of us can make thatclaim? In may of 2018 I’m be graduating sumea couple lady with a bachelor degree in elementary education. Aal leng I have had to overcome accepting situations out of my control and have the strength to lead me to prevail in the end. I went to college to become a nurse. In 2011 my junior year of college I graduated fromle could ledge with an associate degree in nursing. I was unable to get a license due to my status. I was embarrassed I could see former peers working as nurses and I wasn’t. Not because I was incapable but because hi never been taken the opportunity to get the license. I finished my senior year in college incapable but the state I reside in as changed to allow DACA recipients to receive driver’s license, professional license, and certification. That is a fwulte thing.We want that — beautiful thing but we want that for the whole country. Certain things, the contributions of DREAMers to our society, the work they do every day of with the American people of which they consider themselves to be a part. The benefits they have received from working and knowing people in our country. Benefit interesting the greatness of the American people. The reciprocity they have given back and honoring the American dream, working hard with a work ethic. An ethic of faith and family and community and a work ethic. Usually typical of an immigration community as many of us who are families from the immigrant community, which are all of us, unless we happen to be very blessed to be important a native American in our country. How beautiful some of the native American families in our country have been to our newcomers, to our country. Our country should all be that welcoming.I think our country is. That’s why the numbers are in the 80’s and 90’s in terms of support for the DREAMers and even in the 70’s among Republicans for a path to citizenship. Carlos writes, I am 19. Born in Mexico. I moved to Houston when I was a year old. A year old. Was raised there my entire life. I’m currently a student at the university of Texas, Austin. My biggest dream is to provide my parents with everything they need without them having to work. They sacrificed so much and continue to do so. I feel the least coy do DACA gives me that opportunity. Without it my dream has become uncertain. This — one of the things that I think many families in transition, that is to say the upward mobility of education in our country and length of time that families have been here, is the story of their respect for their parents. To see opportunities that they have, that DREAMers in this case have, but just take any people in our country, that one generation has tremendous opportunity because of the sacrifice of their parents and grandparents. . One of the attitudes aye heard from people, while they’re enjoying and grateful for everything they have and the opportunity to give back tosociety, they have a certain sadness that their parents didn’t have that same opportunity for education, reach their personal aspirations. Their aspiration was to make the future better for their children, they certainly were successful at that, but still among some young people, you hear, I wish my parents could have had this tint. How many people have ever said, if only my mother would have had this opportunity? That’s in every generation, practically, because the opportunities for women have changed so much. But in any case, I have a neighbor,est Palo alto, in the heart of Silicon Valley, writes, I grew up in the horte they have Silicon Valley before and after the bubble. Despite growing up in a community of violence — you may not know that, despite having so much. On weekends I helped my dad clean office buildings. I picked up trash, we filled the trash can in every room. Today I’m one of those inconference rooms white boarding with solve the toughest problems in big data. Imagine being sneaked in in the trash barrel, helping to clean offices and now being one of the working — the leader in the room, white boarding with engineers and managers.Anyone who thinks east Palo alto is a precious community doesn’t live there anymore. I had to become street smart and know as an immigrant and only child I wasn’t in a fogs fight back. I would keep a low pro file and I — the community of east Palo alto put many in touch with people, a couple volunteered — sponsored me from sixth to 12th fwrade. I met Christina, or Chris, who has been a mentor and friend. She helped me become a better reader and evenen chally edited a manuscript for a book. It aloud me to stay safe I feel couldn’t get a cell phone, if something happened to me I couldn’t call 911. I didn’t have a credit history. A stanforded me school student helped me out though the phone was under her name, I paid her in cash for part of my bill every month. So again, you see, no status new York credit, no Social Security number, no driver’s license, it’s debilitating and doubly worse because so many people are making such a valuable contribution to our society. Learning from the American people and giving back. Manarie said I’ll study political science in the fall. Coming to this country at 6 years old change midlife. Learning English, I — everyone in my family spoke span Arab and only had an elementary education. But this inspired me to dream big. After graduation, I hope to go to law school and become an immigration lawyer to help and give back to my community. I hope one day your status doesn’t discourage you but encourages and embraces democracy. So many stories of so many DREAMers, I want to see if we have some more from ourcolleagues in terms of the ones that they submitted, we had received all of these from our colleague. Some of them identified as being from them or not. All of them, again, proud, proud of these young people. Not only are DREAMers, but inspire the rest of us to dream. Mr. Speaker, I thank you for your courtesy. I’m not finished yet. I thaufpk for your courtesy in the interim and just to say I’mtaking this time because I think we have an opportunity now that is almost matchless. We’re at a moment when we can all come together to Dedo something really good for the country. Take an action that has bipartisan support. We have no right, any of us, toassociate ourselves with the aspirations of the DREAMers unless we are able to and willing and courageous enough to take action on their behalf. So while some of us have been more or less receptive to receiving DREAMers, learning from them, being inspired bythem, some have not been as exposed to these DREAMers and their stories as others. I think if you had been, I’m not saying you — maybe you just weren’t exposed to them, but maybe you’d be more receptive and this house listens to the voices of the American people who overwhelmingly support our DREAMers. I don’t know when we’ll have another opportunity that matches today for us to just get a simple commitment from the speaker of the house that he will give us a vote. There’s no guarantee. Have the debate.People will weigh in. They will make their voices heard. Congress again will work its will. But do not diminish this house of representatives, this people’s house, a place where we don’t have the right to express our views on the subject. So important to our country. That has such general support in the public. And yet the speaker of the house is saying, we don’t matter. Here members of the house. We don’t count in this consideration. Because maybe we just don’t have the courage to do what we need to do. I believe we do. I believe many people on the Republican side of the aisle have demonstrated even greater courage than some of us on thisside. It’s easy for me. But it’s also hard for me because we really, again, are in a position to do something and we feel helpless. That’s what the hard part is, helpless if our speaker of the whole house will not give this dignity to this house of representatives to be able to take a vote on the subject of broad debate in the country, but we can’t debate a bill on the floor of the house. The Senate has received that dignity. Has received that commitment. From Mitch McConnell from leader Mcconnell on the Republican side. But nonetheless, the Senate side, but responding to bipartisan support, bringing a bill to the floor with, again, no guarantees. The debate, we’ll see what path that legislation takes. But why a gag rule in the house of representatives? Why a gag rule? And that is why I am voicing some of the concerns today largely through the voices and stories of our DREAMers. We want to be sure that thepublic record of the Congress of the United States forever more will reflect the stories of their great cribs to America. In the hopes that those stories will move the speaker of the house to give us a vote, to elevate this house of representatives to its rightful place instead of diminishing us by saying the Senate may talk about these subjects that the American people care so much about. Not so fast in the house of representatives. That’s why I’m using my leadership minute to make sure that the record will show of themagnificent contributions of the DREAMers to our country. The courage it took for their parents to bring them here and again, members are sending in their stories. From Dallas, Texas, from Arizona state, let me read this one. This is about pitter patter, pitter patter, stretching out my hand to greet her she reiterated my name. Mr. Luis Roberto ucerra, class salutatorian, isn’t that great?Making the alu tombings ry address. I spoke out in a crowd of thousands. This is our day, ladies and gentlemen, the class of 2012,the last 18 years of our lives, everything we’ve accomplished, everything we’ve been through has led us to today. Reading these words allowed encouraged that I had made a difference. This is meant to be an honor, here I was 4.8 grade point average, 4.8 grade point average, all honors classes, ran student G.O.P. Government and some of the most successful blood drive misschool has seenand no way to do anything witism looked, watching people’s reaction, waiting for me to continue and so I did. An echo was heard around the amphitheater, dispersing my voice to everyone and back to myself. I spoke to everyone and here, four years later, we have to face that same feeling the bittersweet combination of nostalgia and excitement, the speech would have been great if I believed a word I was saying. It might have rang true to someone else but the advice coming out of my mouth meant nothing to myself. I could no longer follow my own advice. Governing laws didn’t allow undocumented immigrants to go straight to college.Those feelings were before DACA was announced. Ill still remember the chill going through my body when President Obama announced DACAfment I could continue my work legally and live peacefully in a world surrounded by fear. Through DACA I could achieve the by then college education. Ic come out of the shadows and have the — show the true potential I have without fear. It demn straited that people cared, people wanned to help and understand the situation. I recently restheaved dream U.S. Scholarship for which I will be forever grateful. I currently am an undergraduate student studying at Ohio state university. I arrived when I was 5 in the United States. I grew up American. I grew up speaking English. I grew up to call the United States home. This is my home. This is think country. I’m here to stay. Luis Roberto. Sofia deto la Varga, an E.M.T. Student. I was 5 years old, my mom told me we were going on vacation. I was excited. I gathered my teddy bear and book bag. When I was 15 I realized our 15 was more a permanent move from a dainls country my mother gave up her entire family for us. She left her brothers and mothers. Since I came to America I felt nothing but useless and not belonging. I grew up here. I want to live forever here. Yet never have I been given a chance to become a citizen because I was not born here. For the longest, I had been sick and tired of living in place where I’m not wanted. For so lock this place I call home, refuses to call me theirs. When people ask me where I’m from, I say America. My soul and heart is here. If I moved back, I wouldn’t like it. I wouldn’t have car, Internet, friends, and getting killed is a possibility every day. I wanted to leave many times my mom, the most wonderful soul on the planet, convinced me otherwise. She fled because since the day I was born they said they were tiing to rob, kidnap and kill her. My first year — when I first heard President Obama’s speech on DACA, I saw the light at the end of the tunnel. It was temporary but it felt reel real. I graduated high school top of my classes, I was blessed to earn a scholarship. I will be finishing out my E.M.T. School. I hope to complete two more years of paramedic. I have a brother that drowned when I was younger in my home country, the police didn’t arrive or ambulance even come. I nowkah da can be taken away,ewon’t be able to drive to my college or work to pay off my tuition. I will be deport. I pray for an opportunity to scotch feeling like that. There isn’t room for me here. It’s amazing the effect on public policy and people’s lives. And that’s why I want the record to show, again, everyone forever Mr in the history of the United States of America will know that these DREAMers are part of that history and their stories will be there to make judgments about us as to how we have responded to their greatness. . Vladimir says I’m an A.P. Scholar. I’m a college student, leader, recent of scholarships and also an illegal immigrant. I’m an illegal immigrant until the deferred action for childhood arrival, executive action by President Obama gave me the opportunity to live as a resident here in the United States. DACA’s opened many doors for DREAMers such as my sefment it’s made the path to success miles more tangible.Inspiring me to be the best I can. DACA was and is there to give a helping hand regarding my academic record, I am writing to boast about my accomplish manyment or ask for pity. I’m here to thank anyone and everyone who made DACA possible. Thanks to the creators of DACA gave me when the compassion of the world turned a blind eye my way. I only help the new administration understand why DACA is a vital part of every dreamer’s life. As a poverty stricken female immigrant I moved mountains to get where I am today. This never would have been possible. Playing an important role in my life, DACA is a pinnacle to the rights I cherish every day. Because of DACA I have been able to get my job to assist my family. It’s not easy. Working 30-hour plus shifts to be welcomed by school work especially since I graduated from a magnet school the science acid miff south Texas. A school notorious for itsworkload. My hopes lie in the again O rossity of this nation continues to allow all DREAMers a fighting chance for our future, hopes, and aspirations to become more than just DREAMers. Please, please let it be known all DREAMers appreciate the assistance this nation has given us through DACA. Futures have been opened for DREAMers who were once on certain roads. Thanks to the help of DACA I hope this nation does not give up on us. This nation continues to believe and see why DACA is necessary. This nation is all that most DREAMers have. Our nation — lives are under the weight of this country’s mercy. As much as we work, learn, pray, all we can do is hope, dream, for a hope of tomorrow, brighter road ahead a. Chance to dream again. This statement talks about praying.That’s why I’m so glad I mentioned at the beginning that the three B’s, the bible, the badges, and business community are so supportive of giving relief to the DREAMers. Let’s talk about the bible. I talked about the gospel of Matthew. The parable of the goodsamaritan. The dignity and worth of every American. Spark of divinity. Christ coming down bringing his divinity to humanity. Enabled our humanity to participate in his divinity. We have to respect that spark in others but be responsible for it in ourselves. And that is the challenge that we have. Hope sitting there between faith and charity. The goodness of others. We all have hope that when wehave needs, we believe, we have safe that others will be there for us. That’s what America is about. America’s great because Americais good. Say it over and over again. This fabulous, greatest country in the history of the world. Think about T our founders howcourageous they wrfment they decided to declare war on the greatest naval power then in the world, the British Navy, military. They declared in the declaration of Independence their grievances against the king, but they also stated their aspirations. Aspirations about people being created equal. No country has ever been founded on that principle before. Unalienable rights under god, just remarkable. Bestowed on them by their creator. This is a remarkable people. And then they fought the war, won the war. They established our founding documents. My daughter wrote a movie on it . Didn’t write it because it was written by the Founders.Words that made America. Our declaration, our constitution, our bill of rights. Thank god they had the brains to make our constitution amendable. In it being amendable it became this incredible document with the bill of rights and then others that we take an oath to protect and defend. At the same time as they did that, they created the faith seal of the United States of America. I referenced it earlier. It’s on the dollar bill. You see that triangle with the eye. Used to scare me when I was little. What’s that? A pyramid with an eye? Under it it says, forever, and ever, and ever, but in this it’s new order of the ages. They had so much confidence in what they had established and what they were doing that was so new and fresh to the world they became a beacon to the world.But in doing this new order for the ages, they had confidence and optimism that this would last forever because it was predicated on the idea every generation would take responsibility. Make the future better for the next. I said earlier the American dream, people block to our shores. Bring their aspirations, hopes, determination, courage to make the future better for their families. And then in adopting — their traits were like American traits. Characteristics of optimism, hope, and courage and making the future better. All these newcomings to our — newcomers to our shores they made America more American with their commitment to a better future for their families. That continues to this day. And these people now, these young people, are called DREAMers. Their parents had a dream for them to bring them to our country. But they completely adopted to our way of always being DREAMers, about a better future in our country. They learned from the American people. They taught the American people. It’s a beautiful relationship. And now we have an opportunity to show our greatness as a country. To honor the vows of our founders, the courage they had to find a path, a solution, a result so that we can put this aside and address other issues that relate to immigration, which are a bigger picture. More complicated. Take more time. Require more public debate. Why can’t we just do this? This is discreet.Congresswoman Michelle Lujan Grisham, chair of the Hispanic caucus, said this so beautifully when we testified before the rules committee on immigration. On the dream act. She said, think of this bill like chip. Chip, our children’s health insurance program. It’s about the children. It’s not a bill that talks about universal health care. The whole health care system of our country. It’s about the children. We have the immigration issue similar to being a big comprehensive issue. But then we have this little piece that is for the children. I think it was a perfect analogy. Chip is health care for the children. It doesn’t address the whole health care system.Changes that people may want to make and improve. Or change. It’s about the children. An easy path for us to go down.Recognizing that it is not a substitute for what we need to do to address immigration reform in our country. But a first step, not a step instead of. And it’s a confidence building step that we can find common ground in a bipartisan way. We must. If it’s goingrecognizing that it is not to be sustainable. Just as the bill was in 1986 that president Reagan improved upon with his family fairnessinitiative. So that’s why let’s just think about the children. We should always be thinking about the children. They are the future. They own the future. They are it. When children come to Washington, D.C., and they visit and see how we honor our founders, George Washington, Lincoln, later to save the union, but earlier Thomas Jefferson, etc., walk these halls and see tributes to people who went before, we say in most cases this is about respecting Jefferson, the contributions these people made to our country. Especially our big monument on the mall and most recently reverend martin Luther king Jr. There. We honor them. We learn from them. We value them. But what we do here is values based and how they taught us, but it’s about the future. And this is about how we can go into the future making distinctions, discerning, discerning having the ability to say, there’s some things we can get done, let’s do them.Other things take more time. Let’s build confidence, build bridges in what we do. Again, always trying to do it with bipartisanship, with transparency so people know what the debate is and what’s in the bill, and with the — that brings unity to our country. I think that is very possible. I’m very proud to read these statements into the record. I will continue to do so. During the night when I wasthinking and praying so hard about our DREAMers I thought maybe we should just pray all day on the floor of Congress. Maybe I should bring my rosary, blessed by the pope, his holiness, pope Francis, or the one before that, Benedict. I have had the honor andprivilege of receiving rosaries blessed by several popes in my lifetime. But I always remember what pope Benedict when he came, he spoke so beautifully. His first encyclical is called god is love. In it he quotes 17 centuries ago it was said any government that is not formed to promote justice is just a bunch of thieves. That’s what St. August continue said — Augustin said 17 centuries ago. He, Benedict, goes on to say sometimes it’s hard to define what justice is, in doing so we must beware of the dazzling blindness of power and special interest. That’s what he said. But this doesn’t have any of that. This has social justice, it has camaraderie, it has goodspirit, and it’s based on faith, hope, and charity. Hope Francis when he came spoke so beautifully as he always does about respecting immigrants. He is living in a much more complicated world of immigrants coming into Europe. But again respecting thedignity and worth of every person. He came here in this chamber and spoke about few subjects as you recall, one of them waspoverty and how we respect the dignity and worth of people that god — Christ mentioned so many times. As we know, poor people are mentioned in the bible. Hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of times because of how important our responsibility is to them.But he also talked about immigration. Talked about immigration — immigration in a very important way. As I get his statement, I willthen read from Gloria, a medical assistant from Dallas, Texas. I am a girl who you graduated next to. A girl who talked to you daily. A girl who has finally decided to step away from the shadows and into the light for to you see her. See me for who I am not someonetold you who I would be. I’m immigrated to the whuns I was a year old with my parents. My parents had taken the decision to immigrate due to being in a country that offered no future for their families. Even though both my parents ran a successful business and my mom had a college education, the violence and unemployment was you graduated next to. A girl who talked to you daily.The first place we called home was a small apartment in Dallas, Texas, who we shared with another family. We lived in Texas for a year. Moved to statesville, north Carolina. Then the outskirts of the little down in run down trailer homes. I made a makeshift bed out of a piece of cardboard and blanket. After months of saving money my dad finally had enough to rent an apartment near downtown statesville. After nine years we moved to Texas. Growing up my parents never hid the fact I was undocumented from me.They always told me just because you are not born here does not mean you are any less. Are you loved by many regardless what you might hear on TV. Those words became my rock when I was in high school, freshman my mom was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer. For months she struggled trying to find treatment at an affordable rate. Doctors would turn her down because of her illegal status even though she offered to negotiate a payment plan. She was dying and no one seemed to care. Her own sin was to be undocumented. She found treatment. But hi seen firsthand how dehumanizing people can be toward the undocumented. During this time DACA was put in place and opened the door for me. DACA gave me wings. . I participated in national pageants, placing as a national achievement finalist, I graduated high school with a medical assistant certificate. DACA has given me a chance to give back to others. DREAMers — U.S. Immigrants are in the here to harm the U.S. It is our home and will always be our home. For that I’m willing to come out of the shadows so you can see me. This is again, the American dream of making the future better is recurring in all of these stories and in all of these stories, there has been success it’s not just about DREAMers, it’s about who we are. Luis Roberto. We talked about him, we had his speech from his graduating class. Luz writes, I came to the U.S. From Mexico when I was 2 months old. I didn’t know I was undocumented until my sophomore year of high school when I couldn’t get a driver’s license or go tocollege like my friends. I was depressed for years until DACA. I started a fund to help people in hi high school who wereundocument. My announce. Of my DACA end has put me back into a state of depression. I’m trying to overcome. My dream is to be an educator, activist, and writer, to inspire DREAMers like myself who are currently or have been in a state of depression due to theirlegal status. We have to remember how strong the DREAMers are, but how fragile some of their existence is when they have no certainty as to what the next steps will be for them. Again, this is all about family. About parents who had the courage to bring their children at an early age to America. It happened 100 years ago. Do you think all the people came here, all came documented?Maybe we should all look up our ancestry and just find out what the facts are about that. We assume so. But do we really know? And there are many people, as I said earlier, Italians were called wops. Without papers. That was a derogatory term. It’s disgusting for me to say it. Being an Italian American so proud of my heritage. As I said, we grow up thinking the world was divide among two people in America, those who were Italian American and those who wanted to be Italian American. Certainly feels that way in little Italy in Baltimore where I grew up and in San Francisco that I have the honor to represent. In any event we all take pride now heritage.That’s the best, best qualification for recognizing the pride that other people take in their heritage. I say this to Italian Americans all the time because I’m so proud to be an Italian American, I understand full well why people from Mexico or Puerto Rico or Africa or wherever they’re from take pride in who they are. Their dignity. The awe tentiesity of their heritage and who they are. And in America that beauty, the beauty is in the mix. It certainly is in my district. But in some communities, the cricks of immigrants is not as recent and is — as it is in others. But in every community, it has made a difference, constantly reinvigorating America. So when his holiness, pope Francis, came to speak here in the Congress as a catholic Italian American, essence of my being, it was really thrilling day. It was for all of us, regardless of our background or our faith. I was particularly thrilled to hear what he said aboutimmigration. But you recall, he talked about martin Luther king, March from Selma to Montgomery he talked about people living in poverty he talked about number of subjects. But I’ll just speak to what he said about immigration. His holiness said, this is a quote of his, in recent centuries, millions of people came to this land to pursue their dream of building a future in freedom. We, the people of this continent, because as — because as you know, his holiness is the first pope from the western hemisphere we can the people ofthis continent are not fearful of foreigners because most of us are once foreigners. I say this to you as a son of immigrant, Italian, by the way, I say that as a son of immigrants, knowing so many of you are also descended from immigrants. Tragically those rights of those who were here long before us were not always respected. For those people an our nation and if the heart of America’sdemocracy, I wish to reaffirm my highest esteem and appreciation. Those first contacts were often turbulent and violent but it’sdifficult to judge the past by the criteria of the present. Nonetheless, when the stranger is in our midst bush within our midst appeals to us, we must not repeat the sins and errors of the past. We must resolve nobodyably to live as nobody pli — as nobly or justly as possible, we must not turn our back on our neighbors. We must constantly relate to others, rejecting the mindset ofhostility in order to adopt one of resipry call subsidiaryity in a constant effort to do our best. I am confident we can do this. How beautiful. Then he goes on to talk about immigration and the rest of the world. And then he says, let us remember the — he said, we need to avoid a common temptation nowadays to discard whatever proves troublesome. Let us remember the golden rule. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. And so, again, he — I’ll submit the whole statement for the record because it goes on in such a beautiful, beautiful way. Talks about climate in there, about god’s creation, this planet. I’m talking about his holiness, get to the bible part of it, we talked about the bible earlier, I thought maybe we could say the rosary on the of the house, not just five, but all the mysteries of the rosaries, 15 decades. Nonetheless, I think these people telling their stories are very prayerful. So we’ll use their time — the time to put their store throins record. Let me just say how proud I am of the statements made by the U.S. — The catholic conference of bishops. Their courage and fighting for immigrants across our country. From our cardinal our bishop, etc., from their esteemed platforms, whether it’s the DREAMers or T.P.S. Or comp rehence I immigration reform. But right now, today, wore talking about the DREAMers. The evangelicals in our country. Reverend Rodriguez’s statements have been so great about this,the spark of beginity that exists in every person that must be respected. Strong supporters of president Trump, also believing that it’s possible for all of us to have enough goodness in our hearts to get this job done and go past any obstacles that may be there.Again, the national — the Baptist convention, the southern Baptist convention, their lead ship, all across the spectrum. Of course the Jewish community, across the full spectrum of faith-baysed organizations, all speaking out. And rallying, as people rallied when we first saw the Muslim ban. Pee — the people of faith are people of faith. They believe. And they believe that we have obligations to each other. They’ve spoken out in a courageous way. In terms of the badges, I told you some stories about DREAMers who have come forth to help with law enforcement. This by and large we have had strong support from the law enforcement community about support for the DREAMers. And the business community. They have been spectacular in terms of raising the profile, treating their employees who are DREAMers with respect, advocating for them, they seem to have a strong voice on some issues, wish they would be listened to as attentively on issues of social justice here but they do have access. And one of the things I want to praise them for is I think the 90 percent, 80 percent, 70 mkt ratings of, depending on the citizenship or what, but the high you were ins across the board for DREAMers would not have been possible without people hearing from the bishop from law enforcement and the business community making this a very high profile issue about how their companies have benefited from the DREAMers and how they truly believe. This is not an issue that is going to go away. It’s a value. It’s not an issue. It may be a subject for legislation. But this is an American value that has deemly felt across the board. I am determined that the stories of at least some of these DREAMers, can’t do 00,000, although I’m willing to take the time, it might lose impact after a while, some of these great stories. Listen to this one. I’m from Los Angeles, 18 years old, will be attending UCLA to study political science in the fall. Being an undocumented student has been tough. Coming to the country at 6 change midlife. I want to go to law school. I told you this story but it bears repeting. I pray that immigration status couldn’t change our path. Alonzo growing up undocumented in Utah shaped who I am today my ex-importance growing up in the margins of society inform the work I do and work I seek to continue doing in this life. I’m passionate about working with undocumented students and families and strive to share my knowledge and experience with the undocumented and the community as a whole. I was born in Peru, immigrated to the United States when I was 11. I arrived with my brother to join my mother. He came into the country with legal status. This is something that I think is important. Not everybody who isundocumented came here in an undocumented fashion. Some of the documentation has expired and the case of DACA just question of when the mail hit and what Tai it was received by the government. I came as one of the 11 million, I was 12, a hardworking student, earning good grades, working to a future to allow me to repay my mom for all her sacrifices. In high school, I enrolled in honors and A.P. Classes, I graduated from high school with a diploma of merit, went to the youth of Utah where I wouldmajor in sociology and be mentored by many individuals, most pointedly, Matt Bradley, rest in peace 20, 12. Kaitlyn Cahill, ph.d., and David sereser. My work showed me the contribution and insights of undocumented people are porn. My mentors showed me howimportant. I truly owe them for showing me I matter for being who I am. I graduate — graduated with an honors bachelor of science in sociology and I’m dreamer program coordinator for the university of Utah which is the first center for DREAMers in the state of Utah. God bless you, Utah. I would like to pursue a ph.d. In sociology with a focus on immigration an Loy boar studies. This is important because once again as has been consistent in these theme the DREAMers are grateful for the mentoring they have received from people in our country. Some of whom may share their heritage, most of whom did not. And that’s the beautiful thingabout the DREAMers, they know their dream, they have a dream, but somebody else had a plan for their own dream that inspired the DREAMers to have their plan. When Yuri Hernandez was only 2 years old her family brought her to the United States from Mexico.She grew inas an honor student, active in her community. The went to the university of Portland. She’s now a graduate student atthe Michigan school of social work, planning to grg wait with a masters in social work in the fall of 2017. In her pair time she tutors and mentors high school students shsm dreams of becoming a social worker and giving back to her community. Ray was brought to America when he was two years old. A devout catholic and now I a priest in Atlanta, Georgia. And father ray will lose his legal status and be deported. And tragically for him and his congregation. Father ray and other DACA recipients have a key role to play in healing the differences that divide us. Oscar was brought to park city, Utah. Excellent student and now attends dartmouth. If he loses his legal status, he could be deported back to Mexico. Will America be strong if we deport Oscar? If he stays here and achieves his dream of becoming an educator, the answer is clear, DACA works. And another, growing up in loiled and involved in her community.She attended Harvard and received awards and participated in extra curricular activities. And Donald Trump and other Republicans have made their agenda clear, they want to deport hundreds of thousands of DREAMers. That’s her view. I hope we have a betterunderstanding of where the president may be on this. We don’t want her to be deported back to Chile. Cynthia was seven years old, her family came from Mexico and grew up in Denver. She wanted to attend the university of Denver where she received scholarships. And graduated with a degree in cognitive neuroscience which is a doubling major in psychology and biology and minor in chemistry. She applied for DACA in 2013. And working in northern university and doing clinical research in the division of cardyolling and she is improving patients who suffer. She said DACA has meant a new realm of turn and allowed me to pursue my dreams. I truly believe that those opposed had a chance to sit with us, their opinions might change. They would see how hardworking individuals who love this country and want to continue to its prosperity. This is our home. That is really beautiful. I do believe that more colleagues know the DREAMers, the better it will be for our country. Ashley came to the United States from Mexico when she was five years old. And she felt safe and exceled in math. Nearly perfect scores on standardized tests. Ashley discovered the love of engineering and exceled and active in her community. Ashley has gone on to attend Arizona state university. Again, I mention a great school. She does not qualify for any government assistance and has to pay out of pocket tuition despite lick in Arizona most of her life. Ashley decided to crowd fund her college education and she shared her story online and brought in enough contributions to pay for her tuition and she is in her second year of college. And made the Dean’s list with 3.79 G.P.A. Thanks to DACA, Ashley is able to work to support herself and volunteer. As a result of her volunteer work, she has decided she wants to become a scienceist. I have been going through some of these rather quickly in order to get as many of them on the record as possible. But I do want to change my pace a little bit because some of the stories are so emotion-filled and place the statement in the record, but I want to deliver the stories — I’m trying to be respectful of other people’s time but I’m trying to be respectful of the challenge that we face and the need for us to find a solution, which is clear in sight for our DREAMers. Fer Nan doe’s family came to the United States when he was in high school. In high school, he was an A.P. Scholar and received achievement award for French. He continued to excel at Santa Clara university and had a double major in biology and French. Third year student at U.C. San Francisco, the ultimate fabulous place, he found it was very hard. Works at a comprehensive cancer center where he is providing new insights into many diseases and disorders. Again, giving back, giving back. Denise Rojas in 1990, when she was an infant, her parents carried her across the southwest border to give her and her siblings a better life. And she settled in California. And she said in grade school, I recall feeling different from my peers, my skin color was darker, I was poor and I was undocumented. In 2012, when President Obama established DACA, her life changed as a DACA recipient, her dreams seemed within reach and able to apply to medical school. But turned away because of her immigration status. She could pursue a career in medicine and no longer fear the possibility of losing the only home she had ever owned. She pledged allegiance and considers United States my home. Everyone deserves theopportunity for prosperity. I thus aim to dedicate my life to serving others as a physician and continue to be a voice for immigrants.Reading Denise’s story about her being concerned in grade school and feeling different and my skin color was darker and language was stilted. I’m reminded of my own grandson, he is Irish, English, whatever, whatever and italian-American. But he looks more the other side of the family, shall we say. And when he had his sixth birthday, he had a very close friend whose name is Antonia andfrom Guatemala and tan skinned, beautiful brown eyes and this was a proud day for me, when my grandson blew out the candlesand said did you make a wish? What is your wish? 
>> I wish I had brown skin and brown eyes like Antonio. So beautiful. So beautiful. The beauty is in the mix. The face of the future for our country is all American. And that has many versions. Another DACA recipient, my parents raised me tosh gritty and never to complain or take handouts. I didn’t want to have a victim mentality for being known being undocumented. Sharing my story would be therapeutic, raise awareness and help underprivileged people. I came to America when I was six years old and my parents werepoor and moved us here. My dad is a waiter in a small restaurant, which is enough to put food on the table and clothes on our backs. We pay taxes, abide by all laws and don’t live on welfare. As for me, I can’t legally work, drive, fly or have health insurance. I have missed out on numerous opportunities because of my situation. I was able to pursue college. Fast forward four years, I havegraduated in computer engineering from Wichita state university. I was at the top of my class, number one in my major, authoredtwo papers and have a patent pending. Consequently I was accepted into graduate school at Columbia university. However, do my status, I have to get a stipend to continue my education. Receiving DACA would be able to provide for my family and master my craft. But due to election results, applying for DACA is not a favorable option anymore. Without DACA, many live in fear of deportation. I have friends whose families were torn apart. There are every day struggles and easy to dismiss it because it’s not happening to your family. You need to dig deep and feel our pain and our anxiety. This is very important message, for us to dig deep. And experience their pain and anxiety. Many non-native Americans that they, too, have immigration in their blood. We want an opportunity to contribute to the only home we know. I enjoy the adversity. I feel alive under pressure. I’m faxed. He’s not leaving.Glad Gladys from Phillips burg, New Jersey. Patience and heartache is how I would describe my past. I was two when my family made the most important decision for us, moving to the U.S. Meant a second chance for me. If we stayed in Mexico, my folks would have made a decision to give me up for adoption. Unfortunately at the age of four, my innocence was stolen from me. I was sexually molested by a 15-year-old boy and didn’t report it because they feared deportation. They worked full-time to put a roof over our heads. I wasn’t able to go off to college financially. I’m used to doors slamming in my face. I was 14 when my parents explained to me about our status. Confused about my future, I decided to charter. I finished school full-time and contributed back to thecommunity. I received a tax pay iri.d. Issued by the I.R.S. In 1997. I thought it was funny that the government would take our moneyand not let us work legally. I applied for DACA in 2012 and still remember the day and opened my approval letter and my father said, now I don’t have to worry about you. And I own my own home and car. Afflecks day, this dream is ending and reality check thatprivileges could be taken away. I hope for others to make to push that door open to know the dream of wanting more is notimpossible. This is one of the DACA that — one of the DREAMers I met at the state of the union. Perhaps you remember, America isher name and guest of David price of North Carolina and she spoke at our press event with the DREAMers. America came to the U.S. Since two years old and lived in Raleigh for 22 years and earned a bachelor and masters’ degrees and teaches English as a secondlanguage at a high school. She was so lovely. And thank David price for introducing us. Another guest is someone you may call is the guest of senator Harris. Denaya and she is a DACA recipient who came from Belize. She attended the university of California, Los Angeles, where she advocated for the immigration attorney position and helped DACA recipients. I wish you could have heard hertell her story with intellect. She says young people for a fellow, she addressed DACA educational access and retention and her story was in the “L.A. Magazine” and is part of the undocumented stories in the labor center. She is a coordinator for undocu black, which is a resource for many of the deemers who are black, where she helps undocumented immigrants. Aspires to be a human rightsattorney advocating for the most marginalized around the globe. Her story was in the “L.A. Magazine” and is on display. And now it will be part of the congressional record. . Miriam says, I’m 18 years old, enrolled at university of California, Riverside. I come from a Mexican background, I was born in a Mexican state, have been hiing in the United States since I was 2. I went to preschool, Kinder,elementary, intermediate and high school in the state of California. I have always loved school. I remember being a little girl and getting home from school and the first thing I did was start my homework. I remember that as early as elementary school, this testcalled gate. It was supposed on the smart kids’ test and every year I passed it. I remember being an honor student miffle parents were very persistent on me getting good grades because that meant a better future. It wasn’t until I was in high school where I realized that maybe it was going to take more than just good grades to go to college. I became really aware that I wasundocumented, I became fearful I was going — I was not going to have a better future because I was undocumented. I knew that financially, my parents wouldn’t be able to pay for college. When DACA came into play it was a huge relief. There was finally a program that accepted me dam ka means everything to me. Not only do I have an opportunity for college but I have this opportunity to work legally. To be able to make money for my needs. DACA has become a reassuring force for many students. Like myself. Whose only desire is to be given an education or to become a successful factor in this society. I’m proud to be Mexican heritage but I’m also proud of America’s great educational system. DACA has given me the opportunity to dream on my own — dream of my own white picket fence one day. This is interesting to me because as an Italian American myself, I always referencepeople are proud of their heritage, especially newer immigrant, to see the pride they take in their heritage and the fierce patriotism they have for America. That was what we saw in our community when I was growing up. Fiercely patriotic Americans. While very proud of their heritage. And that is who people are. That’s their authentic self-. Patriotic Americans, proud of their heritage. Want to make, as was said in this, to be legal. Ana Sanchez from el fwmbings in, Texas. Like many other beneficiaries of DACA, for once I have been given the opportunity to pursue my dreams. I attained higher education and a job. I am Ana Sanchez, an 18-year-oldundocumented student who was brought to this country when I was only 2 years old. Due to living conditions in my home country, my parents decided to immigrate to the United States to offer me and my sister much better education and a better future. Growing up, I was aware that I had been born in Mexico but I did not know the effects of being undocumented until high school. Now that I’m older, I realize I was who I am in the eyes of the government and it saddens me to know people believe these misconceptions of us. I mean, ever since we arrived to Texas , my dad has risked his health and life by working under dangerous circumstances just to earn enough money to provide food and shelter for our family. When it was announced DACA would be available to people like me, my family did not think twice, we all knew it was an advantage and precious opportunity the country has given us. Finally, we had given — been given the chance to prove we are part of this country’s future and this country’s success. Because of DACA, I’m able to saythat I am a part-time student, part-time staff, for an after school program. I am two steps closer to becoming a businesswoman andteacher and that gives me hope. Sadly, however, the new administration posed threats that would make my hope and dreams unreachable. With the permanence taken away, our hard work will become worthless. I yearn for Congress to give me a chance to give back to this country. Many of the stories that I’ve been reading so far have been, but not all, but have have been about people in our own hemisphere. But it’s important to note that many undocumented are from the Asian pacific region, many are from Africa or the caribbean. That’s our hemisphere but not in terms of Latin America but in terms of the caribbean and so some are even from other places that are not necessarily ethnically diverse. Here’s one, today I want to tell you about Han Yoon LI. When she was 6 years old, her family came to the United States from South Korea. She grew up in Michigan. Here’s what she says about her childhood in the United States of America. Quote, I was fortunate enough to grow up learning that diversity is encouraged and difference are not just stoll rated but welcomed. He was a — she was a good student and committed to public service. In high school she was a member of the national honor society, received the principal’s academic achievement award and was an open activities association scholar athlete. She was a member of the track and field team for four years of high school. She volunteers with the red Cross and works with an organization called the supply which raises noun help people in Nairobi, Kenya. She’s a south Korean, all-American girl and co-president of an organization to help students in Nairobi, Kenya. She expanded the organization to work electly with Detroitcharities. She’s also an intern at the advancing wrussties center. She dreams of becoming a lawyer to advance civil rights. She wrote me a letter and she said, quote, although — although I’m legally labeled in this country I call home, I believe I’m an American. I believe this not solely because I live, work and study and contribute in this country, because I believe in the core values of America as a nation, liberty, justice, and prosperity. She and other DREAMers have so much to contribute to our country but without DACA or the dream act they will be deported back to countries they haven’t lived in since they were children. Will America be a strong countryif we deport people like her? The answer is clear. That is a question that has arisen throughout, we asked it earlier. Will America be a strong country if we deport these people? I love what she said, I believe that is not so because I live, work and study and contribute in this country, I believe in the core values all Americans share as a nation of liberty, justice, and prosperity. Getting more. Tomas is a DACA recipient from Auburn, California. At the age of 2 he came to the United States from Mexico with his mother in search of a better life. Fortunately, after a year of being together in the United States, his — unfortunately, after a year of being together in the United States, his mother pass aid way from cancer. His grandparents took him in, he grew up in northern California where he ran cross country and track at Frazier high school. These all American kids, just a beautiful story. Following his high school career he received an associate arts in social science and in 2014 he completed his bachelor of arts degree. Today he works with anonprofiting ornyization lark Tino leadership council. He also intends to attend Lincoln law school in Sacramento, California, in thespring of 2018. He co-founded the California DREAMers with a fell he DACA recipient. They seek to change the negative narrative surrounding immigration with facts. They want to change the narrative with facts. With proof. And through sharing personal story.The ultimate goal is to encourage imfration reform and to establish a pathway to citizenship. Vanessa Rodriguez, my name isVanessa Rodriguez, and they all call me undocumented dreamer. Undocumented because I was born south of the United Statesborder and dreamer because that was the inherent last name that my parents gave me when they risked their souls to give me adream, a better future. Dreamer. Calls her dreamer. I have lived in Texas for 12 year. For 12 years I have known no other home my father works in construction , my mother works as a house maid. Their hard work have given my family a chance to do more anddream higher. A chance that made me salutatorian of my class and recipient of the state of Texas student hero award. However, their work only granted me a chance to dream. Not a chance to accomplish. Only the government could grant me that. For years I lived under the notion of fear and uncertainty. DREAMers like me kept their dreams and secure themmed in a box called limitations.It was not until the arrival of DACA that things started to change for us. DACA enabled us to pursue and achieve more. For me it meant an opportunity of pursuing higher education, attaining a job and acquiring something called temporary security. One year of this security from deportation was what made the beginning of my dream a success. I was free from fear of deportation that enabled me to gain confidence in my ability. People sharing their stories in such clear way, in many cases very well written way. A few weeks ago I finished my first semester at university of Texas at Austin, a very hard school to get into, by the way. Although I was a full-time student with two part-time jobs I managed to on stain an outstanding G.P.A. DACA maze need — made theseaccomplishments possible and made the difference between simply existing and living a dream. As the time a proy — approachesfor a new administration the fear is starting to become more evident. The uncertainty and anxiety is real miffle question is Congressis, when will you unchain my dreams? When will my — my only hope is taken away or will you fight to protect students like me fromdeportation? Not even a fight. It’s a simple decision. Tst a simple decision. Made easy bicep rating it from the more complicated andcontroversial aspects of omp rehencive immigration reform which we must address. It’s about the children. It’s about the children.Alonzo’s story goes like this. I always remember the day that DACA was announced. It was June 12, 2012. Excuse me, June 15, 2012. I was camping for a retreat with friends, students, and colleagues from the arts and activities collective, a youth participatory action research collect nive Salt Lake City, Utah. At approximately 10:00 A.M., the group took a break from the agenda, which I used to go back to the tent and check on my phone. When I turned my phone back on, I was taken aback by the numb of text messages, missed calls and voice mails I was received. Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, she writes. The dream act puzz based, the dream act was passed, shouted a close friend of mine a fell he dreamer , in a voice mail. I was excited, but confused by her words, knowing at the time no dream bill was being debate in the U.S. Senate or Congress. As confused as I was I was too adrienalized at the possibility of a dream act boxcar bill had made its way to becoming law. After returning her call we shared feelings of excitement and confusion regarding the matter at hand. Then she manufactured — informed me president brakebrauk would making an announcement at any moment.I called my mom and ran outside to the tent to reform the group about the news. Within minutes, can you imagine the excitement?We were out camping, within minutes all participants crammed ourselves into two cars in little cottonwood canyon and tuned in to the radio to hear President Obama announce the program we have all come to know as deferred action for childhood arrival, DACA.My story is one of hundreds of thousands of DACA stories across the United States. We all have different backgrounds, first names and last names, interests, journeys, and goals. However we all have one thing in common. We are all American DREAMers. Since DACA, I have earned an honors B.S. In sociology a masters in education, an educational leadership and policy at the university ofUtah. I’m an active community member, most recently been honored to serve as dream program at the university of Utah where I seek to support undocumented students through access, persist, and achieve higher education in the country we all call home. The way they write the way they write stories and the excitement and anxiety they convey is something that the printed word may not convey but the record will show the effects of all of these stories. I wish you could see them. A person who has seen more of them honors us with his presence in this chamber. We all get emotional on this subject, but no one has put more brain power and passion into this subject than the distinguished senator from Illinois. He has served in this body for a long time, so we know of his leadership and his values. But for all the years he served in public life before Congress and since and in the house and as a leader in the Senate, the DREAMers have been a priority for half of his service in public life. First introduced the dream act in 2001 into the Senate.It was introduced by representative Roybal-allard. She is the mod mother of the dream act. In 2010, we were able to pass the dream act in the house under the leadership of Mr. Durbin, senator Durbin and received the majority of the votes in the United States Senate, but did not reach the 60 threshold and so the discussion goes on. Shortly thereafter, president Obama issued the DACA executive order. None of this success would have been possible without the leadership persistence, optimism and the courage of senator Durbin. And he has heard all of these stories, so many of these stories firsthand for nearly two decades. So I congratulate him and as I said earlier, our call today is for our speaker to give the same opportunity to house members to vote on our DREAMers’ bill, just as you were able to achieve in the Senate, senator Mcconnell, the Senate leader, working with bipartisan groups, which youhave always been a part, it has always been about bipartisan to pledge to bring to the Senate floor a vehicle that you will act upon.No guarantees that the Senate will work its will. What dignity that brings to the United States Senate. What commitment to the purpose of America that is there. And feel like second-class members of Congress over here when it’s not within our realm to discuss something that’s being discussed across the country in the Senate of the United States at the white House, but here, we can’t have the opportunity to officially discuss legislation that is on the floor. And that is why I’m taking this time, my congressionalleadership one minute to read into the record these inspiring stories. Again, excuse me for being emotional, but when I think of the contribution that senator Durbin has made to this, the stories he has heard, the stories he has told, seeing him receive with great respect and honor across the country, getting so many awards from people who see him as a person who understands their anxietyand concern. But as important as that, their possibilities and contributions to America. And why, as I said earlier, senator Durbin — think of this as the chip versus health care as the chairwoman of the Hispanic caucus. Think of this as chip versus health care. One clear opportunity where we can come together, not as a substitute for comprehensive, but as a step, confidence building, trust building, in a bipartisan way with transparency and in a unifying way for our country. So I thank you — because that’s why I’m not able toll yield, otherwise, I would have nearly 200 people seeking recognition on the floor to tell the stories of their DREAMers. I have told some of them, but our colleagues are committed and unified on this subject and their constituents are. But since — even if ourcolleagues on the other side of the aisle would say, would the gentlelady yield, the rules do not allow me to yield. I thought about saying the Ross Ari on the floor — rosary to pray for our leadership with a heart full of love. Not just five, but all 15, including the glorious mysteries. They were the sad ones in the middle, the crowning of thornse, scourging at the pillar. Ok and then we take to the glorious. Prayerful. I believe in prayer. And so many of our — as I said, call it bible constituency, the national catholic conference of bishops, the evangelical community, which has been so spectacular in supporting immigrants to our country and especially in this case, of Dack a — DACA. Here’s what the — this is a statement of the United States catholic conference of bishops. The president and vice president along with the chairman of the U.S. Conference of catholic bishops, president and vice president of this organization, along with the U.S. Chairman of conference of bishops denounce the administration’s termination of the deferred action of childhood arrival program. The following statement that the United States catholic conference of bishop president of galveston, Texas and along with the archbishop of California and chairman on bishop Joseph Tyson, chairman of the subcommittee of says the cancellations of the DACA program is republic hence I believe. Over 780,000 youth receive protections of the dark program by the department of homeland security in 2012. DACA provided no legal status of government benefits, but did provide recipients with temporary employment authorization to work in the United States and reprieve from deportation. Quote,, the cancellation of the DACA program causes unnecessary fear for DACA youth and their families. These youths entered the unitedStates as minors and known America as their only home. The catholic church has watched with pride and admiration as DACA youth live out their daily lives with hope and determination to flourish and contribute to society. Continueing to work and provide for their families, continuing to serve in the military, continue to receive an education. A a few months of anxiety and fear about their futures, they face deportation. This decision is unacceptable and does not reflect who we are as Americans. The bishops go on to say, thechurch has recognized and proclaimed the need to welcome young people, whoever welcomes the children in my name welcomesme. Mark, 937. That’s so beautiful, because what they are saying is when you reject these new comers, you are rejecting them who sent them but who sent them by our lord, but our lord. Today our nation is doing the opposite of how scripture calls us to respond.Let us step back from the progress we need to make as a country. Today’s actions represent a heartbreaking moment in our history.Let’s show mercy and goodwill. DACA youths are would he haven into the fabric of our society and our church and are by everymeasure social and human measure American youth. We strongly urge Congress to immediately resume work towards a legislative solution. We pledge our support to find a means of protection of DACA youth. The bishops go on to say, as people of faith, regardless of your immigration status, you are children of god and welcomed in the catholic church. The catholic church supports you and will advocate for you. Such a beautiful statement. As I noted earlier, tomorrow is the national prayer breakfast and many people who will be gathered there, among those who have been so supportive of our DREAMers. And we thank them for theirleadership and their courage. I don’t know if these people will be there tomorrow but members of their churches. And a reverend will have spoken out as a leader in the evangelical community. I wanted to — hopefully tomorrow as they pray and come together, they will be speaking about what we see from the pulpit, from the bishops and evangelical community, if you believe that we are all god’s creation, as I do, as people of faith do, and I do believe faith is a gift that everyone doesn’t have. So you may not have that same perspective, but if you do believe and I believe everyone gathered tomorrow will believe and many people our country acribe to in god we trust, then you must believe in the bible. To minister to god’s creation is an act of worship, to ignore those needs are to dishonor the god who made us. This is in the scripture in the gospel of Matthew. When we are thinking about this subject, we also have to recognize the diversity in our dreamer population. In 2012, Luke was 11 years old. His family brought him to the United States from South Korea. The senator has left us, but he inspires us, senator Durbin, he inspires us so much and such a great leader on this subject. Because you know what? It’s from the heart and right thing to do. But with great intellect, have a vision and a dream, but an intellect for a plan to get the job done. Clear path. It exists in the Senate. We don’t know why that door is shut to us in the house. We call upon the speaker to open the same door in the house to discussion that is in the Senate. I want to commend once again senator Durbin for his extraordinary, extraordinary leadership. DREAMers know him. They know him. In 20 2002, Luke came to the United States from South Korea. He grew up in New Jersey. Here’s what Luke said about growing up. It didn’t take long for me toadjust and assimilate because my school offered classes in Korean and English. This is the America I have known and experienced, not just mundanely accepting diversity but going above and beyond to serve the needs of a diverse community. He had a passion of science. He was accepted into Bergen county academy as one of the top five public high schools in the country. Luke won several awards at science fairs and volunteered as emergency medical technician in the local ambulance corps. Because of his academicaccomplishments he was accepted at the city college of New York. In 2013, Luke gauted, are you ready, summa cum inspect Laude.He is a graduate in chemistry at the university of Chicago. He works as a researcher at the university in his spare time, how does he have spare time? He also works as a researcher and volunteers with the Chicago Korean cultural center and organization that provides services to disadvantaged members. Good for you, Luke. Consider this, without legal status, Luke’s talents would have been squandered, but now thanks to DACA, when we had DACA, Luke was on the road for making his childhood passion into a promising career as a scientist. He has written much more shielding me from deportation and changing my immediatecircumstances and brought out a new me to reject fear. DACA has been tremendously empowering. Wrever I pride myself in thefuture, I hope to mentor and encourage and empower others. Luke and other DREAMers have so much to contribute to our country.Do we need more talented science activities like Luke? Of course, we do. Will America be strong if we deport him? The answer should be obvious. Thank you, Luke. . Her parents broughter to to the United States from the Philippines when she was 5 years old she grew up in California, she was an excellent student who dreeped of becoming a doctor. She was on the principal’s honor roll and an A.P. Scholar. She relieved a — received a governor’s scholar award. She was admitted to the university of california-los Angeles, one of the nation’s top universities. Congresswoman waters would attest to that. Uclaing one of the nation’s top universities. We all are proud of the U.C. System. UCLA, she volunteers as a research assistant in lab studies — an studies infants at high risk of developing autism she also volunteers as a crisis counselor at the UCLA peer hepline, advising student whors victims of rape, child abuse and substance abuse. She game a trainer for new counselors. She also volunteered as a mentor and tutor for at-risk childrenin Los Angeles. She graduates from UCLA with a degree in psychology. But her options were limited buzz of her immigration status.She was unable to pursue her dream of becoming a . Then in 2012, President Obama established the DACA program and her world changed. She began working as a research assistant at UCLA school of medicine and applied to attend medical school. During her spare time, she continues to volunteer with the awe tusm research lab where she started her research career seven years ago. She also serves as peer mentor to 10 undergraduate students at UCLA. She wrote to Congress these words — please, please listen to our stories. This is my home, the only Kun aren’t — country I know. DACA gives us greater opportunity to give become to the country we love. Listen to that sentence again, my colleagues. Mr. Speaker. She wrote, DACA gives us greater opportunities to give back tothe only country we love. That is what the DREAMers are about. The dream is to give back to America. They have benefited from ourcountry, want to give back, and the courage and optimism and fortitude that they have is really a blessing. She and other DREAMers have so much to contribute. Will America be stronger if we deport her and others like her? Will we be a better country if we tear apart American families? Of course not. This is going to be a hard name for me to pronounce. His parents brought him to the United States from Thailand when he was 9 years old. He grew up in San Francisco. I read mystery novels to force myself to expand my vocabulary. I police Mo nounsed words in the face of ridicule until I mastered the English Lang wam. He became an excellent studentand dreamed of becoming a Dr. He worked 30 hours a week at his family’s Thai restaurant. Here’s what he said about theexperience. I spent most of my time at the restaurant working as a waiter, cashier and chef. Scrubbing toilets, washing dishes and mopping floors. It taught me to have faith, work hard and persevere. His hard work paid off he graduated as a salutatorian of his high school clats with a 4.3 grade point average. He was admitted to the university of California Berkley, one of the top schools in California, in the nation. He won a scholarship that would have covered most of his tuition but was unable to accept it because of his immigration status. Despite the setback, he persevered. In may, 2012, he graduated with honors with a 3.7 grade point average and a major in molecular and cellular biology. Can you do that? One month after he graduated, president obamaest tablied the DACA program. The result of DACA, he was able to pursue his dream of becoming a doctor. Last fall he began medical school at university of california-san Francisco. He volunteers at a homeless clinic run by this students of university of california-san Francisco he started a network of DREAMers pursuing careers in health care. He and other DREAMers like him have so much to contribute to our country.Will America be a stronger country if we deport him and others like him? Will we be a better country if we tear apart American families? Of course not. We all agree on that iame sayed was brought to the United States when she was young. She writes, I have no memories of living anywhere but the United States. I’m an American in every way except on paper. She graduated in the top 10 percent of her high school class where she was secretary of the Spanish club. She’s from Pakistan. She was secretary of the Spanish club.Secretary of the math team. And a member of the national honors society of high school scholars. Her dream is to become aphysician. Here’s how she explains it. It break misheart to see thousands of children tie of diseases bad to inadequate facilities, I want to be the skills and abilities to change that. She graduated from Rutgers university, magna couple laud, was on the Dean’s list six times. She was a research assistant at Rutgers department of psychology and intern salespersonned with a local cardiology practice. She took the medical college admission test and scored in the 90th percentile. Better than 90 percent of those who took the test.Shortly after she graduated, President Obama announced the DACA program. Because of DACA, she’s now a medical student at Loyola university, pursuing her dream of becoming a physician. And after she graduates she’ll work in a medically underserved area.Of Illinois. Here’s what she said ability the DACA impact on her. I went from feeling hopeless and full of uncertainty regarding myfuture, I’m feeling optimistic that one day I’ll get to help my community and people in over poverty-stricken areas. If the House Republicans have their way, she won’t be able to attend medical school and become a doctor. Instead she’ll be sent back to Pakistan a country she hasn’t lived in since she was a toddler. I think that plenty of Republicans are on board to help our DREAMers. That’s what I’m hopeful about. Just we need to be given the chance to have a respectful vote on all sides of the issue which we have bipartisan, Democrat strong but strong Republican support as well. Give us a vote, Mr. Speaker. Give us a chance. Treat this house with the dignity it deserves so we can represent the people and the rushes tissue and the wishes of our country. Will America be stronger if we deport aim? Of course not. Today I want to tell you about Al, whose born in Nigeria. His father was killed by Nigerian police after he wrote a newspaper column criticizing the Nigerian government. The killing of Al’s father was documented in the stateDepartment’s report. Al’s mother fled Nigeria and brought him to the United States, he was only 5 years old. Al’s mother applied for asylum but her application was denied and she was deport when Al was 15. Her husband had been assassinated for articles he hadwritten a well-founded fear of persecution or danger in Nigeria, and yet her application was denied in 2005. Al was 15. He graduated from Rogers high school, near Tacoma, Washington he attended central Washington university where he was an honors student with a 3.5 grade point average. He was an active volunteer in his community. Here’s what Al said about his goals for the future. And I quote Al, very proudly. I’ve been in accelerated academic program most of my educational life and hope to be a medical doctor to contribute to the well being of my fellow humans. I hope to continue to emulate and work in the great academic shoes of my late father, who earned a ph.d. Degree from the university of Paris, France. My family and community support has been enormous and it gives me the zeal to work hard in my studies and to lend a hand to others in need and realize a bright future. Al grew up in this country. We have already invested in Al who received his entire education from kippeder Garten to college, in the United States. — He has great potential to contribute to our society. He does not remember anything about Nigeria and cannot speak any of nigh 
>>> Year’s native language. Here’s what he said about the possibility of being deported. I do not remember anything about my mother’s country of Nigeria, I can’t even speak the language. Every experience I have had in life that I can remember is in the United States of America. Everyone I know and care about are all here except my mother who was stadly removed and remains in hiding and fear. But America — would America be stronger if Al were deported? Of course not. And he’s not aniteslated example. There are literally thousands of other, hundreds of thousands of others, like him around the country. Thank you, Al for being so generous and sharing your story. I want to tell you about N; ovi Roy who grew up in the state of Illinois. Novi was brought to the United States from India as a child he attended evanston township high school — isn’t that Ms. Schakowsky’s district? No, our senator, Jurgen. He began volunteering at a soup kitchen in Chicago which rehe continues to do today. Novi went to university of Illinois at urbana, champaign,where he graduated with a bachelor’s degree in economics. He graduated from U. Of I. With two masters degrees, one in business and one in human resources. Nv sks — Novi’s dream is to help provide affordable health care to those less fortunate. Here’s what he said in a letter he wrote to dick Durbin he said, I love America for all its opportunities and Tippett chance to revitalize, realize anAmerican dream. I owe the state of Illinois, its taxpayers, and America a huge debt of gratitude for the level of education I have attained thus far. I’m confident my education will serve me well enough to make a difference in people’s lives and there’s nothing I would like more than to give back to the community that has been so good to me. Novi grew up in this country, we’ve already invested in him and he has obtained a first class education in Illinois. He has great potential to contribute to our society. Would America be a stronger nation if he was deported? Of course not. He’s overcome the odds to achieve great success. He would make America a stronger country. Again, Novi’s story, he came from India as a child. A large number of asian-pacific Americans, DREAMers.This is yaniz. He was brought to his the United States by his parents from Israel when he was three years old. A dreamer from Israel.He grew up in this country. Like other American children — he grew up in this country like any other American child. In 2010 he graduated from Richard Stockton college of new Jersey with a bachelor’s degree in hospitality and tourism management. In college he was chair of the Jewish student qune, was an active volunteer with several other student groups. His dream is to open arestaurant he wrote a letter and said, I fell in love with cooking in high school when I took a home economics class and knew this is what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. I would love to give back to America by opening my own restaurant, creating jobs,contributing to the economy, and becoming a citizen of the country I love. Unfortunately, under our immigration law he cannot become a citizen. His father was born in the United States but yanid was born in Israel. So he’s not a citizen. His father applied for him to become a citizen but because the process took so long he’s no longer eligible he feel turned 21, his father cannot petition for him to become a citizen. He has lived his whole life in this country since he was 3, his father is an American citizen, he’s an undocumented immigrant. The only solution for him is the dream act. . America is the only country I know. My family and friends are here and everything I know as America. The dream act is important to me and many others like me who are in the same situation.We have the resources to help this country greatly but don’t have a paper to do this. We hope Congress will put political issues aside and pass the dream act. Yanid is right. Will America be better off if we deported him? The answer is very obvious. 18 years ago, 1992, min chaun’s parents brought him to the United States at four years old and overcame obstacles to complete his education. In 2009, he graduated from the university of California with a bachelor’s degree in neuroscience. Here’s what he said. My dream is to make several contributions to science and become a physician’s assistant as a career and eventually a teacher as well. I have great aspirations, but I want Norment, civility — stability and he lives in California with his wife who is an American citizen. He spoke about what it would mean to him if the dream act became law. Imagine the countless numbers of individuals to contribute as law-abiding successful individuals who live life with a sense of strength and month Atlanta. Abraham Lincoln once said mercy bears fruit than strict justice and this is more true. I have a great amount of hope and belief in this country and one day we will see the dream act enacted into law. This is his statement. Another child brought here from India as was an earlier dreamer. Mandeep. He was brought here 14 years ago. Beautiful little child. Mandeep has been all-academic all-star. Honors pre-med student at university of California at differences and majored in physiology and behavior. She is dedicated to public service. She found one dollar for life, a national poverty relief organization. She was voted the member of her class most likely to save the world, imagine. Most likely to save the world. At her college, mandeep is the co-president of stand an anti-genocide group. She has so much to offer our country. She wrote I consider the United States my only home. This is where I belong. My dream is to become a pediatrician so I can treat the helpless among us. I hope to serve I wish to remain in the United States so I can make a positive difference and give back to the community that has given me so much. How beautiful. You see the theme of the DREAMers. Wanting to give back to America, appreciative of theopportunities they have received here, the mentoring, the friendship, the love, wanting to give back. Dominique necata. Her parents brought the family to the United States from the African country of Malawi. They came here legally and they had work permits. John, an ordained Christian minister worked as a hospice counselor, Joan worked as an accountant. When they filed to file papers to stay here permanently. Finally in 2009, John and Joan were granted legal permanent residents. But by that time, their children were adults and unable to obtain legal status. Here is what she said about being deported. The looming fear of everything I know here in the United States, removed to the other side of the world is crippling and said I can’t imagine my life in Africa, I’m an American, I pledge allegiance to the flag. It would be terrible to send them back. One was 11 months. In 2007, one graduated graduated from the university of Cincinnati with a degree in finance and then worked as an accounting firm and dreams of becoming a certified public accountant. She explained what America means to her. When you say, the American dream, all around the world, they know what you’re talking about. People have never been to our shores eaten our food or spoken our language have heard of aprosperous nation that above all else grants freedom and right to Alls to all of its people. She graduated from university of Cincinnati with a university of Cincinnati. Dominique graduated with a degree in chemistry and began working at the university hospital and Jewish hospital in the clinical studies assistant. They planned to apply to medical school and she said I dream being a doctor. Would America be better off if we deported them? Of course not. The dream act gives them a chance. Let me introduce to you to another dreamer, manji. He was brought to the United States from Bangladesh in 1991. He was five. As he grew up, he immersed himself in the study of computers and technology. I have had an intense passion for technology. Middle school that led to spending my nights constructing model airplanes and generators. In high school, I fell in love with computers and created online newspaper for my school. He did not know about his immigration status until he was applying for college and asked his parents what to say about his status and that’s when he learned he he was undocumented. In 2008, he gauted from the university of North Carolina in chapel hill.Very soon, he began to be courted by the technology industry and offered the job as a lead engineer for a startup company in Silicon Valley. His prospects will be limited because of his immigration status. The deem act would give him a chance to pursue his dream and contribute his talent to the country he calls home. I I have turned several great jobs from several companies because of my status. The dream act would let me take my passion for technology to the next level by allowing me to move to Silicon Valley, pursue my dreams as an Internet entrepreneur. So we have someone like with his talents and entrepreneurship, his passion and his intellect, what a resource to our country. I keep asking the question, would America be better off if we deported him? Of course not.H.U.E.R.T. Was brought to the United States when she was 11 and settled to a suburb of Detroit. They came to the United Stateslegally. Shortly before arriving in America, her mother filed an application to stay in the United States. She quickly learned English and became an academic star and graduated from gross point high school with 4.05 great point average and she was on the trackteam and advanced scholar award as a member of the national honor society. She attended the university of Detroit and studied to be an electrical engineer and grade point average of 3.98 and completed two internships at engineering companies. She is from Albania. She is volunteering at homeless shelters, tutoring programs. Listen to what her friend said about her. I’m humbled by her willingness and desire to serve. I have gone to the same church. She spends hours tutoring kids and volunteering with the juniorhigh Sunday school. And children run up to the church because of the love they receive. It would be a good use to deport her? Of course not. Again, there is so much discussion in the United States about the need for more young people to study known as stem.We add the arts in there, steam. We issue hundreds of thousands to bring foreign students. She is a straight a student in the stem field and doesn’t need a Visa and home grown fall ent. She came to Capitol Hill to speak on a briefing on the dream act. I’m a typical story. There are thousands of stories out there like mine. Please support the dream act so students like me don’t have to leave.We’re worth it. She is right. She and thousands of others, hundreds of thousands of others are worth it. A 23-year-old, Keith Ellison’sdistrict. Was born in Kenya and came to Minnesota at age 11 and didn’t known he was undocumented until he graduated from high school. Imagine the maturity of these kids. And carrying this weight. Growing up is hard enough, right? But carrying this. He wanted to pursue college education. It was a grueling experience. After DACA, he graduated from St. Cloud state university with a degree in psychology and management. And he will be studying at Andrews university. He wants to be the chaplain of the United States Senate one day and can only do that if the dream act passes. Maybe the house, if we were given the chance might rise to the level.Our congressional black caucus mentioned earlier that the chairwoman of the congressional Hispanic caucus — the congressional black caucus has been involved in this issue and gave me these statistics. 5,302 people from Jamaica. And 2,095 DACA recipients from Nigeria, just to name a few. And more from Africa, but just named the Nigerian here. And I thank them for their work in the activities along with this. We have another visitor from Albania. Things are tough there. Our distinguished colleague, Mr. Elliott Engel has been Albania’s best friend in the Congress, but he could attest there was cause to leave in an earlier day. Ola castle, brought to the United States in 1998 when she was five years old. She went to high school in Warren Michigan and value dick Torian of her class and and took advanced placement a and had a 4.4 grade point average. She was the only varsity in cross country and tennis teams.She was treasurer of the student council and treasurer of the national honor society at her school and tutors children who are learning English. Ola was a member of the homecoming court, I don’t have her picture here, but participated in every way. She was accepted in the honors program at the university of Michigan, where she would study pre-med. Here’s what she said about herdreams for the future. I aspire to become a surgical oncologist, but more importantly I intend to work for patients who cannot afford the fees accompanying life-saving surgery, patients that are denied the medical treatment they deserve. My goal is not to increase my bank account but decrease preventable deaths. How beautiful. Thank you for sharing your stories. . It takes great deal of courage for these people to share their stories. The intimacy of the challenges and the personal challenges they face. We thank them for their generosity of spirit, as well as their courage. Steve Lee came to the United States when he was — his parents brought him here when he was 11. He study at city college of San Francisco where he majored in nursing, was a leader in studentgovernment. Here’s what Steve said. My dream is to become a registered nurse at San Francisco general and to be a public health advocate. I want to be able to give back to my community by raising awareness about preventive care and other health care issues.I’m well on my way to achieving my dream, he writes. By passing the dream act, I’ll be able to achieve these goals and contribute to health. Could we use more nurses in this country? We sure could. In fact, the United States imports thousands of foreigners — foreign nurses every year because we have such a huge nursing shortage. So why would we consider sending Steve Lee back? Tulo ulomni was brought to the United States from Nigeria when she was a child. As a child, tulo dreams of becoming an engineer. She graduated from high school at the top of her class. She won a full scholarship to a prestigious university in Virginia. In 2002 she graduated with a degree in chemical engineering. Back in 2011, at a press conference announcing the re-introduction of the dreamact, here’s what tol said. The dreements of my youth have — tulo said. The dreams of my youth have stalled, yes. But my country still needs me. Passing the dream act is critically important to me and to so many others. I don’t believe I’m entitled to anything more than what this great nation has taught me. That we all have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Imagine tulo is right. Thousands of immigrant students in the United States were brought to the United States as children. It was not their decision to come to this country. But they grew up here and this is their home. The fundamental premise of the dream act is that we should not punish children for their parents’ actions. This is not the American way. Instead the dream act says to these students, America will always give you a chance. And I say to their parents, thank you for bringing these DREAMers to America. We’re in your debt. For the courage it took for you to take the risk, physically, politically, in every way, to do so. David Cho. David was brought to the unitedStates from South Korea when he was 9. Since then, David has been a model American. He’s had a 3.9 G.P.A. In high school. He attended UCLA where he attained a bachelor’s of arts in international finance, with 3.6 G.P.A. As you can see, David has also — is also the leader of the UCLA marching band. There’s a picture of him. But the record does not — the leader of the UCLA marchingband. David then obtained a master’s degree in public policy with a G.P.A. Of 3.9. And was the you can UCLA commencement speaker. He’s worked as a business technology analyst at the Lloyd consulting, where he’s earned the highest possible performancerating representing performance in the top 5 percent of all analysis. Today he works in business and technology, consulting as a sales force scrum master and public project manager. Thank you, David, for your contribution to our country. Michul was brought to the unitedStates by his parents in 1991 when he was 9. I want to make this point, Mr. Speaker. This bill, when I mentioned about senator Durbin, he introduced the dream act in 2001. It’s 17 years later. So some of these children have grown up. But some of them that we’re addressing came to the United States in the 1990’s. And so 17 years later we still haven’t been able to take care of the children?They were very little children when they came. Some of them are still — well, they’re still young. But they came, some of them, as I said, 11 month, 6 months, babies. This michul came when he was 9est. Grad from high school with a — 9. He graduated from high school with a 4.2 G.P.A. He graduated from college. With support from the Korean American community, he was able to graduate from dental school. He became a dentist. And here’s what he wrote. After spending the majority of my life here, with all my friended and family here, — friends and family here, I could not simply pack my things and go to a country I barely remember. I’m willing to accept whatever punishment is deemed fitting for that crime. But let me just stay and pay for it. I’m begging for a chance to prove to everyone that I’m not a waste of a human being. That I am not a criminal set on leaching off taxpayer money. Please give me a chance to serve my community as a dentist, to be a giver rather than a receiver. Thank you, michul. Senator Durbin has sent oversome stories and I’m going to read some of them. When yanuk diof was 8, his father, a diplomat from the African country of Senegal, brought his family to the United States. Unfortunately yanu K’s parents separated and his father — wanuk’s parents — yanuk’s parents separated and his father left the United States. When he left the United States, yanuk lost his legal stat to us live in this country. He grew up in — status to live in this country. He grew up in Maryland. In high school he was a member of the national honor society. Also volunteered weekly at a homeless shelter and organized soccer tournaments for three years to raise money. For the Red Cross for earthquake relief in Haiti. Mind you, he’s from Senegal and he’s raising money for earthquake relief in Haiti. God bless him. After high school, he continued his education, he earned an associate’s degree in business and Montgomery college wreffs on the Dean’s list. He then transferred to the university of Maryland where he’s working on a bachelor’s degree in business management. He runs an achiever’s mentoring program, an after school program , to thank advises middle and high school students on how to get into college. And be successful in college. Very valuable mentoring. He’s also a — he’s also a volunteer at united we dream, the largest organization of undocumented students in the country. May I just pause for a moment to commend united we dream. They have been so spectacular, so dignified, so prestigious in how they have protected the DREAMers’ case and enabled DREAMers to present their own case. Yanuk was a leader in the campaign to pass the Maryland dream act, which — excuse me, allowed Maryland residents who run documented to pay in-state tuition. Keep in mind, yanuk is undocumented. So he does not qualify for any official aid from the federal government. Here’s what he wrote. DACA means dignity. More than making money.Having a job gives us dignity and self-respect. I want to work for what I have. I don’t look to anyone for pity. People should judge me based on what I do and what I stand for, not based on status. I want to be given a chance to prove that not only am I a functioning — a functioning member of society, I’m here to serve and share my talents with those in my community. Yanuk was one of six DREAMers who met President Obama in the oval office. Here’s what President Obama said after this meeting. I don’t think there’s anybody in America who has had a chance to talk to these six young people who wouldn’t find it in their hearts to say, these kids areAmericans just like us, they belong here and we want to do right by them. President Obama’s right. Yanuk and other DREAMers have so much to contribute to our country. I question again, would America be a stronger country if we deport yanuk and others like him?Of course not. Another dreamer from India. This is hemindar. When he was 6 years old, his family moved to the United States from India. He grew up in queens, in new York City. He was a typical American kid, playing sports and going to the park every day. His dream was to serve his country as a soldier in the United States army. In his words, he simply wanted to give back. He was a born leader. In high school he was active in student government and ultimately was elected class president. He first learned that he did not have legal immigration status when he was in high school and was unable to apply for a driver’s license. He’s now a student at hunter college and city university of New York, working for his bachelor’s degree in history and thanks to DACA, he was on his way to fulfilling his dream. Last year he enlisted in the army, through the military exceptions vital to national interest program known as mavni. It allows immigrants with skills vital to the national interests to enlist in the armed forces. More than 800 DACA recipientswith this — these critical skills have joined the military through that. Some administration officials have claimed that DACA recipients are taking jobs away 
>> Americans. But he and other DREAMers — away from Americans. But he and other DREAMers have skills that we can’t findanywhere else. He and other DREAMers are waiting to ship to basic training. He continues his undergraduate studies, working full time, waiting for chance to — his chance to serve the country he loves. He wrote, all I want to do is serve, I want to do my part togive back to this country because it has allowed me to serve. Without DACA, he and hundreds of thousands — others with skills vital to the national interest would be kicked out of the army. They want nothing more than to serve and they’re willing to die for the country they call home. Thank you. Representative Esty of Connecticut sent us this story about Daisy Rivera. Her story — in her own words, in Daisy’s own words, I came to the United States where I was — when I was 2 it — 2 months old. How precious. The day I entered high school, my parents broke the sad news to me that I was undocumented. Yes. I grew up not knowing my true status and at that very moment I felt I didn’t even know exactly who I was anymore. It made it very difficult to try to understand when all mysiblings were born here, and — in the U.S., and were given opportunities that I wasn’t able to have. When I graduate high school in2012, I found out that president Obama took action to grant undocumented people like me the DACA. Ever since then, I have beenable to feel free, support my daughter, my parents, and younger siblings are still working on their dreams. I now have a beautiful job with the head start program for youth development and healthy living. This is a job that I know — not only enjoy but my 3-year-olddaughter attends as well. DACA has been more than a blessing and a relief for me and my friends and family. But now it has been put on — that has all been put in jeopardy. I can’t even go to sleep at night. I look at my daughter thinking, what I do so I don’t end up like other families who have been separated and destroyed? What can I do to support my child? How can I explain that myfuture’s been taken away, that I am not like them? This might be another challenge for me to be an undocumented, but I know this is just the start of my new beginning that will label me as a warrior, because I will not sit here and have my future taken. I will not stand by the corners of the streets to ask for anything, I will fight and raise my voice — alone or with other 800,000 DREAMers and we’ll attain what we deserve, we won’t give up. That story comes from representative Esty. I think it’s important to note here that some of these, again, they’re working, they’re giving back to the community. DACA made a big difference in their existence. For some of them, they found out that they were undocumented at a critical point in their own development. And foisted uncertainty on themwhich DACA relieved. So I think there’s just a misunderstanding here about what the president — President Trump did in September.It was very harsh, as the national catholic conference of bib bishops said, it was reprehensible — of bishops said, it was reprehensible. I don’t think the administration understood the impact it had on people’s lives. I think they thought they were giving a six months reprieve. But what in fact they were doing was giving six months of uncertainty and removal of protections for these people. And you’ve heard some of the statements that have been made in the last day or so about mischaracterizing why somepeople have lost protections. And I’ll reiterate that this all came fast. Many of the people who needed to sign up right away found itdifficult to access the $495 immediately. Most people in our country could not have access to $495 in the spur of the moment.Especially a student — so anyway. I’ve always treated this with respect. I’d like to talk now about Julia . When I came — my family came to the United States to find stability and always had plans to make our plans permanent and the paperwork process beganimmediately. We didn’t know what we were in for. The lawyer we had turned out to be fraudulent and my parents, sisters and I lost our status. Summer before my first year of high school. The future was unclear but I made choices. I chose to keep my grades up and chose to give myself opportunity. I worked hard. I graduated 28th in the class of 620. 3.6 G.P.A. And got into Rutgers’ early admission. My DACA application had been approved. Within 12 hours, I applied for Social Security card and I filled out dozens of jobsapplications. I got a license for the first time ever. In November of 2014, I got to teach for America and placed in San Antonio, 18,000 miles from my New Jersey home. I graduated with a double major and — in English and journalism. I had a new life in a new stateand all by myself for the first time ever and I couldn’t be more excited. I was teaching middle school. My kids are amazing and drive me nuts but I love them. DACA gave me my Independence back and the reason I’m able to teach and live on my own and pay for my car and live in a country where I feel I belonged. I have been in fear. I worked so hard and my life was coming together and might fallapart. I hope it doesn’t happen, if anything I have learned is to hope for the best and prepare for the worst. That’s Julia’s story. This is from Sule Garcia. I came to America when I was three years old. I crossed over summer of 1994 in the hot desert. I admired my parents’ driving courage to go after a better life. I couldn’t imagine leaving my country, the U.S., for what I know nothing about. That is why I’m thankful for DACA. My mother always showed me anything is possible by working hard for it and never noticed or felt that I wasn’t American sm my freshman year after passing my driver’s he had, I was disillusiononned where my mother explained we weren’t here legally. I broke down crying. So many thoughts went through my mind. I eventually gripped myself together. The passing years, frustration added to the list of emotions. When I couldn’t attend class trips to other states to apply for scholarships or special programs in colleges because of a lack of Social Security number and an I.D. When I graduated and time to see the real world, things hit the fan. I felt like the doors closed in on my me. I managed to get into a special program at my college which Iwasn’t able to do. I had to work at a minimum wage job and I felt like I had been torn apart. No matter how hard I worked, I would never accomplish my goals because of this barrier. I dropped out of college and just focused on working, got a second job, moved out of my mom’s house. After I met my husband, who is an American citizen and I have a child. DACA made me feel like a humanbeing. I’m not a bad person and good member of society and like me there is so many. I called for extension for deferred action for childhood arrivals. Again, the uncertainty, the anxiety that is injected into people’s lives, I thank them for sharing these deep concerns. We are hearing from Isabelle. I attended all honors classes but unlike most 15-year-olds, my future was uncertain due to my immigration status. This L led to my interest in American politic. I want to understand why I was not eligible to apply forfinancials and despite being a top student. There was unfair about a system that excluded students like me. Frustrating my situation, I was fortunate to live in New York where residency laws made the possibility of attending college a reality. I studied political science.I attended school full-time and had the opportunity to intern at senator Gillibrand’s office. I knew then I wanted to pursue public service but well aware of the legal hurdles ahead of me due to my undocumented status. I was unsure of what life after graduation would be like without authorization to work. Thankfully the DACA program was announced a few semesters before my graduation.Although it was difficult for me to find the right job, my persistence led me to the new York legal assistance group and I work as a paralegal in the veterans’ assistance project. I have the opportunity to work with a team that is committed to helping low-income veteran populations in New York City get access to the aid they earned through their service. A DACA, a dreamer helping ourveterans. I hoped to attend law school but given the uncertainty what will happen with DACA became increasingly difficult to planfor the future. While DACA is not the solution, but has given me DREAMers the path to achieving the American dream. We thank you.Thank you for sharing your story. This is from Bruna. There are a few minutes after President Obama’s presidency I’m saying good-bye to a president who meant so much for me. The new president may remove DACA. And in 2012, President Obama gave me and my sister a chance at life. Before then, we did feel like we were going to lose everything, friends and family, the home we built, the future we envisioned. Born in Brazil and raised in Tampa, my parents pushed us to excel in school in leadership positions and in sports. We planned to go to college, travel the world, volunteer and make a difference in a country that had welcomed us. After the third failed attempt in securing a gene card, we had given up. My parents did everything they could. They paid for expensive lawyersand secured work Visas throughout our time here. There were no explanations as to why U.S. Citizenship and immigration services would Denny that own a business a chance to becoming a permanent resident. With the threat of being deported looming over my head, I did everything to help re-elect President Obama. I volunteered. Although I’m scared of what comes next, if we lose DACA andno longer able to continue, I’m taught by an important lesson. We are the the change that we seek. In this time of uncertainty andcarry that lesson that all people, including deemers can continue working toward the American dream. I know that representativejayapal is on the floor and the rules do not allow her to deliver. Mr. Speaker, may I ask a question, can we have special order colleagues — for our colleagues? The speaker pro tempore: The gentlelady may consult with leadership. Ms. Pelosi: You don’t know?I’ll continue to read. Amy, this is from representative jayapal, leader on immigration issues. Immigrant herself to our country and now a member of Congress. Amy and her family moved from Fiji to settle in Washington, staying on their father’s student Visa.Things changed when they left the U.S. To attend a wedding. They were only staying for two weeks and my mom’s Visa got denied.Amy is now 19, but the last time she saw her parents is when she was just 11 years old. How sad. When Amy’s parents left, hergrandmother came from California to baby sit. When they weren’t able to re-enter the country, she picked up her life to move toWashington. She is the heart of this whole family and kept us together. I don’t know where we would be right now. Maybe in Fiji or a foster home. We are thankful to her. Though aim’s grandmother has been lick in the U.S. For 20 years, she is also undocumented.Because she is undocumented and can’t get Social Security. It breaks my heart whenever I think about it, Amy said. With the exception of her younger sister who was born in the United States, the children have enrolled in DACA. Amy is a nursing student andhealth care worker for the elderly. As the older sibling she takes pride in helping her grandmother and provides for her threesiblings and active member in her church and leader at the university of Washington. She is shy and full of heart and cares deeply about her family and community. Without the support of DACA, she wasn’t able to complete her nursing degree. The livelihood of her family is at stake. The risk of deportation means she could be separated from her family possibly leaving her younger sister in foster care. What? This is a very sad and challenging situation. So many families affected that just are being able to vote on the floor.It’s about the children. Thank you, congresswoman jayapal sharing that. Representative Hoyer, I don’t know if the rules allow thatthere will be an opportunity for special orders where members can speak afterward. List yeah, dahla, Indian American.Representative Hoyer has been a champion on this issue, fighting so hard in every possible venue. Every step of the way. He submits this story. My family moved from Canada to San Antonio in 1996 when I was six. This is a dreamer from Canada. We had a Visa and my parents worked to change immigration status for as long as I can remember. We spent decades playing by the rules, but one time, our immigration attorney filed our paperwork late and another time our sponsor sold his business forcing us to restart the entire application process. For more than 20 years we attempted to navigate the broken immigration system and emotionally exhausting and financially draining process. Suffice it to say that I’m not undocumented for lack of trying. Growing up in Texas, I always felt like an American, because in every possible way I was. I went to elementary, middle and high school in San Antonio,enrolling in girl scouts and played league basketball. I volunteered at the local food bank and took classes and worked behind the cash register at the neighborhood grocery store. In 2008, I left for college. Four years later, I graduated and thanks to DACA I waseligible from relief of immigration worries. DACA has helped me become I am today. I have been able so work and buy a car and pay off. I help U.S. Citizens with their resumes. And pay state and federal taxes and pay rent. I eat at local restaurants and shop at local stores and pay for public transportation. All the dollars I have spent and other people have spent are re-invested back in thecommunity and help improve our lives, citizens, neighbors and friends. Beautiful story. And again, a challenge that nothing lazy about this family or any of these families as to how they want to achieve legal status in our country. Only violation in hundreds ofthousandses of these cases is the status, their lapse in this case, or a violation, but nothing in terms of breaking the law in any way.From California, a member of our freshman class, tells us the story of Adriana and I thank him for the work he has done to advance the cause of the DREAMers. . At the age of 7 I migrated to the pa — to the place I now call home. I had the dream of becomingsomeone important. Someone who would give back to the community. I’m working to achieve my dream. To my community, I am a student, eem a peer, I am a leader. To the Trump Administration I’m a criminal. I stood in the shadows for a very long time and education was always my outlet. I grew to be the person I am today because my mother, a cook who told me that education was the most important thing I could earn. People tell me to go back to my country. But people do not realize that this is my country. I work, I pay taxes, I go to school. I stand for the national anthem and I know the pledge of allegiance. This country has seen me grow. And this country has contributed to my dreams. I aspire to attend law school. DACA has helped me achieve my dreams. I was able to get a social Security card. I was allowed to apply for a driver’s license. DACA allowed me to be like any other person my age. People have canned me, what would I do without DACA? To be honest, I have faith in my elected officials. I didn’t want everything handed to me, nor do I believe I deserve everything. But I want to be like any other 25-year-old in this country. I don’t want the determination of DACA to be the termination of my dreams. Thank you, Adrianna. Thank you, Jimmy Panetta, for submitting that story. Juan tells us that he was working as an unpaid intern in 2012 when he caught word of the deferred action child — for childhood arrivals, DACAannouncement, via 2013. I ran to the office lobby, turned on the TV and immediately knew right away that life would not the same. I called my mother in tears and proceeded to tell her that my brothers and I would be able to benefit from the program that would temporarily shield us from deportation, while allowing us to work and drive legally. I understood DACA was a temporary program that would not cover parents, but it renewed my commitment to fight for relief for the rest of the immigrant community. Since that day, I have taken every opportunity to grow, learn and contribute back to my community. In 2013, DACA allowed me to re-enroll in the Florida state university and pursue a master’s degree in public administration. By 2014 I was the middle of working a job in Tallahassee, Florida, studying for my master’s class and advocating at the Florida legislature for a bill that would allowundocumented students to obtain in-state tuition at state colleges and universities. In a rare display of bipartisanship, the bill passed and was signed into law by Florida Republican governor Rick Scott. I graduated with my master’s in 2015, full of hope and energy that I’d be able to put my education to good use. With degrees in hand, I was able to obtain a job as a digital immigration advocate, puting my years of experience and passion to good use. Simultaneously, and thanks to the new in-state tuition law inFlorida, I was able to help both of my younger brothers enroll in miami-dade college and Florida international university. They’re both currently pursuing careers to work in business and communications respectively. I just want to say that I’ve spoken at the graduation at miami-dade and spoken also at Florida international university two magnificent schools in which — and what’s beautiful about them is to see the beautiful diversity and the large number of students that they teach. And the many cases, the firstchildren to attend college. But all the optimism, dignity and hope that you could ever imagine at two great institutions. I actually spoke at the commencement address one year. The year before President Bush spoke there. And I said earlier, president Bush was a wonderful president dedicated to recognizing how important immigration was to our country. And how we should value ourimmigrants and treat them with respect when we have the debate on these issues. Hahn goes on to say, there are — Juan goes on to say, there are a lot of misconceptions with the DACA program. One is that beneficiaries of the program are asking for a free pass.DACA does not grant citizenship, rather it allows individuals like myself who have been benefited from state-funded investments like public education to move forward with their lives and continue to contribute to their communities. That means DACA’s beneficiariescould continue to pursue higher education, starting businesses or putting their skills to use without the constant fear of deportation if the program is kept in place. Of course we hope the dream act will have a more beneficial impact than just the DACA a— impact than just the DACA announcement but that’s what we’re asking the speaker for a vote for. We thank Juan for sharing his important story and reinforcing the constant message that people are working hard. They want to give back to communities. The immigrant commitment and recognition that education is the source of making the future better for their families and for our country. Dennis tells his story. I didn’t cry. I knew it was for the best. I said good-bye to many. The people I love, I felt uncertainty. Yet I didn’t cry. You see, I knew of the American dream. Every evening I’d watch American films filled with white picket fences and big city aspirations. I dreamed of setting foot in the land of opportunity. After a disastrous journey, we arrived home. Every morning I pledged allegiance to the flag. I meant it. I exceled in school. That’s why our parents worked so hard, why we risked so much. Opportunities that come through education and hard work. Again, that immigrant ethic of hard work ethic and education ethic. Later, Dennis says, I learnedwhat my undocumented status truly meant. I felt uncertainty. Shame. No future. Rattled by it depression. I contemplated giving up.Luckily I had educators that told me I was wasting a mind. So I’ve continued to pursue my education and help run our family business. Through DACA, 800,000 others and I lived freely. We can contribute. That’s our American dream. That is why my mother worked so hard, hands aching, yet a kind smile on her face. That’s why I study economics. To one day enthrall my mind to the betterment of this nation. Giving back. I watched President Trump make his way to the podium, I felt urn certainty. My own need for an earn was channeled through screen into the mind of a reporter who asked about the DACA. No answer. Silence. The voice of the president took office, cannons fired, rain fell, but I do not believe in omens. If the life of 800,000 DACA Americans will be by the virtue of the lightning strike of one man’s hand. We ask only to let us contribute . Let us walk shoulder to shoulder on that same road, our hands held to pave. Human decency and morale demanded the American people, our people, demand it and deserve it.So we thank Dennis for sharing his story. But you hear, Mr. Speaker, reiterated time and again, the work ethic. Family values.Education. Giving back to America. No free ride. I’m very pleased and I mentioned congressional black caucus and their leadership on this issue. The his Panek caucus and their leadership — Hispanic caucus and their leadership. I’m very proud of k-pack. The beauty? The mix. And 1/3 of my district is Asia pasifpblgt so Americans. So I take — pacific Americans. So I take great pride in beingpart of the kpac, the congressional pacific American caucus. So here’s the statistics that they have given us. 20 percent of DACA recipients are asian-pacific islanders. Did you know that? More than 130,000 asian-pacific island DREAMers. 7,000 DREAMers are from southKorea. Nearly 5,000 DREAMers from the Philippines. More than 3,000 DREAMers from India. Nearly 2,000 DREAMers from Pakistan.And thousands more from the rest of the asian-pacific area. Noosh DACA, though, there are many people from asia-pacific area who would be benefited if we did comprehensive immigration reform. Tonight we’re — today we’re just speaking — does it seem like nighttime snow we’re just speaking about the DREAMers — nighttime to you? We’re just speaking about the DREAMers. I thank congresswoman Chu for her relentless leadership on this subject, as the chair of CPAC, the congressional asian-pacific American caucus, and also her insistence in presenting the value of family unification as a value. As a soffers strength to America. This is an important debate that we’ll be — as a source of strength to America. This is an important debate that will be part of whatever comesnext in legislation but I thank her for her leadership in that regard. Ure oicon — icon in the Congress, John Lewis from Georgia, has submitted this testimony. Which — John has spoken so beautifully on this subject. I think if anyone listened to him, both if the DREAMers heard him, they’d feel so comforted and inspired and optimistic. And if others heard him, if their hearts are open, they’dhave to say, we must get a result. We must do the right thing. John always inspires us in that way. What an honor it is for all of us to serve with him, to call him colleague. John submitted this story from Georgia. Last week, this is the story, last week on January 30, 2018, President Trump in his state of the union said, Americans are DREAMers too. He didn’t mention the second part. DREAMers are Americans too. My name is Daniela and I was there at the state of the union last week when I heard president Trump say these words. Daniela is a Georgian. As John Lewis has indicated. Daniela goes on to say, I was brought over at age 4 because my mother realized that if we stayed, we wouldn’t survive. At the time, she’s from Mexico, at the time they were very limited ways to get into theU.S. Legally. It required a lot of money and time, something we didn’t have. Put yourself in her shoes. Would you have done for you — what would you have done for you and for your child? Wait years in a country that wasn’t safe with the hope that someday maybe could you come to America? A someday that never came for some because death came knocking first. My mother did what any good parent would do in that situation. She decided to risk her life so that her child could have a future. I’m currently a student down the street at George Washington university. I grew up in Georgia. I speak English more fluently than I do Spanish. America is home. I’m an American. I’m currently studying political science and aspire to work the United Nations and advocate for human rights. I earned over 30ds,000 in private scholarship money — $30,000 in private scholarship money to attend college. She worked and did that. Nothing was handed to me. I did not qualify for in-state tuition or any type of federal financial aid. They call us DREAMers, but we’re actually working every day. To make our dreams into a reality. It’s cruel to deny me and the 800,000-plus DREAMers a clean dream act. The impact of losing DACA would be devastating. Not just emotionally and personally, but also detrimental to the economy. DREAMers are going to school, opening businesses, working, paying taxes. I would add serving in ourmilitary. A study at the center for American progress estimated the loss of all DACA workers would reduce U.S. G.D.P. By $433 billion over the next 10 years. Yes. $433 billion, Mr. Speaker. Over the next 10 years. Removing DREAMers are not only unethical, it is unjust.It’s also simple underAmerican because of the damage it would do — un-American because of the damage it would do to theeconomy. You gave an together to protect the American people. I’m an American. This is not a partisan issue. Please choose to be on the right side of history. I thank John Lewis for submitting this beautiful statement. And also to thank this Georgian for her testimony. I just want to say to Daniela, that not only would we be — you ask us to be on the ride right side of history — to be on theright side of history. I would say that in this Congress, and in this country, we not only will be on the right side of history, we want to be on the right side of the future. And to be on the right side of the future we have to recognize who we are as a country. What our values are. Imagine founders who would say it’s our national purpose and what we owed people, life, libts and — liberty and the pursuit of happiness, the pursuit of happiness is one of the goals of our nafplgtse one of the standards — nation. One of the standards of what we stand for, to use the word again. And so this is not just about protecting the economy. It’s about protecting our country. Who we are as a country. So I thank John Lewis I thank Daniela for her impressive, impressive presentation. Sfp I was born in Mexico. I am 26 years old and have lived in the United States as an undocumented immigrant for 25 years. Do the math, Mr. Speaker. That means she came 1 year old. Throughout my childhood I did not fully understand the repercussions that came fromhearing the status illegal in this country. But I did know my mother and I had to be careful. As an adult, I am now experienced fisthand in restrictions, prejudice and fear illegal immigrants must confront. Since childhood, I’ve always wanted to make a tangibledifference in the world. Listen to that sentence. Since childhood I’ve always wanted to make a tangible difference in the world. .Growing up in adversity inspired me to obtain a college degree. I wanted to become someone to write the wrongs experienced bythose living in poverty. In 2012 quhen I first heard about DACA I was skeptical. The idea of self-disclosing my immigration status, especially to the government, was terrifying. I waited two years to see what would become of those who bravely stepped out in order to receive their two years of deferment from deportation. Eventually I had to do the same. I understood that I could continue to be in the shadows but live as a criminal or expose myself and live as a law abiding individual even though I feel like I have anexpiration date, I’m much happier thanks to DACA. DACA has giving me the ability to drive without fear. Work legally without fear.And earn jobs where I am not exploited. DACA has given me the ability to use my college degree which I used by private donations inthe form of full tuition of scholarship, hard work, perseverance and many tears. DACA has given me the ability to earn a position as an americorps vista and fight against poverty in Boston. It’s amazing how nine digits and a flimsy piece of paper can change your life. My dream is to create a more compassionate society that restores human dignity to those who are pushed further into themargins. I want to earn my ph.d. I want to become a leader of an organization that sooks to provide — seeks to provideopportunities that don’t trap people into misery and dependence. I want to be a voice for the voiceless. My dream is to discoverpotential in people who are thought to have none, because I know what it is like. Thank you for your courage. Giovanny. Giovanni writes, I left Panama on my 8th birthday. At the time I didn’t fully understand the weight what was happening. I was excited to have people on my flight say happy birthday to me. I was intrigued by the smoked salmon that the stewardess served me for lunch. I had no idea to this day almost 20 years later I would not return to my hometown or my childhood friends or the house I was born in.From the moment I arrived in the United States, I tried my hardest to fit in. I learned English quickly and dropped my Spanish accent.I tried to excel in my studies even though it prompted comments I was acting white. I got friends, played popular games. I assimilated because of the immense pressure. I looked at other immigrant kids with their broken English and hand me down clothes and the way they were being teased. I wanted and also failed to distance myself from the perception that I did not belong. The older I got the more I realized my situation wasn’t going to get any better. Giovanni rights on, close friends criticized and spewed toxic mistruths about immigrants and how they were ruining this country. I lived under the constant fear that my home would be raided,that my parents would get arrested and sent to a detention center. I became better and better at coming up with excuses for why I had no license, no car, no job. Why would I couldn’t travel or take advantage of scholarships, why I turned down internshipopportunities and research positions with my professors. At the risk of sounding cliche, DACA opened doors for me. It goes well beyond just being able to work and get a license and fly domestically. You see, when all this — all of us want is simple. We just want the opportunity to emerge from the shadows, to work and support our families, contribute back to our communities, to love ourpartners, spouses without the fear of being deported at a moment’s notice. We have that now but for how long? We thank you Giovanni for his message. But, again, fear, tears, as I said, the statue of liberty must have tears in her eyes when she hears some of the comments that are made about immigrants. Fear in the hearts of some of these people. We just — talk about doors opening.Saying it’s like a cliche. But DACA opened doors for him. Let’s hope passing the dream act will keep those doors open. Dianara writes this — adversity causes some men to break. Others to bend — let me start again. Adversity causes some men to break, others to break records. William Arthur ward. Although being undocumented has been my toughest struggle here in the United States, shewrites, it has shaped me to highly appreciate education and encourage my younger 60’s to excel in — be siblings to excel in their school. I was born in Mexico. My parents migrated to the United States of America when I was very young so they could work endlessly and send money back home to Mexico. At the age of 5 I migrated along with my sister and I was excited about my family being united once again despite the adversity we face. The hardships range from medical situations to owning a driver’s license. The cost of visiting a clinic is tremendously overwhelming due to the fact we do not have the documents required for a medical insurance plan. My parents, like many others, risk so much by pursuing the American dream every day. On August 12, President Obama introduced deferred action for childhood arrivals program. My sister and applied and received our work permits. My soul was euphoric with the joy of being legal in this country. But then I discovered this valuable permit would only help me work legally and not grant me permanent residence. I qualified for scholarships like the Gates millennium scholarship but I may not beconsidered because of my status. I looked high and low for any scholarship that helped undocumented immigrants. Regardless of not being a permanent resident or citizen I still made my dream of attending the university of Texas — ok. Where are you Texas — Austin, Texas, majoring in neuro science a reality. I consider myself blessed and hope others can learn from my struggles. I am involved at U.T. University leadership initiative, an organization that advocates for immigrant rights and helps the community fight injustice. Despite DACA only allowing temporary relief to me, I appreciate it because it removed the burden of my status and allowed me to work and contribute to society. If DACA were removed, we would have to return to the shadows of life and live in constantfear. We cannot let that happen. Another student from Georgia, this time Mcdonagh, Georgia. I learn to live an American before the memories of my homeland solidified into an impression. My mother’s native lung — reshaped my family’s mannerism and grandiose personalities. In pursuing the American dream, my parents not only offered that I lives but also their youngest daughter.In spite of losing my ancestors that both defined me and were unknown to me, I fought for the new self I built in the ashes of the broken dreams they tried to burn down. In community college I steadfastly held the distinction of a Dean’s list scholar and successfully completed the requirements of earning the honor certificate by completing eight honors courses. I held the merit of being inthe alphabeta gamma chapter the next year all while working full time at an animal hospital. I poured the desperation I feltover being denied my education at the top research schools in Georgia into my school and work: I rose to the position of manager at the animal hospital and was the sole student awarded the distinction of student of the year in biology out of the total collegepopulation of 21,000 students. Top student. 21,000 students. In an attempt to continue my education further than a two-year associates degree, I was chosen from a pool of thousands of semifinalists for the prestigious jack Kent Cooke scholarship. Later that year I was offered a different private scholarship to attend eastern Connecticut state university, at no cost to me. In another two years time, I will graduate with a double major in biochemistry and biology. Four years was all it took for me to effectively andirrevocably pursue the education I have proved that I deserve. However, those dreams from the moment I arrived in the unitedStates, I tried — I learned English quickly and, again, I talked about — also talks about the expiration date. Every two years I must gothrough the taxing process of applying for DACA. Every two years, these dreams may die. Until then, I breathe the heart and soul of my denied ancestors into my studies to keep them alive and to keep them ingrained in my pursuit of the American dream. So beautiful. Thank you. And then I want to talk about Cindy. My name is Cindy Nava. I was born in chihuahua, Mexico and arrived to the United States in 1997. I have been blessed to grow up in a state that has demonstrated its appreciation and support for immigration communities over the years. The state of New Mexico is not only the place I call home but it is also the state that hasnourished my deep love and passion for civic engagement and policy. I began my college life in Santa fe community college and then transferred to the university of New Mexico where I obtained a B.A. Degree in political science in 2014. I did not obtain DACA untilspring 2016 due to a local attorney who advised me not to apply. However, this did not stop me from continuing my education. I served as an intern and fellow for more than a dozen state and national political organizations regardless of the fact that they could not hire me. I collaborated with organizations to register high school students to vote, while still not being able to cast a vote myself.I interned at my state legislature for six years and went on to become the first undocumented student to serve as an intern for the rilla Moran and nfdw award. Thanks to DACA I was able to begin a graduate program and thus was able to accept a job as a graduate research assistant at the university of New Mexico. Having the ability to travel to border states granted me the ability to become the second dreamer in the country to graduate from the emerge America women leaders training program. Wow. DACA has changed my life and I will always be grateful to President Obama for taking the first step to uplift our immigrant communities through his efforts to support us regardless of the criticism he received. DACA will forever hold a special place in my heart as it was through the benefit of being able to apply for advanced parole that I was able to travel to chihuahua, Mexico after 21 years to be with my beloved ilalla Eva, until her very last moments on this Earth. I will forever cherish the fact that DACA opened a world of opportunities for me to support my family and my communities in ways I would have never been able to otherwise. Thank you, Cindy, Nava, for sharing your personal story with us. Here on the floor, representative Rochester from declare, — Delaware, thank you for being with us. A member of the freshman class, representative blunt Rochester, has been an advocate for our DACA recipient. One story. I was born in Guerrero, Mexico, and came with my parents at the age of 6. I am a 19-year-old DACA student currently studying biology.September 16, 2013, seemed like any day. I was on my way home from school. As the bus inched forward, flashing lights and a scene of an accident came into view. We saw an ambulance was blocking the intersection. We all stood up eagerly from our seats.Intrigued, fascinated and curious to see what happened. In the distance from beyond the compromised seat my heart stopped and I recognized what was on mistakably my dad’s crushed car. As I sat down so many things went through my mind before I was finally able to see him. A nurse with a clipboard escorted me back and she opened the curtain. There was my dad, handcuffed to his hospital bed and looking utterly defeated. After a long breath he spoke. In his voice he carried fear. Fear of the unknown anduncertainty of the future. He knew of the adversity ahead of us. Though his words were few he began telling me I was going to have to be strong and not lose focus on my education. He was then taken to jail. From that day on I knew my life would be different. In the midst of all of this I found refuge in one thing — that I had control over my education. If I were to lost my day A.D.A. That day on September 16 I knew he would not have been disappointed because he would have been content knowing his children would be left in a good place which is all an immigrant parent always wants. At that moment the flames of disparity gave way to the fire of indignation, but this only kindled me with the Phoenix of preservation. I would persevere in spite of these obstacles. I spent countless hours researching every possible opportunity that would allow me to further my education. Lastly, I would like you toencourage the thousands of undocumented people like myself. I stand before you to ask pass the dream act so I and so many other undocumented people not only can continue pursuing the American dream but also no longer fear being separated from loved ones. . Thank you for this beautifully written statement. Like so many other of the DACA students and DREAMers. It’s a story of family, of education, of commitment, of patriotism. Also beautifully written. Thank you so much. I know that in the course of the day we’ve been joined by congresswoman Zoe Lofgren who has been a real champion on the issue of immigration and a champion relentlessly for our DREAMers. She has served as the chair of the immigration committee. She’s now the ranking Democrat on the immigration committee. She has practiced immigration law. She has taught immigration law. She is a recognized leader called upon by all kinds of constitutional institutions for her views on this and other subjects that relate to our constitution and our country.Relentless, persistent. She’s not only a leader but also a sfrong advocate. Thank you, Congress — but also a strong advocate. Thank you, congresswoman, for your leadership. I mentioned earlier also Sheila Jackson leefment what I mentioned was the im— JacksonLee. What I mentioned was the immigration committee. Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee also maybe of the judiciary Committee, leader on the immigration issue. An expert on it. Early I read — early earlier I read her statement — earlier I read her statement she presented from a dreamer, from Houston, Texas. Thank you, congresswoman, for being with us. And congresswoman Bonniewattsson Coleman from New Jersey is with us — Watson Coleman from New Jersey is with us too. She’s a very Yo you the spokenforce on many subjects in the butening — in the Congress. I know you know this issue so well. But for all of us, it’s not just an issue.It’s a value. It’s something very important to us. Earlier also from New Jersey was frank pallone, our ranking member on the energy and commerce committee. Who cares so deeply about this issue. He’s been in and out for most of the four hours that I have beenspeaking. John Lewis, we had his beautiful statement from Adrianna, a dreamer. No, Daniela, a dreamer from Georgia. Thank you, John, for your great leadership. I sang your praises earlier. I could spend another four hours just talking about you. Thank you so much. Let’s see wholes is here. Congresswoman Maxine waters has been here for most of the time. She too as a californianunderstands the impact of public policy in the lives of people. Dr. King told us, the ballot, legislation, your life. There’s a direct relationship. And legislation here has a direct impact on the lives of these people. Nobody understands that better than wax even waters, our ranking — Maxine waters, our ranking member on the financial services committee. Congresswoman Velazquez was also here earlier. A leader on the committee, the financial services committee, also a leader on the — the top Democrat on small business committee, where many, many minority-owned businesses enjoy the benefit of her leadership. She also was the chairman of the Hispanic caucus. The year that we passed the dream act in the house of representatives. I thank her and the members of the committee for making that victory possible. Congresswoman Eshoo of California has been a tremendous force on this issue. A number of the testimonies that I have read have been from either Silicon Valley area or aspire to be from the silicon Valley area.Entrepreneurship, stem, engineering, a lot of engineering aspirations in this list. So we thank congresswoman Eshoo, her role as a leader on the energy and commerce committee, for her strong advocacy for many , I mean, she and Zoe Lofgren know better than almost anyone the contributions that immigrants have made. Most of the new startup companies in our area are started by immigrants to our country. Many of the people who would like to be part of that are a part of the dream, the dreamer community.So we thank congresswoman Eshoo also for her extraordinary leadership. Thank you. I’m going to go on to he will hand drow Gonzalez — Alejandro Gonzalez. His story goes, like this, Mr. Speaker. I was 12 years old when I found out I was undocumented and when I found out I couldn’t be a teacher like I always wanted to be because without the proper documentation I couldn’t receivegrants to afford a hydrocation. Plain and simple. — A higher education. Plain and simple I had to settle for jobs that didn’t allow me my full potential because I didn’t have a Social Security number and didn’t — it was then that I started to live a life of anxiety, stress and depression, because of the uncertainty of my future and the threat of deportation. DACA was an instant relief from that.Alejandro says, since DACA, I’ve been able to acquire the funds to go back to school. Whime some have seen DACA as a form of amnesty, no, and the pledge to fight against it, it should be stated that it’s far from. That if anything, it is a band-aid solution addressing the needs and concerns of the millions of undocumented immigrants in this country. My plan after graduating fromcollege consist of making health care accessible to all, and giving back to the community that I love so much. There are dreams that are have become lawyers, doctors, police officers and small business owners thanks to DACA. And their career choices benefit the country as a whole. We are a group of hardworking individuals who just want the opportunity to — for a better life. My parents chose to smuggle me across the border, was irresponsible. He says. My parents’ choice to smuggle me across the border wasirresponsible. But I understand why they did it. Our home country was being terrorized by poverty and drug cartels and I can’t imagine what my life would have been like if we would have stayed. I am grateful for all the privileges the United States has granted me and while the DACA is just a temp rare fix to our immigration policy, it’s one that provides a pathway to success for millions of DREAMers in the country. Well, if we were to lose DACA, I hope that the new administration implemented a reform that ensures the well-being of DREAMers. But if it didn’t, I know our willing to keep fighting and progressing won’t end. With or without DACA, my future doesn’t feel uncertain anymore. I will continue to pursue my goal of making health care accessible. We aren’t asking for a handout. We’re asking for the same opportunities to succeed in the country we call home. Thank you. Miriam writes, don’t worry when you’re not recognized. But strive to be worthy of recognition. Who said that? Abraham Lincoln. Don’t worry when you’re notrecognized. But strive to be worthy of recognition. Abraham Lincoln. Mar yam writes, I have doctor marum write, I have carriedLincoln’s word thruse my life. Its remain mates with me now more than ever. I was 4 years old when I was brought to this country.My mother was faced with the difficult task of raising two children on her own. It was then that she made the decision to come to the United States. Leaving all of her comforts behind, she sacrificed everything to pursue a better life for us. I have lived in this country ever since. It was in Houston, Texas, that I went to school, learned a second language, graduated from high school with honors and paid my way through community college. I grew up with a vision of achieving the American dream. The same dream they teach you in school. The dream that anyone with honest character and conduct can succeed in this country. And none of that mat fathers you don’t have the right — mat fathers you don’t have the right — matters if you don’t have the right identity card.Because of DACA I was able to attain a work permit and driver’s license. DACA also gave met opportunity to live out my dreams. — Me the opportunity to live out my dreams. I own my own photographer business. I plan to continue pursuing my as vas —S a separations regardless of my status. I doctor myself lucky among others who are denied the rights granted by DACA. That is why I decided to share my story. I’m not looking for any kind of recognition or sympathy. But looking to make a difference and to inspire others. Hopefully the trump Administration takes into consideration all of our stories when they make a decision about the future.In the meantime, we the DREAMers need to continue to set a high example for others and give back to our communities, which theyhave given so much to us, even while political forces threaten our daily lives. I know my story is one of many others and I speak for them when I say, we are not asking for handouts. Only for the opportunity to work hard, pay taxes like other citizens, mostly live our lives in peace and for the first time, for some of us we live in peace in the only country we call home. Before I go into othertestimony, I want to recognize so many of our members have been here on the floor with us and some who are watching from theiroffices and sending their memos. But I do want to acknowledge the presence of congressman Carbajal of California. A champion — all — let’s recognize, they’re all distinguished champions on this issue. Very concerned, working very hard, working very hard for usto get a vote on the floor. A debate and a vote on the floor. Congressman Carbajal of California. Freshman member. Congressman Kildee of Michigan. Who has — leads the way with our one-minutes on the floor. Congressman Bonnie Watson Coleman whose birthday was yesterday and is sharing today with us. I acknowledged her earlier. Thank you. Congressman waters. Congressman Velazquez. Congressman Correia of California. Congresswoman Matsui of California. Congressman gowmeffs California.Congresswoman Jackson Lee. Now my third time to acknowledge congresswoman Jackson Lee. Congressman Takano of California.Congressman Barbara Lee, I read her testimony, of her dreamer earlier. Congressman Lowenthal of California. Congressman Darren Soto of Florida. He’s been such a champion right from the start. I was down with him in a university, the first month of his being in Congress, and that day I spoke to general Kelly right from the venue where we were speaking to the students. And general Kelly told me that he cares deeply about DREAMers. He cared deeply about DREAMers. And I had confidence that he would help us and I still do. On this very important value that we share. Congress Mike Thompson of — congressman Mike Thompson of California.Congressman Cardenas of California. Congressman Tonko of New York. Congressman ALMA Adams of north Carolina. I mentioned congresswoman Zoe Lofgren. I acknowledge her. Congressman Panetta, who presented testimony here. Congressman Norcross of new Jersey. Lots of New Jersey testimony here. Congressman cartwright of Pennsylvania was with us for a long while. Congressman serrano of New York. Champion all these issues, including our right to be fair and just to Puerto Rico. Congressman Ellison, I read the testimony of his dreamer earlier. Congressman Eshoo, I acknowledge her again for her extraordinary leadership. She has faith that this will happen and we pray together over it. Congressman Norma torres of California who’s reminding me that tomorrow is the national prayer breakfast. Congressman Ruiz of California. Congressman Mcgovern, who has been with us a long time. From Massachusetts. Congresswoman Val demings, a new member of the judiciary Committee, from Florida. Congressman Castro of Texas. Congressman Al green, Houston, Texas. Castro, snow. Where we had testimony from there — Castro, San Antonio. Where we had testimony from there. Congressman Al green. Congressman Jean green. Where are we now? — Gene green. Where are we now?Congresswoman blunt Rochester, who we had testimony from — beautiful testimony from earlier. Congresswoman slaughter from new York. Congressman Hoffman of California. Congressman Mcnerney of California. Congresswoman Barragan of California.Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky of Illinois. Congressman Garamendi of California. Congresswoman Bonamici of Oregon.Congressman — congresswoman jayapal, again, I acknowledge her leadership, a member of the Judiciary Committee. — Committee of jurisdiction for this. Congressman Lewis, again, I acknowledged John Lewis. Congressman Cicilline, a member of the Judiciary Committee. Congressman Juan vargas of California. . They have been just extraordinary, all of them, but, again, the members of thehomeland security committee, congressman Bennie Thompson, was in meetings with us preparing to come to the floor and I want to acknowledge his leadership on this as well. Congressman Adam Schiff spent some time with us in caucus downstairs on this subject. So many of our colleagues participated in our early morning meeting until our next meeting before coming to the floor. I tell you about the morning meeting which began at 8:00 because when I came to the meeting I said, from 8:00 this morning until 12:00 tomorrow night is 40 hours, Mr. Speaker. 40 hours. A strong biblical number. 40 years in the desert for the Jews and Moses. 40 years. 40 days in the desert. Christ 40 days. 40 days of lent. So important to many of us here. 40 hours as a catholic ritual, observing 40 hours. 40 hours is a number that is fraught with opportunity. It’s a prayerful time, too, whether it was in the desert with Christ or lent or 40 hours of religious devotion. And we should use this 40 hours. I came to the floor, as I said, when senator Durbin and we sang his praises of being such a champion on this issue. I was going to come and bring my rosary blessed by the pope and talk not just one rosary, five — but all three. Full rosary, that would take some time. Prayerful about that. Instead, I did that during the night and came here to make sure that everyone who follows Congress knows the stories of these DREAMers and how consistent they are with the aspirations of our founders. How proud our founders would be of the aspirations of these young people to make the futurebetter, to give back to community, to pledge allegiance to America, to fulfill life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness. Imagine founders, the pursuit of happiness, they were so wonderful. And everything we do here has to be to honor the vision of our founders. To honor the sacrifice of our men and women in uniform and what they do to make us America what we are, the home of the brave, land of the free, and also the aspiration of our children. I reiterate the statement that I made earlier. This is about the children. It’s about the children. And think of it as chip. Chip is a health program for the children. It’s handled discreetly, has broad support. It’s not the whole health care bill. It’s chip for the children. This is DREAMers for the children. It’s not the whole immigration bill. It’s this.It’s a confidence building step, a first step. We go to the next more complicated step of comprehensive immigration reform. We all know and that’s been our legislation that we’re beseeching the president — excuse me — well, the president to support but ourspeaker to give us an opportunity to bring to the floor. It recognizes our responsibilities to protect our borders. It recognizes our true to who we are in terms of being inspired by these DREAMers and giving them the protections that they should have. So we want that opportunity. And some other colleagues have arrived who have been helping work on this issue, our distinguished chairman of the house democratic caucus, Mr. Crowley. I think he’s been present at every meeting we had with a large, small DREAMers, friends of DREAMers and the rest. Thank you for your leadership, Mr. Crowley. Mr. Levin, who has also been a strong advocate, coming fromMichigan, he brings a heartland perspective to our discussion. Thank you, Mr. Levin. Carolyn Maloney from New York. Care Lynn.There she is. Carolyn Maloney, thank you. Of course, new yorkers think they own this issue so do we in California. But it’s a heartland issue as well. So I’m very proud of all the members who have come here but also for the work that they have done and there are many others who have been working very hard on this issue. Starting — when we started our meetings at 8:00 this morning,continued in our leaders meeting, Mr. Crowley and Mr. Hoyer, about where we go from here in terms of the budget negotiations that have gone on. As I said earlier, there are many good things in the budget agreement. They have been responsive in a bipartisan way. You know, again, it’s a compromise. I’ll just return to that because some people may not have heard my first statement. The budget caps agreements includes many democratic priorities. The disaster recovery package and dollar-for-dollar increases in defense and nondefense budget, Democrats have secured hundreds of billions of dollars to invest in communities across America.Billions in funding to fight opioids, to strengthen our veterans. Remember what our priorities were, there were bipartisan priorities that we were fighting for, appealing for. Fighting opioids, strengthening our veterans, national institutes of health, to create rural infrastructure and broadband and to fund access to childcare and quality higher education. So it’s a good piece of work. This morning we took a measure of our caucus because the package really does nothing to advance a bipartisan legislation to protect DREAMers in the house without a commitment from Speaker Ryan, comparable to the commitment from leader Mcconnell, thispackage cannot have my support. However, I am hopeful that we can get that commitment and let me say about this house ofrepresentatives. First of all, as far as the Constitution is concerned, we take the oath to protect and defend. That’s our responsibility.Of all the things I thought, I thought I might be hungry, thirsty, I thought — I never thought I’d get the sniffles from the rug. But anyway — but I can handle it if you can. The — honor the Constitution of the United States, it’s so important. First branch, article 1, the legislative branch, we are the first branch of government. And we’re the people’s house. The wisdom of our founders elected us every two years to have us constantly accountable to our constituents. And the Constitution says, appropriation bills should begin in the house. And so the house sent over a continuing resolution. Yesterday. It seems like a long time ago. The Senate is acting upon that by adding to it the compromise that I described and which I think is a good piece of work and I commend both the leaders, Mr. Mcconnell and Chuck Schumer for their negotiations of which our house democratic input was a major part. So I associate myself with it. However, the difference between the house and the Senate is that senator Mitch McConnell, Republican leader in the Senate, gave — was respectful of his members who asked in a bipartisan way for him to bring a bill to the floor. And he will give thatopportunity. The chips will fall where they may when they have the debate. But they viewed that opportunity as a fair one. They viewed that as a fair one. We’re asking for the same thing. Now, in our house the bill that our bipartisan bill is further developed. It is the hurd-aguilar bill, which as I said, recognizes our responsibilities to protect our borders but also does the job for our DREAMers.Just a piece of the immigration bill but a confidence builder in a bipartisan way. Done again in a bipartisan way to build unity withtransparency. Let’s have the debate on the floor. Let’s have the debate on the floor. So why should we be considered the place where appropriations begin, the place where we will have to take a vote on that again, the only place in America where you can’t debate the issue? Give us a chance. Give us a vote. Put it all on the floor. Make it queen of the hill. Bring your Goodlatte bill to the floor. Maybe what the Senate comes up with should be on the floor as well. We’ll see what that is. It’s bipartisan. We know that it will be bipartisan, and that requires a big vote, supervote in the Senate. Hurd-aguilar bill which has enough Republican co-sponsors and many more supporters to justify it being brought to the floor. So that’s what we’re asking for is just simply a vote. No guarantee. Just the ability to debate and consider. Queen of the hill, whoever gets the most votes, that’s the bill that will prevail in the house of representatives. If that be the Senate bill then that will be the end of it and it would go to the president. If it’s the hurd-aguilar, thatwould go to conference, as would the Goodlatte bill should that get the highest number of votes. Which I don’t anticipate to be the case because I don’t think it will have bipartisan support. But, again, have the debate, let the chips fall where they may. So that’s why we’re here. Since we can’t that debate, all night, as I was saying my rosary, blessed by the pope, in honor of my mother, I thought — say the rosary on the floor. A-ha. Where can we have in debate? Maxine. Maxine’s bill. We have to be here for Maxine’s bill. I will use my one minute. My leadership one minute to tell these stories, which there’s so much more ell he went than anything any of us can say. But we don’t deserve any right, any of us to say we love DREAMers or anything like that unless we have an intention of doing something about it, of doing something about it. And the DREAMers have worked so hard with such dignity over so many years, some of them, they have earned the high regard of the American people. The figures are so overwhelming. 90 percent want the DREAMers to say. 80 percent with citizenship. 70 percent of Republicans support the DREAMers. So this is — we’re not asking for something off the wall. It is something that is — yeah, maybe it is off the wall. Maybe the wall is the issue here but nonetheless — nonetheless, life, liberty, thepursuit of happiness, again, talking about those founders. A new order for the ages. Every generation taking responsibility for making the future better for the next. Every testimony talks about that. Parents making sacrifices for their children to have a betterlife. A direct reflection of the American dream of hope, determination, optimism, faith, faith in god, faith in the future, faith in America, faith in families, faith in the work ethic, faith in education. All of these tms talking about giving — testimonies talking about giving back, giving back. Not an ounce of arrogance anyplace. All of them appreciative of what America has given them. Sometimes naming names, other times schools, churches, but always understanding the opportunities they have are a blessing from our country and we recognize that they are a blessing to America. So with that I will go on to — who we have next? Anna Sanchez. Like other beneficiaries of DACA, I for one have been given the opportunity to pursue my dreams by obtaining higher education and a job. I am Anna Sanchez, an 18-year-old undocumented student who was brought to this country when I was only 2 years old. Due to living conditions in my home country, my home parents decided to immigrate to the United States to offer me and my sister a much better education and a brighter future. Growing up I was aware that I was born in Mexico, however I did not know the effects ofbeing undocumented until high school came about. Now that I am older, I realize who I am in the eyes of the government and it saddens me to know — it saddens me to know — sorry. Now that I’m older I realize I am in the eyes of the government and it saddens me to know people believe these misconceptions about us. Ever since we arrived in Texas my dad risked his life to workunder dangerous conditions to provide enough food and shelter to my family. My family did not think twice, we all knew it was an advantage and precious opportunity the country had given us. Finally we had been given the chance to prove that we are part of this country’s future and success. . Because of DACA I’m able to say I’m a part-time student and staff for an after school program. I’m two steps closer to beginning a business woman and a teacher that gives me hope. Sadly, however, the new administration has posed threats that would make my hope and my dreams unreachable. If the permit is taken away, our hard work will begin worthless. I want to give back to this country. So I urge Congress to give me that chance. We thank Anna for her statement. A high school student teacher told me people like you don’t go to college. I was accepted to seven colleges after graduating with honors from emsly high Langley high school and you know I hold a B.F.A. From Memphis college of the arts as well as M.A. And M.F.A. From the university of Iowa. In July, 2012, I stood in front of the television with tears rolling down my face as I heard President Obama enact the controversial executive action of the dream act. A bipartisan bill — after the dream act. A bipartisan bill failed to reach cloture in the Senate. Even though those — through those tears, I knew that my life and the lives of so many others were at risk. And that most people would never see this. I was the first in my family to graduate from high school. Every undocumented person I knewother than two younger brothers dropped out, either because it was expected of them or because high school diploma meantnothing to which the jobs they applied. I remember being told to get a job that pays under the table and to keep my head down.This was contrary to what my elementary and high school school teachers had taught me. Work hard and you too can makesomething of your life. Of course they were unaware of my status and I was unaware of the full repercussions that came with it.Everyone was excited to start college. And — he goes on to talk about — goes on to talk about all of that. But similar story about thesacrifices of parents, the sacrifices of parents who take the risk, parents to work hard and encourage education. Parents wanting to make the future better for their children. It’s a beautiful, beautiful story. Juliana. I came to the United States for the first time when I was 11 years old. My younger sister was brought to St. Jude’s children’s research hospital with leukemia. How beautiful. We came back three years later for her checkup and we found out she had relapsed. My dad was afraid of trying to change our expiring tourist Visa in case we had to go back to Brazil and my sister would not be able to receive treatment. My sister is now a cancersurvivor and would not have been if we had gone back to Brazil. My family left everything behind to save her and give us a betterlife. Thanks to Obama’s DACA, I was able to work and help pay for my college education. Thanks to to Obama, my sister also received health insurance, a two-time cancer survivor, she needs a lot of care and intelligence I thought of getting up many times —attention. I thought of getting up many times. I’ve been afraid to tell my story because many times I feel judgment toward immigrants. I’m no longer afraid. I feel that if everyone shares their stories, others will empathize and realize that we have the same story. Four years ago when I felt miloest, I met my husband. We fell in love right away. We found each other after years of searching.We now have two dogs. And we plan on having kids in the next few years. My doctor says you’re going to be a grandparent. A grandpuppy. Thanks. Now we have nine. But that was our first grandchild was a cocker spaniel. Not a cocker spaniel. A big dog. Ok.I’m extremely passionate about helping others and I’m currently volunteer for one family Memphis, a foundation that is building from the ground up. I am looking forward to making a difference in the Memphis community as well as raising my kids to see the light hidden in every darkness. Carol Shea-porter is here from New Jersey, as well as Susan Davis from Katrina. Thank you for your leadership. And for — from California. Thank you for your leadership and for being here. Another story from Sheila Jackson Lee. Last September Alonzo, a Mexican national and dreamer, drove more than 100 miles from his home to Texas to help those trapped byHurricane Harvey flooding in the Houston area. He and another man disappeared after their boat cap sized in the flood-swollen creek and relatives began searching for their bodies. He had moved to Lofgren at age 14 from across the border, he graduated from love Ken high school and worked in construction. He often organized fundraisers for those in need. A mastermind of his rescue tripto the Houston area on the fly with friends’ help. When Hurricane Harvey hit, they borrowed a boat and drove fast to save strangers.How beautiful. Alonzo is survived by his 8-year-old daughter. You are in our prayers and we thank you for sharing your father with America and for his sacrifice. How sad. Thank you. Donald Payne’s state of the union guest was Juan Lopez. Donald Payne Jr. From New Jersey. Again, New Jersey heavy in here. Juan Lopez migrated to the United States from Uruguay at age 2. And was raised in Newark, new Jersey. He was selected for the Rutgers future scholars program. Which is a college preparatory mentoring program for select first generation low-income academically promising students from local schools. Lopez is a senior at Newark science park high school and plans to attend rutgers-newark on a scholarship to study pre-engineering. In anticipation of the state of the union address, Lopez issued the following message. My name is Juan Lopez and I arrived in the United States of America at the young age of 2 years old. I have been living in the United States for over 15 years now. 17 now, Mr. Speaker. I remember the first time I heard my legal status referred to as illegal alien. I immediately felt as though the term did not fit. Alien? Meant an outsider. And I had never felt like one. I’ve lived the entirety of my life in the same place. And I’m not ashamed of where I’m from. I embrace the term undocumented and have used it as a propeling force in my own pursuit of greatness. Imagine. His own pursuit of greatness. You go, you 17-year-old Hahn Lopez. I am a recipient of the deferred action for children’s arrivals other known as DACA. And it’s something I’m very proud of. I’m a dreamer and I will continue to dream, whether it is here or wherever the government sends me. Who else do we have here? Garti. This is the opening line. I think you get married after you graduate high school. These are words my S.A.T. Tutorsaid to me during my college consultation visit. Halfway through making my college list, he abruptly halted the conversation and for a moment my future. He did not think that I was fit for colonel despite my top notch academic record, that I maintained since the day I entered pre-consistenter garden. The only — pre-kindergarten. The only viable option he saw for all undocumented youth wasmarriage. My name is jarji and I’m an undocumented immigrant. I was born in India. And grew up in the diverse streets of Jackson heights, in the heights, New York City. Since third grade. I have worked hard not only to help myself but help those in undocumented communities. My mother decided to move to America because it is where reams of hard work sprinkled with luck equals success.When President Obama created DACA, it gave me the opportunity to attend the university of notre dame where I am pursuing my goal of getting a ph.d. In economics. DACA allows me to work not only as a research assistant to professor jeffreyburgstrand, butalso as a tutor at the notre dame writing center. Honing my writing and research skills will not only advance my career, but will also advance the careers of my fellow undocumented peers at notre dame. While notre dame has provided numerous opportunities for its DACA students, there’s still a lot of work to be done. I’m the second generation of undocumented students at notre dame — that notre dame has publicly send. Last summer I conducted research on medical school’s admission policies for undocumentedstudents. This research is critical for the campus career services when providing guidance and up to date information for currentpre-ed me mablings — majors looking for medical schools that are DACA-friendly. He goes on and on and talks about that and the need for doctors in our country. So it is again another chance for more doctors. We’ve talked about health professionals. We’ve talked about researchers in the health care field. We’ve talked about doctors, dentists, he we’ve talked about graduate students and health 
-related issues and the need for more health professionals in our country to meet the needs, our health needs of our country, andwe hear this coming from these students. Since we were talking here about this, I wanted to just mention we talked about notre dame here. But so many of the institutions of higher learning in our country have been so supportive of our DREAMers. The administration of these institutions of higher learning have been advocates for the DREAMers. They have tried to accommodatethem where possible. Advocate for them wherever. And part of what we talked about earlier, earlier we talked about bibles, badges, our law enforcement community. And the business community. And the business community tied in with the academic communityhas been a tremendous resource. I particularly want to mention the C.E.O. Of I.B.M. Who really — I.B.M. Has been so good to its DREAMers. They have respected them, given them opportunity and advocated for them, brought them to the capitol. Come here with their C.E.O. It’s just really quite remarkable. But I could say that about large swath of companies in silicon Valley, Bill Gates has been a champion this issue. I really give them credit for the — keeping the prestige of this issue in such a high, high place. And making it a priority in their advocacy here and importantly in their communities. So the business community has been spectacular. Both in terms of small business and corporate America as well. Again, I do — since we have newcomers here I want to go back to our bishop statement from earlier. Do we have that? Or do I have it? Ok, you find it. In the meantime, I’ll go to another one of our — ok. I thought it would be useful once again, since we have a new speaker, to read the statement of the united — U.S. Conference of catholic bishops. This was their statement on the decision to end DACA and urge Congress to find legislative solutions. That is what we’re trying to do today. Is find a legislative solution. Or at least give it a chance to be debated on the floor. The following statement from the U.S. Conference of catholic bishops, president cardinal Daniel D. Of Houston, along with vice president bishop, bishop ofAustin, Texas, who is the chairman of the committee on migration and bishop Joseph Tyson of yakama, chairman of pastoral care of migrants, refugees an travelers, says the cancellation of DACA programs is reprehensible. The statement follows. The cancellation of the DACA program is reprehensible. It causes unnecessary fear for DACA use and — users and their — youth and their families.These youth entered the United States as their minors and now know America as their only home. The catholic church has longwatched with pride and admiration as DACA youth live out their dive lives and hope — daily lives with the hope and determination to flourish and contribute to society. Continuing to work and provide for their families. Continuing to serve in the military and continuing to receive an education. Now after months of anxiety and fear about their futures, these brave young people facedeportation. These decisions are unacceptable and do not reflect who we are as Americans, the bishop said. They go on to say the church has recognized and proclaimed the need welcome young people. Whoever welcomes one of these — now, this quote is so beautiful and we should remember it in everything we do. It’s in mark 9:37. Whoever welcomes one of these children in my name welcomes me. And whoever welcomes me does not welcome me, but the one who sent me. . Christ welcome back — we welcome Christ, we welcome god. So beautiful. Bishops go on to say, today our nation is done the opposite how scripture calls on us torespond. It’s set back from the progress we need to make as a country. Today’s actions represent a heartbreaking moment in ourhistory that chose the absence of mercy and good will. And a shortsighted vision of the future. DACA are woven in the fabric of our country and our church and by every social and human behavior American youth. We strongly urge Congress to act and immediately resume work toward a legislative solution. We pledge our support to work on finding an expeditious means of protecting DACA youth. As people of faith, we say to DACA youth, regardless of your immigration status, you are children of god and welcomed in the catholic church. The catholic church supports you and will advocate for you. That was September 5, 2017. That was the day that thepresident issued his statement. Now, having worked with the bishops for a while, for them to have such a definitive statement so quickly is pretty remarkable because sometimes it takes a bit longer for their deliberative process to work. But this came right away.Ok. This is doctors and DREAMers. I mentioned about the need for doctors and the ambition and the vocation that these youngpeople were feeling toward becoming doctors and I read this. The association of American medical colleges reports the nation’s doctor’s shortage will rise to be between 40,000 and 105,000 by the year 2030. Both the medical — American medical association and the association of American medical colleges have warned that ending DACA will exacerbate this physician shortage in theUnited States. And they have urged Congress to pass legislation to protect DREAMers. Are you listening? Listen to what the A.M.A. Says. Estimates have shown that DACA would help 50,000 previously ineligible physicians in the coming decades to help addressphysician shortages and ensure patient access to care. Removing those with DACA status will particularly create care shortages for rural and other underserved areas. Without these physicians, the A.M.A. Is concerned that the quality of care provided in these communities will be negatively impacted and patient access to care will suffer. This is remarkable and I’m glad I will submit it for therecord. I will make sure all of — I acknowledged Mr. Thompson earlier. Congresswoman grace neap of California is with us —Napolitano of California is with us. Jackie Speier. Jamie Raskin of Maryland. Val demings I mentioned earlier. Congressman — let me see, ALMA Adams I recognized earlier, too. Ms. Barragan, I — Brenda Lawrence from — of Michigan who brings that heartland ofAmerica perspective to it. Ms. Kuster of New Hampshire. Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson of Texas is well — as well. Many have come and gone. I acknowledged everybody already. Anybody new on this side? Ok. We probably want to hear from Victor Esparaza. The day I received my employment authorization card through president Obamas DACA program, is the day I began to live without fear. The Uber small and not very well known village of eau Claire, Michigan is the place that raised me since I was 7 years old. My elementary school teachers never treated me differently because I came from somewhere else and didnt speak thelanguage at the time and for that, I loved them. I took pride in doing my best in my high school courses even though I was filled withanxiety for not knowing what would be next in my life after my graduation in the summer of 2008. As my former high school peerswent off to universities and employment, I went off to live in the shadows. Living under the metaphorical shadow referred to drivingwithout proper driving permits as the state you lived in required proof of legal residency when applying for a driver’s license. Driving like this meant risking legal problems when heading out to the grocery store if you made a driving mistake and got caught for it.Living in the shadows meant no financial assistance at you local community college which pretty much created an impossible financial barrier between your career dreams and you. In the shadows you had no option, but to work in the same farm as your family. And let me tell you, perseverance is a requirement when laboring for below the minimum hourly rate in a sweltering induced condition. This life was my own before DACA and I may not be in the shadows any longer, but my family and relatives haven’tescaped yet. I have been working as an I.T. Support analyst for a midsize drug company for under a year now. This is the best job I have ever had and I dont say this because my hourly pay has increased, I genuinely love what im doing now. Victor tells us. Unless you know me on a deep level, you would think I was just another 26-year-old with a promising career and not someone plagued by fear of Trump campaign promises. This narrative I feel is not only mine, it is owned, shared by hundred thousands of others who also have persevered because of DACA. If I could have a conversation with thewould tell him just that, that President-Elect, I we havepersevered. Thank you, Victor. Senator Durbin has sent us some more stories. Again, he’s our hero in the Senate. He introduced the bill in 2001, has spent most of his — has spent most of his official career with DACA as a priority. He has been a champion forAmerica’s working families. He’s about creating jobs, good-paying jobs for the future, about safety in the workplace. He is the person, along with frank loudenberg, who got smoking off of airlines. Thank you, as one who — last week I had eight flights in 10days. Thank you, senator Durbin, for that. He has been a champion in so many, many ways. Champion of the national institutes of health. Of learning from experience from his own daughter’s health about the health of the biblical power of cure that the national institutes of health has and appropriator for that. The list of his accomplishments is great and this is one of them. The DREAMers. He sent us this story from Cesar Montelongo. Today, I want to tell you about Cesar. When Cesar was 10 years old, Cesar was 10 years old, his family came to the United States from Mexico. He grew up in New Mexico where his academic prowess was quickly apparent.He graduated high school with a grade point average above 4.0 and he was ranked third in his class. Third in his class. He was a member of the chess, French, Spanish, physics and science club. He even took college courses the last two years of high school.Cesar went on to New Mexico state university where he was a triple major in biology, microbiology and Spanish as well as two minors in chemistry and biochemistry. Cesar graduated with distinction and in the honors track with 3.9 G.P.A. Cesar then earned a masters degree in biology with a minor in molecular biology while also working as a teaching assistant. He is the first DACA student at Loyola school of medicine. Ess anti-ing his third year of this highly competitive program and upon completion he will receive a medical degree and doctoral degree in science. Cesar is more than the 30 DACA recipients in the stretch school of medicine which is the first school to admit DACA students. Thank you, Loyola medicine — school of medicine. This started in 2014. DACA students do not receive special treatment of the selection process and are not eligible for any federal assistance. Many have committed to working in a medically underserved community in Illinois after graduation. Cesar Montelongo is researching how the potential implications of urinary diseases. He’s a Spanish interpreter at a clinic and mentor for other medical students. Cesar said when I was very young my father became ill and was bedridden for months. He was the primary breadwinner and saw him as our protector.Watching him immobilized and screaming in pain has impacted my world view. Years later my father suffered from diabetic myopathy. Knowing this could have been prevented by education and relatively inexpensive medication was heartbreaking. By that time it made me realize the potential of medicine. Cesar’s dream of the future, to become a practicing physician and scientist to develop new and improved clinical diagnostic tools so doctors can diagnosis and treat disease faster. Because so many DREAMers have enrolled in medical schools but because of DACA they can be deported back to countries where they haven’t lived since they were children. Will America be a stronger country if we deport them? People like Cesar? I don’t think so. Do we have our A.M.A. Thingagain? Remember that A.M.A. Statement of how important — we now want to talk about William. William grew up in the Boston area and then moved to Florida. In high school he was an honor student and graduated 3.8 G.P.A. He was also be a athlete playing high school soccer and football teams. William is now student at the university of central Florida where he has a 3.5 G.P.A. He will graduate in the spring of 2019 with his bachelors degree in criminal justice. He’s also working a full-time job in order to supporthimself. Because he’s a DACA recipient, William isn’t eligible for financial aid from the federal government. Women with’s dream, to enlist in the military — William’s dream, to enlist in the military, and then to become an officer with his local police department.Thanks to DACA, William is on his way to fulfilling his dream. Last year he enlisted in the army national interest program. Here’s a photo of him with his recruiter with the enlistment ceremony. The program, as mentioned earlier, allows immigrants with skills to enroll in the armed services. More than 800 DACA recipients with these critical skills have joined the military through this program.Some Trump Administration officials claimed that DACA is taking jobs away from Americans. But William and hundreds of other DREAMers have vital skills that our military couldn’t find elsewhere. William, along with other DREAMers, is waiting to ship out to basic training. He continues his undergraduate studies and working full time, awaiting his chance to serve the country he loves. Wilmer wrote this letter. My desire to serve this letter and help people pay back my dues and to lead by example by showing my fellow DACA members that anything is possible with hard work, perseverance, and dedication. William and other DREAMers have so much to contribute to our country but without the dream act, those with skills with vital interest to our country will be kicked out of the army. They want nothing more than to serve and they’re willing to die for the country they call home. Instead, they could be deported back to countries they haven’t lived in since they were children. Will America be stronger if we deport William and people like him, who want to stay here and serve in the armed forces? I think the answer is quite clear. No, we won’t be strong. Today, again, I want to tell you about himena. Her family came to the United States from Mexico City when she was 9 years old. She lives in the city of Houston. We have a lot of Houston folks. Jerry Mcnerney, thank you for being here. Mr. Mcgovern, I acknowledged you earlier.Raul Grijalva, who really has been an outstanding leader on this subject, has joined us, but he’s been with us in every meeting today on the subject. Thank you, all, for joining us here. Congresswoman Nita Velazquez, the — Nydia Velazquez, the fact she was chair when we passed the dream act. And as mentioned earlier, senator Durbin was the chair in the Senate. We thank those two leaders once again. Jimena was Jimena was 9 years old when her family to the cames to the United States. She served in the junior rotcprogram. Under her leadership, her battalion was named the best battalion in Houston independent school district. She also served as captain of her high school soccer team and a regular volunteer at the Houston food bank. A real leader, Jimena is majoring in communications at the university of Houston. She’s interned with United States representative Sheila Jackson Lee and citycouncilmember Gallego. She was asked by the mayor of Houston to serve as the youngest member of the mayor’s Hispanic advisory board. She’s the first DACA recipient to serve on the board. Last week in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey, she stepped in to help her community just like she has always den. She volunteered at shelters, helping people with FEMA and red Cross applications, she was joined by many other DACA recipients. It’s a stunning story, DACA recipients helping after Hurricane Harvey. Jimena wrote me a letter — this is from senator Durbin — and asked for only one thing, for President Trump to come meet the DACA volunteers and hear their stories. Jimena and other DREAMers have so much to contribute to our country. Again irk ask the question, would America be stronger if we deported Jimena? I don’t think so. Christina ve laz quezz, no relation, I guess, congresswoman Velazquez. When she was 6 years old, her family came to the United States from Venezuela. She went to elementary school in Madison, Wisconsin. She wrote this letter, in it she talked about he childhood and she said, I spent my formative childhood years in the midwest where I learned to assimilate and learned the value this is country was founded on this salt of the Earth quality of the people around me and extraordinary kindness between strangers shaped my own values and attitude toward others. Growing up in Madison taught me a great deal about compassion, patience, and hard work. Christina was an outstanding student. In high school she was a member of the national honor society. You’ve heard that over and over again. National honor society. And she also was elected vicepresident of her class and manager of the track team. She also found time to volunteer. I love the way kids are so top-notch academically, participate in athletics and the rest, and in their spare time work at the local camp for pre-k students, or the food bank, or whatever it is. Christina graduated with honors from Miami David community college and is a student at Georgetown majoring in international law, institution, and ethics. She received the president’s volunteer service awards two years in a row and is a Walsh scholar. As a highwaya mom, highwaya wife and fwrore, I can tell you being a wash scholar at Georgetown is a big deal.During her time at Georgetown, she has interned in the U.S. House of representatives and piloted college mentorship program at a local high school. In addition to this, she finds time to work two part-time jobs. How many hours do you have in a day, Christina?She’s also dedicated two of her undergarage Summers to volunteer as a teach for the Miami and in San Francisco. In both these positions she worked with high-achieve, low-income students providing support for their paths to college. You see, her dream is to be a teacher. She’ll graduate from Georgetown soon, she’s been accepted to teach for America, a national nonprofit organization that places talented recent graduates in urban and rural schools. Teach for America has 190 teachers who are DACA dromers and are teaching our country across the country. In any event, Christina’s scheduled to start the program next summer but without without DACA or the dream act, she and 190 other teachers will be forced to leave their tonights behind. Again, will America be stronger? I don’t think. So Jesus Contreras. He was only 6 years old when he was brought here from Mexico by his mother who sought safety from violence. He grew up in Houston after graduating from high school as a top student, he obtained DACA which allow him to attain his dream of becoming a paramedic. Today he’s 22 years old, works as a paramedic in Montgomery county hospital district. In Hurricane Harvey, he worked six straight days, rescuing people from flood areas. People who needed dialysis orinsulin, hi he took flood victims to will call hospitals, and afterwards would head home for a quick shower before volunteering at his local church to help with medical needs. He said this is my home, these are my people, I love my career, it gave me an opportunity tohelp people in ways I never imagined I could. DACA means everything to me. I would lose my license and certifications I would be sent back to a country I don’t know and lose everything. Jesus and other DREAMers have so much to contribute to ourcountry but without DACA he couldn’t have worked to protect his community through hurricane Harvey and could be deported back to Mexico where he hasn’t lived since he was 6 years old. Would America be stronger without him? I don’t think. So we have another georgetowner here. Luis Gonzalez. Luis gonds les, when he was years old, his family came to the yoits from Mexico. He had difficult childhood in Santa Ana, California, after his parents separated and he lived with his mother in a car garage for several years. After his mother remarried, Luis lived with an abusive stepfather bum Luis overcame the circumstances to become an excellent student he graduated from high school in the top 1 percent of his class. Now that’s a 1 percent we like to talk about. 4.69 G.P.A. And he passed all nine advanced placement exams that he took. Luis is also involved in extracurricular and volunteer activities. He was secretary of theschool’s, here it is again, national honor society chapter. He helped organize an anti-bullying campaign in a local elementary school and created a mentorship program to help incoming freshmen at his high school. On Saturday, instead of relax , he volunteered to tutor other students in math on Saturdays, every Saturday, and he volunteered to help a teacher at the local elementary school. He’s also active in his church. Every Sunday he translated the pastor’s sermon into English for those who didn’t speak Spanish and he cleaned up the church and before and after Sunday service. Because of his outstanding record in high school, Luis was admitted to Georgetown university. He is currently a sophomore and is majoring in American studies and minoring in government. Luis continues to use his spare time, really, to give become to the community. He’s a member of the provost committee for diversity andco-chair of the highway saxa weekend a program that brings state of the unions from underrepresented communities to visit Georgetown. Luis is a leader of stride for college, a program that mentors students at local inner city high schools. Luis’ dream is to be a high school teacher, not surprising given the strong commitment he’s already shown to helping young people. Luis wrote in his letter, DACA gave me the confidence and security I had not had before. I lived in fear and in the shadows. Thanks to DACA I was able to do things I otherwise wouldn’t be able to do, like traveling to an airport or working on a campus. I’ve always felt that I’m anAmerican but having DACA allowed me to stop living in fear and uncertainty. Now those fears have come back again. Will America be stronger if we deport Luis Gonzalez or if he stays here and becomes a high school teacher? I think the answer is obvious. On this subject of Georgetown, English as a second language, teaching English, I mean, translating into English for those who don’t speak Spanish, cleaned up the church before and after Sunday service, the thing about the church, this is interesting. I recently, I’ll read again right now, the united conference of chath lick bishop’s statement, I read from his holiness’ statement about immigrants when he was here, but I also mentioned Dr. Sam Rodriguez and other leaders an the evangelical community who have been so outspoken on protecting our DREAMers. I know we all go to church services every week, I mean, that’s what I hear. Where I go, I see — I G a lotof different places because I travel around the country. And more and more around the country and in my own community in California, more and more of our pa riggsers are from Philippines or from Latin — parishioners are from the Philippines or Latin America. So the future of the church — by the way, one of the churches I go to in kale, our pastor was from Nigeria, in my church inSan Francisco, one of our priests was from the Philippines. The idea of parishioners being more diverse is also the clergy being more diverse. So when we talk about faith and building faith and strong faith in our country, recognize how faith-filled so many of thesefamilies are who come to our country and again our motto, in god we trust. It’s wonderful to see their faith in god, their faith inAmerica, their faith in the future, their faith in themselves, their faith in their families an their faith that gives them hope, the faith inthe goodness of others, as I said, hope, sitting right there in between love and charity. So again, that spark of beginity that we all have, we have to act upon. Ok. So we’ll talk about the — about bonita. She was brought to the United States by her parents when she was 8. She graduated as valedictorian of her high school class at the age of 16. She received a full scholarship to St. Mary’s university and graduated with honors, a double major in biology and sociology. Her honors thesis was on the dream act. She wrote, I can’t — I can’t wait to be able to get back to the community that’s given me so much. I was recently asked to sing the national anthem for the United States and Mexico at the Cinco de mayo at the community celebration. I quickly belted out think stangspangled banner but then realized I didn’t know the words to the Mexican national anthem. I’m an American. It’s time to pass the dream act. We had some photos. This is Javier. He was only 4 years old, his family brought him to the United States from Mexico he went to elementary school in Texas and then moved to California. He was an excellent student who was very involved inextracurricular and volunteer activities, member of the national honor society and was Riverside county student of the month. He also received an award from the college board’s national Hispanic recognition program, fwitch to only 5,000 of the 250,000 students who take the test. He was a member of the math club and a drum major in the school’s marching bound, volunteers in the town’s soup kitchen for the homeless and received the president of the United States volunteer service award he didn’t know he was undocumented until he was applying for college. Learned he was ineligible for federal financial assistance. Thanks to his academicachievements, Javier was accepted at Harvard university, is now a sophomore, majoring in couldn’t computer science and is a member of the Harvard computer society and Harvard marching band. Thanks to DACA, Javier is supporting himself by working as a a web developer he sent this letter. DACA doesn’t give me an advantage, it gives me an opportunity to create my own future on the same grounds as other students. I would like to be judged about my qualities as a person than what papers I happen to have in my hand. I hope to be a computer programmer and begin earning my living as a contributing member of American society. Consider this, every year, thousands of foreign computer programs — programmers come to the United States as temporary guest workers. It makes no sense to deport a homegrown talent like Javier when American companies are importing computer specialists. Javier and other DREAMers have so much to contribute to our country. God bless you. S that story from Terri sewell, thank you, Terri sewell, forjoining us. She bring this is story of a dreamer from Alabama. My name is Fernanda Herrera. I came to the U.S. When I was 2 1/2, grew up in gadsden, Alabama, where I attended gadsden city high school and played the flute in the band, serving as section leader for two years. I moved to Birmingham in 2013 to attend Stanford university as an honors student majoring in international relations.I graduated this past may with thousands out in loans for my degree and hoping to attend law school. My parents and u.s.-born littlebrother live in Ragland where they own a small Mexican restaurant. Under my name since I’m the only person of age with a socialSecurity number. They own it under that. I recently had a car wreck that put me $40,000 further in debt. If DACA is taken away, I won’t be able to work to pay back my loan,000,000 hospital debt , my car payments and my debt from helping my parents with theirrestaurant. Without a clean dream act, my U.S. Citizen brother is forced to choose between having his sister or his parents live here.We do have we do have a picture here. How lovely. Thank you, Terri sewell, and thank you for your extraordinary leadership fromAlabama about a dreamer. The DREAMers are all over our country, Mr. Speaker. They are a blessing so across the board. From the heartland of America, we have many from Michigan, Illinois, Alabama. Of course, Texas heartland as well. It’s also a border state.When Laura alvarred ao was years old her — Alvarado was 8 years old her family broughter to Illinois. She was an excellent studentand involved in many extra curricular and volunteer activity. She was a member of the national honor society. The national honor society. The resounding theme of all of this, a member of the national honor society. She played soccer, tennis and basketball and was a member of the student government. The school newspaper, the chess club and yearbook club. Laura went to northwestern —excuse me — northern Illinois university. In college she worked two jobs to pay for her college tuition. Keep in mind she’s ineligiblefor federal financial assistance because of her immigration status. In 2016 Laura graduated with honors with a major in justicestudies. But then she was stuck. Laura wanted to become a lawyer but was unable to pursue this dream, Mr. Speaker, because shewas undocumented. Six years — long years later in 2012, President Obama established DACA and Laura’s life changed. In 2013 Laura received DACA, enrolled in law school in southern Illinois university. In law school Laura won the moot court competition. How about that? And was selected for the order of the baresters of the honor sore site. After college Laura received her law degree. Over the summer she passed her law exam and just last month Laura received her Illinois law license which she’s proudly — you see, Laura never gave up on her dream of becoming a lawyer and thanks to DACA and her hard work, this dream has become a reality.Now Laura’s planning a career in public interest law. She says, I would like to be of service to others. In her letter she says, DACA has opened the door — keep hearing that theme — open the door, open the door. Let the speaker please open the door so we can have that debate here as Mitch McConnell has done in the Senate. Laura writes, DACA has opened the door to possibilities that were beyond my reach. DACA presents a better life and opportunity to achieve the American dream. DACA has given me the freedom to live without fear. I now have the confidence to know that my hard work, dedication, achievements can be recognized. I will continue to work hard and lead by the example of what I can accomplish if given the opportunity. Laura and other Democrats have so much to contribute to our country. Will America be a stronger country if we deport Laura? I don’t think so. This is from representativeEngel of New York. It’s one of his constituents. My name is Diana. A constituent from Yonkers, new York. I am a DACA recipient who’scurrently in limbo not knowing what my future holds. I was able to obtain a driver’s license and put myself through tech school where I have turned my E.P.A. License. I also obtained — obtained my E.P.A. License. I also obtained — incredible. E.K.G. Certification which certified me to work in the emergency room. If Congress approves a path to citizenship I will be able to accomplish so much more to give back to my family and community. I love what I’m doing and I don’t want to lose all that I have worked for. Thank you for taking the time to read my message. Diana. Another from congressman Engel, constituent. My name is Joseph from bronx, New York. I applied for DACA in July after finding out from an I.C.E. Officer that I had 60 days to leave the country or face deportation. I am also about to lose my job because I have not received my new card. DACA is my only hope. Elizabeth again from Eliot Engel from Yonkers. I am contacted you because I am submitting my initial DACA application earlier in 2017 and completed my biometrics inApril. I have yet to receive any other guidance. I humbly ask if there’s any way you can help me out. I am absolutely heart broken and deep emotional strain because of everything that’s going on at the moment with DACA. I have two children, a fourth grade and sixth grade, and I will not be able to imagine a life without them. I arrived in the U.S. When I was 9 months old. I am now 28. Called I.C.E. And the only information they provided was the one on their website. I just asked this inquiry and said it wouldn’t be possible. I just had to wait. Another one. Stephanie. Stephanie is a girlfriend of an unnamed dreamer in Eliot Engel’s district. I write to you today about DACA. My boyfriend is a DACA recipient. He is a building engineer. He is a high school graduatend and has an associate degree. He pays taxes. He reaps none of the benefits available to citizens. In terms of well fair, social Security, etc. He’s a good person from a good family. I’m terrified that Congress will not be able to come to an agreement over DACA and his safety will hang in the balance. That he could be sent back to a country he barely knows. I understand you’re against this decision to end DACA but Ibeg you, please do not let party lines and bargaining chips to get in the way of this. Do what is necessary. This has been a horrible day and in six months it could get much worse. Thank you, Eliot Engel, for giving us those stories from your district. This is from Barbara. In 2002 when Barbara was 5 years old her family brought her to the United States from Mexico. Barbara grew up in Phoenix, Arizona and she knew she would face challenges because she was a dreamer. Her older sister had been accepted to an out-of-state university but could not afford to attend. As an undocumented immigrant, she is not eligible for federal financial assistance, and Arizona law prohibits state financial assistance to Barbara and DREAMers. Her mentor said as a dreamer, quote, you are going to have to try harder than everyone else. She said those words confirmed what I had known all along. Although I was only starting high school, I began to dread what most students anticipate with excitement, graduation day. What if I got into my dreamschool but couldn’t go because I couldn’t afford it? In high school Barbara was an excellent student and was involved in many extracurricular and volunteer activities. She was a member of the academic decathlon team for four years and was a team cap Dane during her senior year. She was a member of the student government, yearbook club, homecoming court. She volunteered to tutor middle school students and work part time to save money for her education. Barbara also participated in a number of programs at Arizona state university, including the Walter Cronkite journalism institute. Wow. She recorded a story about her life and was aired around the country on national public radio. This experience brought her interest into journalism and led to an internship at KJZZ,the Phoenix affiliate of national public radio. Last year Barbara graduated as valedictorian of her high school with a 4.5 G.P.A., as aresult of her accomplishments Barbara was accepted to dartmouth college, an Ivey colleague school, where she is now a sophomore. Great Ivey colleague — great ivy league school. Just like thousands of others, an undocumented student, I have grown and become accustomed to the culture here. The U.S. Is where I belong. I want to become a contributing member of society as I have proven in my 13 years. As we know, Barbara and DREAMers have so much to contribute to our country. We have a little boy here. With a 5-year-old boy his family brought him to the United States from Mexico. He grew up on the north side of Chicago. We have a lot of Chicago, a lot of New Jersey here. He was a bright child but when he learned he was undocumented his life took a downturn. He was failing classes and dropped out of high school for six months. He wrote, I felt that because of my status I had no future. As a result, my grades and attendance plummeted and I struggled to do anything productive. Then in 2012 President Obamaannounced DACA and everything changed for him. Here’s how he explained. It meant I have a future worth fighting for. I went back to school and reignited my passion for studying. I want to do whatever I can to contribute to my country. Senior year in high school he improved his grades, head of the school fundraising committee and volunteered with the mentoring program. He also worked full time to support himself and his family. He’s a sophomore year at the university of Illinois in Chicago. Double major in psychology and political science. A perfect 4.5 grade point average. Involved with student government, other recreational club of psyche lling.He delivers food to the homeless shelter. He mentors middle school students. Part time security guard at local events. Dreams of working in Chicago city government. He gives hope to people who need it to turn their lives around. Now he wants to give back tothe city and country he loves. I do note — I have an opportunity here from the vice president — do we have to have the vote here first before members can go — what is the — excuse me — a vote will occur soon after I yield back. I had no intention of yieldingback, Mr. Speaker. I have a lot more — do we know if there is any possibility of a special order later? We asked about three hours ago. For other members to participate because — the speaker pro tempore: The gentlewoman is free to consult with leadership on that issue. Ms. Pelosi: That’s what we asked earlier and we made that overture and we asked Mr. Hoyer. We have been joined bycongresswoman Judy Chu who, as I mentioned earlier, chair of the congressional Asian pacific American caucus and leader fighting for family, fairness and family reunification in our immigration discussions. Congresswoman Nita Lowey, ranking member onappropriations and really central to the discussions that it’s about, about the appropriations bill that will come back from the Senate.It will come back from the Senate with a promise from their leader Mitch McConnell that we would — that we would — that they in the Senate would have a vote on a DREAMers bill to be debated. The chips will fall where they may. We are simply asking the speaker for the same opportunity. So thank you, Mrs. Lowey, for your leadership. Congresswoman Roybal-allard, as I mentioned, was theorblingorge — I called her the godmother of the dream act. She joined with senator Durbin in advancing it in 2001. Congressman hakeem Jeffries, part of our communications group on this and other subjects. Thank you, hakeem of New York. Congressman Gonzalez of Texas who knows firsthand at the border the challenges that we face. Congressman Joe Kennedy of Massachusetts.Again, strong supporter. Giving his response to the president. I mentioned Adam Schiff about his being involved in our discussions in our earlier meetings today on the subject. And congresswoman Hanabusa of Hawaii, of course, very involved in this issue, as youwould suspect. I thank so many of our colleagues for joining here on the floor. I don’t know if they have — I have so many more but I didn’t know if they had any — these are from my colleagues. This is my stack. These are from my colleagues so I’ll go to those. From congresswoman Lowe E— congresswoman Lowey. This is a letter from a dreamer to congresswoman Nita Lowey. I want to thank you for your support of DACA. I know you will help not deport 800,000 DREAMers. Having come from El Salvador from 15 years old, I attended school in New York and now make my home with my wife in pearl river. Life in ell Salazar Dore was dangerous and brutal which is why my father moved us to America in 2005. I am grateful every day for all the opportunities presented to me here. I’m currently working as a technology specialist at apple. It’s so important to continue achieving and setting goals and giving back to my community it would break my life to lose my home in New York. My status expires in November. What will my future be? I’m reaching out to you to ask to meet with you and discuss it. My employers offer support and legal assistance. As I said earlier, our business community has been superlative in all this. This is from Hugo Alexander across mazanago. My name is let. I am now 22. I graduated from Cal poly. I have always known I was undocumented because I remember the first day of elementary school and how kids pointed out my brown skin too much. Told you my story about that before. I know my parents moving to the states was extremely horrifying, leaving everything behind was difficult but it makes me feel better knowing my future here is brighter than the one I could have in Mexico. Regardless not having enough food on the table, not having help on my home work, not having any resources to go to college I managed and got accepted to college and moved away, hours away from home with the purpose of bettering myself and my family. . This really is the American dream story over and over again. She referenced when DACA wascreated. Had stability, if only temporarily in America, only country she knows. By repealing DACA, her hopes were and aspirations were forced to another place and I do not have any clear memories in Mexico. I do not know anyone in Mexico. My entire life is in the United States. Here’s where I have made my life for myself taken away from me as — taking away from me is inhumane. The nation is the only one I love. The only one I belong to. Grass — Graciela Nunez. A 20-year-old student from Washington who works at a humanitarian law firm. Driven person. Has big ambitions to the future. DACA recipient who was born in Venezuela. When she was 7 years old her parents told her she was visiting to Disney world in vacation. She got off the plane. She realized she was not goingback to Venezuela. They were fleeing the Chavez regime and they were in the United States to stay. This is the only country sheknows. She’s like 1.8 million other DREAMers in this country. She has built her life here. She’s as America as it gets. A piece of paper could not negate her participation. All of the things that make this country great. Graciela feels little connection to Venezuela. She doesn’t know how many presidents that country has had. She’s unfamiliar with the geography but she’s got five in A.P. U.S. History and can talk about the details of this country. In her words, she’s been living under constant Hyten stress since the — because of the — heighten stress since this. DACA gives them upward social mobility and allows DREAMers to do exactly what their name implies, dream for beater life and not let paper limit potential. So Jimmy Panetta has sent us a story from Kathryn from Salinas. I mentioned Jimmy in trying to find a bipartisan solution. She says I’m grateful for all the things this country has done for me but I think it’s not — I think it’s important for you to see what I’ve done and for you to see everything I’ve accomplished with high g.p.a.’s, amazing people that are DACA recipients have done great things. The process you have to go through and strictness you have to obtain DACA is hard. You have just little detail on your record and you are out. We’re some of America’s best. I want you to know while taking away from us, don’t you want people with degrees, cool internships? Our parents are here as original DREAMers. Please be able to see that for yourself. This is the same thing about parents. I did we do Graciela. Mr. Hoyer’s, did we do Mr. Hoyer’s already? Ivy Tenley, a Chinese immigrant, the youngest of three, became the second to graduate college in her family from baruke college. Today she continues to devote her free time to underserved. She is a — gets so much of her free time to empowering underserved communities. Her story is just what this country needs. Thank you, Mr. Hoyer, for referring her to us. Yung bin Cho, his family camehere, they enrolled in first grade in Virginia, he garage waited from Virginia tech. Again,s the only home I know. I’ve work and saved to pay for college. Where I live you need a car for anywhere. Now because of DACA I can drive my family, drive to study. All these are personal stories about the struggles, the obstacle, the optimism, determination and hope that all of these people have and isn’t that what America is about? America is about optimism and hope. This one son from representative Eddie, she had another testimonyearlier. Elizabeth Esty has been a champion on this issue, she sends this testimony. I came to Connecticut, I was undocumented, so I could face a tougher test for college but made the decision to keep fighting. I was able to graduate top 5 percent of think class — my class, got a scholarship to western Connecticut state university with a degree in biology. I co-founded an organization to work fer rights of undocumented students. I was able to buy a car and get a driver’s license. I spent eight months in the hospital but due to DACA I was able to get a job that offered health insurance with a national organization united we dream. Now my DACA expires in March,2019, and with it, I will leave the insurance I need to live. These stories go on and on. I think really the point is that these young people have accomplished things that I think many of us would not have been able to accomplish. Perhaps some. I give everyone credit for obstacles they have overcome. But if you have all of the obstacles of economic disadvantage, plus being undocumented, uncertainty in your family and all the emotional unrest that causes, and to see them, national honor society, top 1 percent, top 10 percent, top 5 percent of their classes, giving back, volunteering, over and over again in their communities. These are the best of the best. They are so fabulous. And again, their parents were so courageous. They had a dream for their children and some of these children are now reflecting that they’re living their parent’s dream for them and that’s what America has always been about. Mr. Speaker, I have plenty more stories to tell, some of them submit by our colleagues. But I know that there’s supposed to be a vote sometime soon, is that correct? Or can we just go on? What’s the — Mr. Speaker, may I ask what the order of things is here? Do I have time to go on and onor is there a vote being called or what? The speaker pro tempore: The house is currently considering H.R. 1153. The house is currently considering H.R. 1153. Ms. Pelosi: I understand but — ok. I’ll — algo solano, he was at the state of the union, a guest of representative Blumenauer he grew up in one of the farmworker development corporations in Oregon. At 15 he started volunteering at h.d.c.’s after school program and later volunteered, creating his pathway for social equity he became a DACA recipient. His extensive experience with community-based organizer in the farm workers rights, youth employment and education.He certainly calls as — serves as director for the Oregon Latino coalition where he’s part of the team that helps pass state legislation that extends health coverage to undocumented children. God bless you for that, Aldo. We’ve been joined by congressman Eric Swalwell of California. We thank him for his leadership on this very important issue. Working with the future forum. Visiting with DREAMers all over the country. The — then also Keith Ellison joined us, who has, I referenced earlier, his testimony from his stite from Minnesota. As well. This is again from Mr. Hoyer. Has another testimony from chera Patel, 23 years he’s lived here. He’s from durarat? We tried to resolve our status however due to incorrect file big a notary, our immigration lawyer said there’s no way for us to get it right unless the law changes in Congress. This is again, I won’t read the whole statement but I would just say, over the years, their family paid — built a life here, giving back to the only country my we know as home. My parents paid income tax, property tax and business tax. I was the first in my family to graduate pr college. DACA was a consequential day for me. The decision to rescind DACA was a punch in the gut. I felt the floor disappear under my feet. After 2 year, my life may be destroyed overnight. I continue to raise awareness on this issue by sharing our stories. Thank you for asking our family, friends and neighbors to continue pushing Congress, in return we hope that Congress can deliver. Mr. Hoyer submitted that, thank you so much. Jose of — Mr. Swalwell’stestimony is from Jose of Heyward, California. He came to the United States as a child from Mexico he only pledged allegiance to the United States of America. He’s headed to college soon and wants to be a police officer. In the only country he has called home.Thank you, Mr. Swalwell for bringing that to our attention. Mr. Panetta’s story is from — see la in in a’s we have heard. We haven’t heard from Valentina Garcia Gonzalez. She was only 6 when her family brought her to the United States from Uruguay. She was a bright child, learned English after a few months. She said after that — she became her parents’ right hand. Everything about speaking to the outside world meant I was in the front. It was a lot of responsibility for a young, undocumented kid. In addition, she says, in addition to this responsibility she was an excellent student. She received the president’s education award twice, once fromPresident Bush, once from President Obama. In Hollywood he was she was an honors graduate, advanced placement, leading of student — leader of student government. Somehow she found time to be the president of the school’s environmental group andnoferinge varsity basketball team. They have so many hours in the day, these DREAMers. She’s an accomplished student but Georgia’s rules prevent her from attending state colleges. She aflide dartmouth and is a sophomore there. She still finds time tovolunteer and mentor children. In her letter she wrote, I’m beyond grateful, because of receive dealing ka, the United States has given me an opportunity to give back to a country that’s given so much to me. I’ve worked hard to prove myself worthy in the eyes of my American counterparts. Knowing I’m in a weird limbo in regards to my legal status doesn’t make me sleep any easier. My name is registered with the government, I might be deported if they end DACA. It one so sad if she was deported back to Uruguay, a country where she hasn’t lived since he was 6 years old. I don’t think our country would be stronger for that Oscar was 6 years old when he came to the United States from Mexico. Grew up in park city a small northern suburb of Chicago. Became an excellent student. He was a member of the national honor society and an Illinois state scholar. He received several advanced placement awards, graduated mag in cum laudee he said my parents always instilled in me a desire of for excellence. I dedicate myself to honor thesacrifices of my family. He was admitted to dartmouth, first member of his family to attend college. He excelled, in his his freshmanyear restheaved William St. Churchill please for outstanding academic achievement. Absolutely fabulous. Thank you, thank you forsubmitting Oscar’s story. Now, again, he’s — when I — he says, when I received DACA, I thought I could achieve my dreams. It’s allowed me to work for the first time, the money I earn fwes to support my education and family. A valuable asset. Let me just reach out a little bit, Mr. Speaker, and that is — because some of the members coming in are new, read the — where did it go? The A.M.A. Document. My colleagues, some of you heard this before, but so many of our DACA — so many of our DREAMers are interested inbecoming doctors and health professionals, health care professionals, whether researchers, nurses, other health care professionals.But I just want to read once again this statement from the association of American medical colleges. The association of Americanmedical colleges reports that the nation’s doctor shortage will rise between 40,000 and 105,000 by the year 2030. Both the American medical association and association of American medical colleges warn that the ending DACA will exacerbate this physician shortage in the United States. And they have urged Congress to pass legislation to protect DREAMers. Listen to what the A.M.A. Said. Estimates have shown that the DACA initiative could help introduce 5,400 previously ineligible physicians into the U.S. Health care system in the coming decade to address physician shortages and ensure patient access to care. Removing those with DACA status will particularly create care shortages for rural and other underserved areas. Without these physicians, the A.M.A. Is concerned that thequality of care provided in these communities will negatively impact and that patient care to — access to care will suffer. That’s a quote from the — they’re saying it could be as many as 40,000 to over double that number by 2030, and 5,400 previously ineligiblephysicians come to us by making DACA — by passing protection for our DREAMers. 5,400 previously ineligible physicians. That’s quite remarkable. When you see the need and see the ambition and vocation and dedication, especially to help in underserved areas is quite remarkable. I want to talk to you about — this is another of senator Durbin’s that he wanted to introduce to the Senate, adreamer from Speaker Ryan’s home state of Wisconsin. Her name is marciella Aguilar. When she was 3 years old her mother brought her to the United States. Her family settled in Milwaukee. She worked hard and she excelled in school. During high school, she was on the honor’s roll and member of the national honor society. We keep hearing that over and over again. Captain of the crosscountry team. At the same time she was active in her community, volunteering at a local homeless shelter. When it came time to apply for colleges, marciella knew she wanted to stay close to family and the only home she’s ever known, Wisconsin. She applied to many local schools and offered a full tuition scholarship at Marquette college. She was a double major in political science and English literature. She also worked part time as a waitress to support her and her family. She became involved in advocating for immigration reform. In December, 2010, marciela was here in the Senate gal hey when the Senate — gallery when the Senate failed to pass the dream act. I remind that was when we passed it in — just before we passed it in the house. It got over 50 votes in theSenate but did not get the 60 votes. Then she came to raise concerns about the DREAMers, again and again. She graduated with honors in her graduating class. She’s now at graduate school at brand eyes university. She was — brandise university. She and other DREAMers have so much to contribute to our country. Could we use more public school teachers like marciela? I think so. Would it be a stronger country would we be if we deported her? I don’t think so. Ok. So we have another one from Mr. Durbin. Naomi. Her parents brought her to the United States from Mexico when she was 10 years old. Naomi grew up in a town in Tennessee. Excellent student. Member of the national honor society and she received student of the year award for algentleman bra and art. Served — algebra and art. Served on the track and field team. Also a discus throw. Naomi’s dream was to become a robotics engineer. She participated in the nasa interspace academy. She won the next generation pioneer award. Graduated high school with honors but her immigration status limited her. She didn’t give up. She took mechanical engineering courses at Lipscomb university in Nashville.In the spring she’s graduating with an associates degree in a field that combines mechanical engineering, control engineering, computer engineering. Could you do that? Could any of us do that? Naomi is working on her bachelors degree at middle Tennessee university. In the spare time she’s doing all kinds of wonderful things. She says DACA’s made the opportunity of a lifetime from an academic and professional career. As students in high school, driving past a Nissan plant, motivated me to be a better student.However, without paper — proper work authorization, that goal seems far-fetched. Today is a ult reality. Hopefully we can continue to make that a better reality for Naomi flointino. Submit her statement for the record. — Florintino. Submit her statement for therecord. We certainly have the work to do. You guys, if you want to see Biden. Well, I was trying to excuse my colleagues. They all have been such champions on this issue and their dedication to it is demonstrated here. As some that can’t be with us right now. This is another story that is about a dreamer and I want to tell the story of how DACA has given one Dreama the chance to contribute to the country she loves. This is Maria. Her parents brought her to the United States from Mexico at 9 years old. She is an excellent student who is dedicated to community service. In high school she was a member of the national honor society. You keep hearing that, Mr. Speaker. You haven’t been here all day but all day you have been hearing members of the national honor society, key club.Tutored middle school students. Performed over 300 hours of community service. She graduated with 3.97 G.F. Pmplet a., admitted to the university of Michigan. But was-on—- G.P.A., admitted to the university of Michigan. She entered to the university of detroit-mercy, a private catholic school. Elected vice president of the student Senate. Helped find the campus kitchen to take leftover meals to the homeless. Not to the homeless, only, but other people who have a hard time leaving home and needed meals to be brought to them. She participated in every kind of — helping elderly couples. Homeless people, etc. Graduated valedictorian of her class. Her options were limited because of her immigration status. When she got DACA she wrote, DACA means showing the rest of the country, society and my community what I can do. I’ve also known I’m capable of but DACA allowed me to show others that the investment and opportunity DACA provides is worth it. Many DREAMers like her have so much to contribute to our country. Will America be a stronger country if we send Maria away? No. I don’t think so. I think you would agree. Ok. Juan vargas from California. I acknowledged him earlier. Congressman Juan vargas, first congressional district, would like me to read a statement from a former intern, dreamer. My name is Jacqueline — there he is. 
>> Thank you for doing this. Ms. Pelosi: My name is Jacqueline. I was brought to the United States at age 2. Now you know, age 2. I was raised in San Diego and never felt different from anyone else. I speak the language and know the culture. I knew I had no papers but never really knew what that meant. I didn’t realize the importance of those documents until I wanted to go to college. I always knew I wanted to move forward with my education. I was avid student in high school and always encouraged to apply to universities because I had the grades to compete. Then, my parents told me that it wasn’t a possibility. I realized I was different. I would always ask myself, why me? But when DACA was announced in 2012, it gave me relief. I’m proud to call myself a dreamer — Jacqueline says I am proud to call myself a dreamer. DACA gave me hope, opportunity, motivation and that won’t be taken away. My name is Jacqueline and DREAMers are Americans too. Thank you. Another one from Keith Ellison from Minnesota. Did I say it correctly? He was just here. One came to the United States when she was only 15 years old. Despite initial language difficulties, she worked hard and graduated from high school with honors. She completed one semester of college after high school but economic difficulties forced her to work — focus on work instead. However, when she graduated — when she was granted DACA in 2012, she got a better paying job and was able to go back to college and graduated with honors. The last two years she has been working for the state of Minnesota as a senior court clerk. She bought a house and supports her family. The week before DACA was terminated, she applied for a job as a probation officer. Her dream job, a probation officer. But the elimination of DACA now makes that goal appear impossible. She was planning to start a masters degree in criminal justice just next semester. That, too, now seemsimpossible. She said I don’t want to go back to dreaming of a better future. I want to be part of a better future for me, for my family,and for my country. Again and again, for our country. Thank you, Mr. Ellison. And thank you, isel. From congresswoman Matsui ofCalifornia, whom I acknowledged earlier, an unnamed dreamer from her district says, September, 1990, my life would change forever. This is her story. My family and I migrated to the United States. The first six years of my life pales in comparison to what Ihave been introduced to within a few months of living in the U.S. All I do know is that my clear joyful memories started when wemoved to America. I was living in the best country in the world, a place I would call my home and yet I didn’t even know it. Fast forward 27 years later and today my family sits here in deportation proceedings, given 45 days to pack up their lives and leave. The past few weeks have been the most painful, fearful, helpless and hopeless days of my life. My parents and sisters are being deported. I most likely have a few months left before I will be deported as well. I am considered a dreamer, probably one of the oldest DREAMers in the United States had my older sister have been eligible, she would have been the oldest of our DREAMers.However, I was the only one of the three to be granted protection with DACA. And now my family has been ordered to leave the United States with a 10-year ban on re-entry. With a 10-year ban on re-entry. You’re probably familiar with this, Mr. Speaker. This 10-year ban is just deadly. I can’t separate from my family and have them do this on their own. My family are only — are one cohesive unit. Families always stick together. It’s what we believe in. So if there’s no choice but to go with my family to help each other reconstruct we built over 27 years at this point I don’t know what to do. What am I supposed to do? We have exhausted all of ouroptions and failures at each end. All I can do is leave it in god’s hands, pray for strength and guidance and hope my prayers are heard with a miracle. . I understand there are those who commit horrible crimes and shouldn’t be allowed to stay. However us as a family didn’t do anything to harm the community. We went to school, got good jobs, helped others and are great samaritans. We pay our taxes, strive to better ourselves and our country and the community we live in. As for my family, she goes on to say, no matter the distance, no matter the 10-year ban, no matter what, our heart and spirit will always be here in the United States, the place I call home. I spent the majority of my life here and it’s shaped me into the woman I am now. Another story from the congressman. These people are being deported. And that’s why we need to have comprehensive immigration reform, to address the bigger issue. But we can do something today to at least make whole the children. This is another one. Sacramento state graduate that congresswoman Matsui submitted to us. She said that DACA gave him peace of mind he currently holds a master’s degree and plans to pursue a doctoral degree. He wants to work in the field of education and is worried that the president’s decision to rescind DACA will lead to less people becoming teachers. Hep also said he believes there’s something good in all of us and deserves to continue to fulfill his dreams. Gustavo, came to the United States at the age of 7 with his brothers and parents. Ehe said I’m happy to say my parent’s courage and willingness to risk it all for their children’s future was worth it he graduated with a botch Batchelor’s in psychology and a minor in counseling and would like to pursue a master’s degree he said, we as DREAMers are here to build a better cycle, to helpbuild bridges amongst society and be better educated individuals with a hunger for striving for a better tomorrow. Another from congresswoman Matsui. Jesus is a dreamer and DACA recipient who was brought to this country by his mother at the age of 8. He is also a full-time English professor at Sacramento city college and part-time lecturer at sac state university he said I’m honored to have the opportunity to teach the youth of my community, to empower the reentry students and hem improve the culture of local campuses that gave me an education. Juana says, DACA allowed me to feel accepted and acknowledged in this country we grew up in and love. My DACA status is providing me the opportunity to pursue my dreams like many other people. Thanks to DACA I was able to work and go to school and I just recently graduated this spring with my B.A. In sociology. I graduated from high school in2000 and had to put my dreams aside because I was not able to pursue my education. It would be horrible if my status were rescinded. I’ve been in the U.S. For 27 years. I’ve never left America. I was born in Mexico. I have no clue what it’s like. The only place I know is California. This is my home and all that I know and love. From rep Lofgren who I mentioned earlier has been such a champion on the Judiciary Committee on this, a former chair of the subcommittee, taught immigration law, she’s been an immigration lawyer, she knows it all. She’s just been a tremendous leader and very dedicated advocate and champion. So she submits this, Ms. Mandy Lau. I want to take a moment to express my disappointment in the repeal of Dada. As an educator I have seen how DACA improved the lives of students and families here in the U.S.A. DACA has been a resounding success and this administration should not end this crucial program. Nearly 800,000 young men and women have been able to contribute to their communities, to work, go to school, live their lives without fear of being rip aid way from their families and the country they consider home. Recently, Ms. Lau, Mandy that is, went on to say, I held a crying student who was disheartened that although she worked hard to maintain her 4.0 G.P.A. Throughout high school, fought stir Y types of gang affiliation and resisted negative influences to createbetter opportunities for herself and her family, there would also be a possibility that her dream of attending college would no longer be an option. She asked me how this is possible in the land of the free? How quickly an opportunity could be stripped from a person with ambitions, hopes and dreams. DACA has given those young adults a lifeline and hope for the future. Ending this program onedevastating for DREAMers and their families. Without DACA, these 800,000 DREAMers would be subject to deportation to countries they may not even remember and are no longer able to work legally to support themselves and — in the place I call home, Mandy says. I have spent the majority of my life here, it’s shaped me. So thank you very much. It is — these are beautiful, beautiful statements from some of these — from these DACA — from our DREAMers. Dasca recipients. But they’re — our DREAMers and it’s even beyond those who are recipients. Two brothers, John Magdaleno, and Nelson, his brother. Let me tell you about Nelson andJohn. They came to the United States from Israel when Nelson was 11 and John was 9. They’re both honor students at lakeside in Atlanta, Georgia. Here’s a picture of Nelson. John served in the air force junior officer reserve. Union commander. Honor society.There’s a picture of John in his rotc uniform. They went on to become honor students at university of Georgia. In 2012, graduated from Georgia tech with honors. Graduating with honors from Georgia tech in computer engineering and John in biomedical engineering major from Georgia tech, they have 3.6 G.P.A. And 4.0 G.P.A., they’ve been work as computer engineers. Genre seved DACA in 2012 while still a student at Georgia tech and worked for two years as a researcher at a biomedical engineering. In 2014, John graduated Georgia tech with major in chemical and biological engineering with highest honors. In chemical and biologicalengineering from Georgia tech. He’s now working as a process engineer with a fortune 500 company too. Both have written letters,Nelson wrote to me, DACA means an opportunity to be able to live my dreams and contribute to society in ways I could not haveimagined. DACA means one of my life goals, owning my own company could be a possibility in the future. DACA means a chance, DACA means the American dream. John wrote, I consider an American to be someone who loves and whole heartedly dedicatesthems to the development of this country. From age 9, I have made the United States my home and it has made me the man I am. I proudly call myself American. S I read some of these story you hear a recurring theme. Again, a theme about honoring the vows of our founders for a new order for the ages, every generation would take responsibility to make the future better for futuregenerations. That’s exactly what these — the families of these DREAMers did. Family members took risks, had courage, hope, optimism, courage — did I say courage twice? And determination to make the future better for their families. And that — doing that for their families, they were doing that for America too. You see such a similarity to previous generations. I see it as an Italian American. Education, education, education. Key toup ward mobility. Talent, talent, talent. But not underutilized. Educated to reach its full potential to reach the aspirations of these young people. And to do so in a way that is about giving back, giving back. This — what you see here is what our families were all about that had come before. It’s — idealism that hopes, dromes, optimism and optimism of immigrants coming to our country. That’s why I say we’re a great country because we’re constantly reinvigorated by immigrants coming to our country. Their commitment and courage and commitment to the American dream which drew them here in the first place strengthened the American dream. As newcomers with all of that hope and aspiration they make America more American when they come here and that’s why our country will not stagnate. That’s why our country will continue to blossom, respect our traditions, our past, our sense of community. And in every one of these letters, there’s gratitude. Back to the United States. For what it has done for these people. There is no sense of entitlement. It’s all about working hard and paying back. And that’s why if we can just do this piece that would — this piece which has urgency to it because it has a timetable that the president has put forth, that’s doing this — just doing this piece would be the smart thing to do. Find a solution that then builds trust in a bipartisan way with transparency and openness as to what it actually is about, that’s why we want people to know this is who these people are that we’re trying to — this is why they’re called DREAMers. That’s why the name persists. We’ve been the country of theAmerican dream forever. Yes, I agree with the president. We’re all DREAMers in America. We’re all DREAMers. And this is the future, part of the future, of course, I think of my grandchildren as the future. They didn’t have to face the struggle. They don’t have to face the struggles that these young people are facing and you know, God bless them for their courage to make the struggle. But again, faith. Family. Faith in the future, faith in America. Faith in themselves. Faith. Which gives people hope, hope because they have faith in the kindness of others. Faith, hope, charity, hope, right there in the middle. I think that people have hope, much of it springs from their faith. And these clearly are people of great faith. That’s why the catholic conference of bishops welcomes them. That’s why the evangelical community speaks to clearly and passionately about the need to protect them. These are precious gems. They are — they’re absolutely outstanding. And they write their stories so eloquently, nothing that any of us could say about the subject is to even compare to the power of their stories. For example, Johanna was brought up in the United States, from Venezuela, when she was a child. She grew up in Boulder, Colorado. She played in her high school softball team. Plays the Viola in the orchestra and dreamed of becoming a . Here’s what Johanna said about her childhood. That town, those beautiful mountains, it’s truly my home. In 2011 she graduated from the university of Colorado at Boulder with a double major in molecular, cellular biology and a psychology.Really? So talented. After graduating from college she was unable to pursue her dream of becoming a doctor because she was undocumented. Then in 2012, with DACA, she heard Loyola university of Chicago accepts those with DACA to their medical school.Illinois faces a shortage of physicians. Loyola university DACA program sees this as an opportunity to address the problem the site ofYale has created a DACA program, so Loyola DACAed me students can receive loans to help cover the cost of their medical educationand for every year of loans, the DACA student must work a year in a medically underserved area in Illinois. Again, giving back. That’s fall, Johanna began med school at Loyola. After graduating she’ll serve parts of Illinois that have a shortage of doctors. This is one of senator’s dur — senator Durbin’s constituents. Here’s what Johanna had to say. When the year 2000 came along, my dreams of becoming a doctor became a possibility again. I’m able to apply for medical internship programs and apply to medical school buzz of my DACA status. It’s defined my path. It has relit a fire within to succeed and to continue to pursue my dream. Will America be a stronger country if we deport Johanna? I don’t think so. This is Alvarado Arias. He was brought to the United States from Mexico in 1997 when he was 7 years old. He grew up in Costa Mesa, California, was an excellent student he dreamed of becoming a doctor. A doctor again. It was not until he applied to college that he learned he was undocumented. He was accepted at the university ofcalifornia-riverside, because of his immigration status, however , he tnt qualify for federal assistance he met with a counselor who told him he had no chance of becoming a doctor because he was undocumented. But he didn’t give up on his dream. 212, he graduated from the university of California Riverside with a chemistry major and research honors. Shortly after he graduated DACAstarted. He served as a year as a mentor for at risk youth in his home city of Costa Mesa. He worked as a health educator at several clinics. He gave classes to hundreds of people in both English and Spanish from topics ranging from nutrition and diabetes. During his year as a health educator he applied and accepted in medical school. Here we are. First year at Loyola university, Chicago school of medicine. In his free time he volunteers at the local clinic. He takes time to teach medical Spanish to some of his classmates, and here’s what he had to say about DACA. DACA changed my life. It opened the door to the future ahead of me. If it weren’t for DACA I would not be here. I probably would not have pursued medicine. I am blessed to have the opportunity to do what I love to do and give back to the community that’s giving me so much. Will America be a stronger country if we deport Alvarado Arias and others like him? Of course not. From congresswoman die Degette who is with us — Diana Degette who is with us from Colorado. Marco was born in Mexico and moved to Denver’s globeville neighborhood at the age of 3. After attending Thornton high school as a student in the international back laureate program he attended at the university of colorado-boulder and graduated as student body president with a degree in finance. During his time at Colorado university he received DACA which allowed him to contribute back to his community. Currently Marco is the program coordinator for the Latino leadership institute at the university of Denver. Beautiful story. Once again, demonstrating not only a commitment to education, commitment to give back, become doctors, whatever, butleadership. Every one of these has leadership. Whether it’s leadership in the student government. Leadership in community.Leadership on the sports field. Leadership in every possible way. Extra curricular activities and the rest and certainly Marco has demonstrated that treat, typical of our DREAMers. And from Brad Sherman — I don’t know if Brad is here but we have been joined by Ted lieu of California and ro Khanna and Ms. Bordallo. Colleen we mentioned as well. I think we acknowledged. So many members have come and gone. Al green, gene green. Thank you, all, for your ongoing support of our DREAMers. This is from Brad Sherman.Unknown dreamer from Brad Sherman. And it says, I’m writing this letter to you because I’m fearful what might happen next. I’m a Canadian who was brought here when I was 11 years old. I’m 28 now and DACA has allowed me to come out of the shadows. You hear that expression over and over. Come out of the shadows. I’ve worked hard my whole life. I’m a senior at UCLA majoring in civil engineering. I’m an engineering intern in the city of Stanton. I also work at an animal emergency hospital on weekends. I often go weeks where I do not have a day off. I love this recurring animal assistance, too, that we hear. All I ask for is a fair shake with this new administration. I fear won’t be given that. I’m not a criminal. I am not a danger to my community nor am I someone trying to take advantage of benefits. I am a victim to the situation I had no say over. I want to pay my share, pay taxes, inspire hours — others. Thank you for your time and for listening. Thank you, Brad, for submitting this enthusiastic statement from an unknown dreamer from your district. A Canadian. Here from Canada. This is from Ted lieu. Thank you, Mr. Lieu, for being here. To Ted lieu, a testimonial from representative Lou’s district. My name is — lieu’s district. My name is Nicole and I go to UCLA. My parents brought me to the United States when I was 3 years old. For the past 16 years I grew up like any other U.S. Citizen. I finished my k-12 schooling and volunteered around my community. For my first year of college I was fortunate enough to receive a substantial amount of financial aid from both UCLA California dream act. This aid alleviated my parents from the fiscal burden of paying for college. Although my tuition was covered my parents still had to pay out of pocket to cover the expense of living on campus. The scholarship money I received for my sophomore year was steadily decreased which means there was more pressure on my parents to keep up with the growing cost. To lighten this load, I acquired a full-time summer job. I had become dependent on my job and paycheck to pay my school. But I remain debt-free if DACA is rescinded? Terminating DACA will turn my world upside down. It will undo the progress I made at UCLA and challenge my access to higher education. Nicole goes on to say — although I am grateful for the opportunities I was given under DACA like a Social Security number and relief from deportation, I cannot reconcile that the very government I one day hope to work for continues to exclude me from living the American dream. The president and U.S. Legislators need to look beyond their biases and stand up for the children who have continuously pledged allegiance to the only country they have ever called home. Thank you, Ted lieu, for Nicole’s beautiful story. Mr. Lieu also submitted testimony from martin. Martin says, Mr. Speaker, my name is martin and I grew up in an undocumented household. When I was in grade school, I loved listening to the news with my father. It became a daily routine to tune in to univision television after both of our days of work. It was extremely difficult for me to comprehend many issues discussed on mainstream news mainly because I didn’t really understand the content.However, one particular word was mentioned almost every day — deportation. I’d ask my father what it meant but he refused to answer and so did my mother. After hearing the cold hard truth from my teacher in grade school — grade school, now, I felt vulnerable for the first time in my life. As I grew older I became more and more concerned. I walked to school every day worried that my parents might expectedly — unexpectedly be taken away from me. How many times have we heard that story? The two hardworking parents that had lived and contributed to this country for more than 30 years might be forcibly removed from the United States. Now I have never felt fearful for the future of my family. And that word fear is really — it’s terrifying. Tears in the eyes of the statue of liberty. Fear in the hearts of people that should be able to just make their contribution to our country. Hakeem Jeffries once again, hakeem was here. Hakeem Jeffries submits this testimony from Michelle. Let me just once again say to my colleagues, thank you for being here. I wish you could be reading these stories. I feel very privileged to be reading so many of them, but the rules are that I cannot yield on the special one minute. Michelle, her story. I came to the United States from St. Louisia in thecaribbean at the age of 7 — Lucia in the caribbean at the age of 7. I go to college and pay for out of pocket because I am not eligible for certain types of aid. I am studying political studies and I want to apply my studies to help people. I try to be involved in thecommunity which is why I interned in Mr. Jeffries’ office and I thank you hakeem Jeffries for this testimony. I felt he had a connection with the people and I wanted to know how I could give back in that regard. I don’t want to be fearful of not graduating or leavingschool because DACA ends. Fixing DACA is important to me because I would not have been able to work if it weren’t for DACA.Because I have a working permit, I’m able to pay for school and be exposed to more things in the U.S. You know, I’ve been here sincea very young age so I don’t know very much about St. Lucia. I grew up in Brooklyn. I know more about Brooklyn and I want to stay here. I know that’s music to the ears of hakeem Jeffries who is always bragging about Brooklyn. By the way, so is the democratic leader in the Senate , Mr. Schumer is always singing the praises of Brooklyn. This is from Mr. Durbin. This is Pablo Desilva. Pablo was brought to the United States from Brazil in 2001 when he was 13 years old. He grew up in New Jersey. Here we are again, New Jersey.Here’s what Pablo has to say about his childhood. The same as every other kid growing up in the U.S., I attended middle school, pledged allegiance to the American flag and sang the national anthem. As I grew older I came to understand that one thing aboutme differed from my classmates — I was undocumented. However, my parents always taught me to see barriers as a measure of perseverance and an opportunity to thrive. Pablo was an excellent student. He dreamed of becoming a doctor. During high school and college, Pablo volunteered at a nursing home every week. He also was a member of a group called doctor red nose. Pablo and other members of the group would dress up as clowns and visit hospitals, nurses and nursing homes to cheer patients and health care providers. He was accepted at Rutgers university. Because he was undocumented he didn’t qualify for financial aid. You heard that sentence over and over. Though he grew up in new Jersey, he would have been required to pay out-of-state tuition. As a result, Pablo couldn’t attend — afford to attend Rutgers. Instead he enrolled in community college. Because he had taken college courses when he was in high school, Pablo was able to complete two-year associates degree in one year. With an associates degree, Pablo was able to transfer to king university in New Jersey. In 2011 he graduated at the top of his class with a major in biology Suma cum Laude. On the Dean’s list every semester of college. A member of the honors society phi beta kappa. After graduating from collegehe was unable to pursue his dream of becoming a doctor. He was part of manual labor jobs. Then in 2012, President Obamaestablished DACA. Pablo heard from the Loyola university of Chicago that accepted DACA. Illinois faces a shortage of physicians in some communities. Loyola university’s DACA program address this is problem. I described this problem again and again. Let me say the state of Illinois has created this program. Med students can receive loans that cover the cover the costs of their medical education. For every year of loans they must work for a year in a medically underserved area. I said that earlier. I want people to know how creative people have become in not only helping educate, alleviate the cost but serve the community. As a result, some of the best and brightest students in the country have come to Loyola to get a medical education and they will stay in Illinois to help serve part of the state. More on Pablo. Pablo Desilva became med school at Loyola, pursuing his dream to becoming a cardiothoracic surgeon. This is what he had to say. DACA has allowed me to fulfillify longstanding aspiration in medicine, has truly changed my future and for that I’m grateful. I’m eager to contribute my share to the country I call my own. Thank you, Pablo. . This is Karen villa Gomez. She was brought to the United States when she was only two years old. She grew up in Chicago, Illinois, she’s an outstanding student and interested in public service. In may, 2012, she graduated from university of Rochester, new York, with a major in political style stynes. She’s the first person in her family to graduate from a four-year college. Just one month after graduating from college, President Obama announced DACA which allowed her to find a job with a law firm. This fall she wants to attend law school, if we pass this bill she wants to attend law school and become an attorney. If not, she could be deported back to Mexico a country she hasn’t lived in since she was a toddler. Here’s what she says. DACA represents the values inherent in a country of immigrants. It’s the right thing to do and change midlife by replacing fear with hope. It gave me an overwhelming sense of relief and hope, it lifted me from the shadow. I definitely want to repeat her first sentence. DACA represents the values inand heritage of this country of immigrants. It was the right thing to do and it has change midlife by replacing fear with hope. Will America be stronger with Karen — if Karen is deported? No. I don’t think. So this one is from representative foster. Representative foster also from Illinois. This was his state of the union guest. Ana Castillo a student at Joliet Jr. College in Joliet, Illinois. Ana is a graduate of bolingbrook high school and is attending Joliet junior college. She’s part of one of the largest student organizations. I had the occasion to meet where when representative foster brought her to the state of the union. I wish more members of Congress could meet more of these DREAMers. I was impressed by the cumulative effect that they are making on their country. Each of them with their individual contribution to the greatness of America. So exciting, so proud of them. Representative polis’ state of the union address — was a student at university of Colorado Fort Collins. She was born in chihuahua, Mexico, and came to the United States when she was a young child. Her family stayed in Colorado to care for her grandmother who suffered from breast cancer. She has flourished in Colorado, graduating high school with a 4.3 G.P.A., where she participated in the reserve officers training corps. She went on to thrive at Colorado state university, triple majoring in political science, ethnic studies and international relations. Thank you, representative polis. Thank you, representative foster for your very distinguished guest at the state of the union address. I did mention to the president when I welcomed him to the capitol that we had many DREAMers and supporters of DREAMers in the audience here. Also supporters of fairness for Mexico. We’re doing better as far as our negotiations go in terms of Puerto Rico.Aristide Gonzalez, guest of representative Grijalva. I see we’ve been joined by congressman mark desaulnier of California. This is the guest of Raul Grijalva. He came to the United States in 2000 from Mexico and resides in Arizona, that’s a state that Raul Grijalva represents in Congress. She’s a student at — in yeads. Growing up undocument shed lived in fear of what would happen to her and her family in her first year of college. She’s become more outspoken about her status as a DACA recipient and became an advocatefor the rest of undocumented youth. As a student privileged to go to school in the center of politics, she plans to consider her advocacy until Congress passes dreamer legislation. Hopefully that will be very soon. Here’s some testimonies from other members of Congress. He ticha, student at California state university. Guest of congressman Pete Aguilar of California at the state of the union address. Congressman Aguilar is a co-sponsor with congressman Hurd of Texas of the legislation that is bipartisan — has strongbipartisan support in the Congress and one bill we hope the speaker would give us an opportunity to vote on on the floor of the house. Thank you, congressman Aguilar. He ticha was born in Mexico, arrived in the United States as the age of . She’s a dreamer and a student at California state university-san Bernardino. In June, 2019, she’ll obtain a bachelor’s degree in sociology and two certificates, one in Spanish public services and another in social services. She is committed to helping and spreading awareness about the Latino community. She is an imgrant activist and is the vice president of the student organization undocumented advocates at Cal state university San Bernardino where she advocates for the rights of undocumented imgrants. Her work and dedication to our community has granted her the opportunity to serve at the California delegates for fuerza national group and student assistance of the undocumented student success group at C.S.U.S.B. Again, leadership, leadership, leadership. Education, leadership. How beautiful. This too is — Leslie Martinez is a student at u.c.-irvine. She was a guest at the state of the union by — of congressman Lou Correa. She’s passionate about her study, was brought to the United States at the age of 2. She was a— growing up, she was alone most oaf time Duh to her parents always working but this allowed her to become independent at a young age.She found out she was undocumented in middle school when she was trying to apply for a scholarship but needed a Social Security number. Luckily DACA came around during her high school year, opening several opportunities for her such as an internship at U.C.I. Medical center where she — that would be university of California Irvine medical center where she was able to shah demedical professionals and opened up her love for the Maryland call field. DACA also made her college applications a smooth process. Now she’s a freshman in college and is passionate about her studies. She attends university of california-irvine and is majoring in chemistry. She wants to attend medical school in hopes of becoming a general surgeon or pediatrician. Again, doctors, doctors,doctors. Maybe she could find out about Loyola university school of medicine. Maybe she’ll have many more options by then.Hopefully when we pass this legislation. Karen tehana, a student guest of congressman Scott Peters. Karen lives — lived in Mexicofor eight years until 2001 when her family migrated to San Diego. Thanks to DACA, Karen has been able to graduate college with adegree in public health and nutrition at the university of San Diego state university. Find work as a research coordinator at the university of california-san Diego and pursue her dreams in the field of medicine. She hopes to one day help underprivileged communities with health care needs. God bless you, Karen. Another example, universally giving back, giving back, giving back. State of the union guest of Judy Chu, his family migrated to the United States from South Korea. Thanks to DACA he was able to work and save money that allowed him to graduate with a bachelor’s degree in business information technology. Currently he’s an immigrations rights fellow at the national Korean American service and education consortium. This is quite an act are anymorenkasaec. Organizing and javo kating for economic, social, and racial justice for all. With a focus on alingse American and pacific islander communities. His dream is to attend law school in order to help his community in Virginia. The guest of Jerry Connolly,Nicole urea, she spoke at the press conference we had before the state of the union. I made a joke with congressman Connolly, someone referred to him as congressman ka know Lee, but he is — congressman cannoli, but he is Connolly. Her entire life she’s lived here in the United States — here, the United States is her home. She grew up living the American dream like any other American citizen. She celebrates the same traditions, ate the same food, enjoyed the same active to — activities that any of herfriends. Throughout her education she always had been a good student and always very active, not just school activities but also with the community. She has been in girl scouts since the age of 4. Played both soccer and volleyball for many years and now is a high school student. Nicole spent many hours volunteering in the community and getting involved with organizations such as dreamproject, unidas U.S. And many more. After finding out she was undocumented she thought all her hard work an effort was fornothing but thanks to president Obama she was able to apply for DACA and she told her story very brilliantly. At our press conference before the state of the union. If you could hear them tell their own stories, it’s just — it’s so — great humility aboutconveying their stories because when you see them and they tell their stories an the passion and the pride and the jus — thepatriotism, passion, pride, patriotism, that they demonstrate, you will see why anyone who has had the wonderful experience of being in conversation or observing our DREAMers, understand why they have had such a high reputation among the American people. Some of whom have met them, some of whom have heard about them, some of whom have just catch she spark, catch the spark. Recognize, recognize again the hard work ethic. The commitment to education. To community service. To faith. To family, to the United States of America. It’s a beautiful thing and this isn’t, let’s take a small number of people and try to do something. This is something very, very special. It says a lot about our country to be able to give protection in a way that has some certainty to our DREAMers. Victoria is a — vitoro torres is a student and was guest at the state of the union of congressman Jimmy Gomez. He came to the United States from Mexico as a six-month-old baby. Completely carried into this country. She learned she was undocumentedwhen she was 14 and in 2014 became eligible to apply for DACA. Earning DACA protection allowed her to access a government-issued I.D. Card, work authorization, health care and protection from deportation, with DACA, she had the opportunity to travel across the country. She’s currently studying political science and business at Pasadena city college and plans to continue her education at hood college in Frederic, Maryland a wonderful school. She was part of the California dream network steering committee and one day hopes to run for a seat in the United States Senate. You go, girl! United States Senate. Why not president — well, she wasn’t born here. Ok. Well. Again, Gabriella Hernandez was a state of the union guest of Congress — of our greatdemocratic whip Steny Hoyer. Gabriella, 19, is a student at prince Georges community college. She came here with her mother from El Salvador at the age of 4. Her goal is to transfer to a …  study to be a social worker and have an opportunity to thrive. She has lived her entire life in country, attended schools in prince Georges county since kindergarten. Because family members already live here she doesn’t have a lot of family left in the country she came from in El Salvador and the situation has probably only gotten worse there since she came. In any event, I thank Mr. Hoyer for giving us us her story. Mr. Frank pallone gave me this. He was with us early in the presentation and his guest at the state of the union was Edgar, a student at the university of Newark. She came to the states from South Korea. After 2008 economic recession,her mom lost her position working at the hospital and they lost their legal status. When her mom got — after she realized the implications of undocumented status when her mom got into a bike accident, she needed treatment. Because they were uninsured, she treated herself through home remedies and prayer. She is a sophomore at Rutgers on a full ride through donated scholarships and founded the Rutgers DREAMers. And student athlete competing at Rutgers university, Rutgers, track and field team and newseditor of Rutgers university, newspaper. How many hours do I have in the day? I would like to know. I would like to my own guest atthe state of the union. I’m so proud of her. State-wide organizer for California’s dream network. I’m so proud of them and the head of the organization, they have done so much toll protect our DREAMers. Melody was at our press conference and I’m proud of her.She was born in Guatemala. After growing up without parents, she was reunited in the heart of the Los Angeles when she was nine years old and earned a bachelor’s agree at California state university, los Angeles and graduated with a masters from the university of southern California, masters from U.S.C. And focused on the representation of undocumented students in mass communication.She works as California dream network statewide youth organizer as a devoted advocate for human and doctorate recipient and her life goal is to continue bending the arc of the June versus. More from my colleagues. The house reached, now set the record for the longest continuous speech in the house since 1909. I wonder what that was? This is congressman Coleman who has spent with us and I want to read from her testimony. Par tmpemp et is a dreamer and been in the program since 2012 and graduated from school of law in may of 2016. He was brought to the United States when he was five years old and lived in the United States since then. He was admitted to the new Jersey state bar on January 24, 2018. Congratulations. And previously admitted to the Pennsylvania state bar on December 18, 2017. He was the first dreamer ever admitted to the New Jersey and Pennsylvania bar associations. And when his status expired on August 9, 2018, he could be deported from the only country he knows and lifted away from his family without authorization or legal status. His employment options and his law degree to use will be substantially limited. He wants to make sure the white House chief of staff knows he is far from lazy. He just looked at his college and law school record. Thank you congresswoman. This is the story of her constituent, her statement is below. I just graduated from high school three days beforedeferred action on deferred arrivals was announced and I was accepted at San Diego university. There is some uncertainty inapplying for DACA but a risk worth taking. I was enthusiastic to work and serve my community. I graduated this year with a political science degree. I have seen the toll that harsh immigration enforcement is taking on my community. We lose sight of the realimpact. This is important, that harsh enforcement has on the libes of hard-working families. I have helped thousands of theresidents of San Diego and there is a failed and inhumane policy. I continue to serve my community and assure that we continue tobuild a movement that affords people the right to live with dignity in the United States. How beautiful. These statements are sobeautiful. I don’t know who made that speech in 2009 whether the speech competed for the longest. That was not my goal today.But we have so many testimonies, real testimony in the words of the DREAMers, as I said, the most eloquent of all. I did ask my staff to say that when I came to the floor earlier, I wanted to make sure that we are using our 40 hours between 8:00 this morning withthe words to condense or the prayers to inspire. So I felt when I came to the floor, I would be reading the bible because the bible is so fraught with so many passages that take us to a higher place, to have a conversation of that human beings, all of god’s children at a higher place. Again, referencing the 40 days in the old testament and new testament. The gospel of Matthew, which is so, so beautiful in terms of inspiration. But I know that many people quote the gospel of Matthew many times. But they only quote the firstpart where they talk about when I was hungry — do I have it here? When I was hungry — in the gospel of Matthew and most people know when a person comes before the lord and place for you in heaven, when I was hungry , when I was thirsty, you gave me a drink. When I was in prison, you visited me. That whole list. And then the lord says and then the person says, when did I do this, I didn’t see you. The lord sees when you do it for the least of my brethren. So that was the first part. But in the very first part of it, the son of man comes in his glory and all the angels with him, he will sit in his glorious throne and all the nations will gather and he will separate the people as the Shepard separates the sheep from the goats. The sheep on his right and the goats on the left. And the king will say, the king being the lord, the son of man, the son of man. When the king will say to those on his right, come, you areblessed by my father. Take your inheritance and prepare for the creation of the world. While I was hungry and you gave me something to eat. I was a stranger and you invited and I was a stranger and you invited me in. I needed clothes and you clothed me.I was in prison, I love that one the best, I was in prison and you visited me. When did I see you? When did we see you as a stranger and need clothes? When did we go visit you. Truly I tell you, whatever you did, for one of the least of these brothers and sisters ofmine, you did for me. This is the part the really find challenging and should all pay attention to. Then he will say to those on his left, depart from me, those who are curse with the he ternl fire for the devil, while I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat. I was thirsty and nothing to drink. And I was a stranger and didn’t invite me. I was sick and imprisoned and you didn’t look after me. They answered. Lord, when did I see you? Needing clothes, sick or in prison and did not help you. He will reply, truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for the least of these, you did not do for me. Then they will all go away to eternal punishment. It’s not just what we do to take the opportunity to help, feed and clothe, it’s what we do not do. The judgment was made about. To minister to the needs ofgod’s creation and we are all god’s creation is an act of worship. To ignore those is to ignore god. As people of faith as we all profess to be and we believe — faith is a gift that we do believe that we are all god he’s children, whatever we are, we are all god’s children and created in the image and likeness of god and when Christ came down from heaven to share — tore participate in our humanity, he enabled us to participate in his difficult vint. That spark. We respect the people that we have to also recognize it in our ourselves and the responsibility it carries with us. I choose to go back to where we had a much better reception, loving the DREAMers and wanting to get the job done, because in addressing their needs, we are talking about who we are as a nation. I have another statement from congresswoman Bonnie Watson Coleman. She talks about the sisters from New Jersey. The sisters came to the United States at 4 and 9 years old with their father fleeing Venezuela. One earned two associate degrees from a college in New Jersey. She is pursuing an undergraduate degree while she works full-time for New Jersey business and industry association.Daniellea is a co-founder a business for take home physics lab. How many could do that? The kits allow students who can’t attend college lab courses to take an online version at home. Her sister is awaiting word this spring on college acceptance at Camden college. With her dream to be a vet tech, but without DACA status, she won’t be able to legally drive and attend the program or work.Alex said in an article in C nmp N, she said I it’s scary, my home cries. She is a positive person and is hoping that something goodwillhappen for us. Unform, if the president doesn’t extend DACA protections, they will be forced to leave. She was told, I will leave andclose my business and leave work and school. That’s why we have to pass a bill and that’s why I would hope the speaker of the house by giving us a chance to vote on the dreamer bill, a bipartisan dreamer bill on the floor of the house. . . Carolyn Maloney is with us, I thank her for this testimony. It’s about Diego. He was an intern at her office and was a guest for the state of the union.Here’s his story. Our family history traces generations of Ecuadorians since the early days of the republic. Immigration was not common for us. My parents and fwrarntes endured great periods of political instability. In 1999 at age 6, following an economic crash and a coup d’etat my mother began making plans to move to the United States. By August, 2001, I arrived in New York City and we settled in queens. I was enrolled in public schools and I learned English and within a year I blended in with the rest of the children. I was always aware of my status and I was quickly aware of how long and unlikely any immigration reform in Congresswould be. In 2017 I faced the devastating ability of degree denied accepting student loans and scholarships that denied my shots at the college of my choice. I persevered and attended hunter college. President Obama’s announcement of DACA wasmy rack louse. I entered the work force immediately and found myself employment in one of the leading wine retailers in the country. While I still work today I also entered an internship from the district office of congresswoman Maloney which further cemented my belief that good government is one that helps people. The highest cost of living in New York and the strains of paying tuition out of pocket still brought great challenges but with DACA, I felt that anything was possible. Now that DACA is on its last breath I have no doubt that the courage and hope it has given us all will carry us on until we all take our oath of allegiance. So beautiful. Thank you. From congresswoman Yvette Clarke, another proud Brooklyn representative. She was here before but thank you cookwoman Clarke. Joel Perez Hernandez is a new York public school graduate and proud new Yorker whose parents brought him to Brooklyn as a young child. In September, 2015, his deferred action was expiring. He set an appointment to renew his status and was beginning to save his money to pay for the associated fees. Around this time, a small family emergency arose among his brother — among his mother and her family in Mexico. But a fatal misunderstanding of the protections afforded by DACA, he and his family felt he was in the bestings to to travel to Mexico and still be allowed to return to the United States. Unfortunately, he and his family did not have a strong understand of how our immigration current system currently works. As a result, two years after the Senate voted to protectDREAMers, Joel was now stuck in Mexico, a country he does not know, with his girlfriend and life partner an American citizen he has no intention to break our immigration laws and would never have been in this position if this body had simply done its job back in 2013. His story illustrates the cost of our DREAMers and reminds us we must now take action now to protect DREAMers. This is a very — in the an unusual thing with a family emergency or a death in the family across the border or something and people don’t fullyunderstand that just going for that destroys, under current law, makes it very hard for them to come back. This is from representative Cardenas who was with us earlier. Thank you for being with us earlier. This is a letter to him from a fwradge watt student. I am a current graduate student at the university of southern California school of social work. As part of my curriculum I’mtaking a class on policy and advocacy. I’m doing a project on a piece of legislation my focus for this project is on immigration,particularly on the newly introduced bill known as the bridge act which will expand DACA for three years. As an undocumented student I’m worried about my future here in the United States. I came to the United States at age 9, in 2001. I graduated with a B.A.,bachelor of arts in sociology and minor in women’s service from Cal state northridge in 2015. Thanks to DACA, aye been able toachieve my dream of obtaining higher education as well as to be able to work here legally. That is so print. To get an education to work legally to serve in the military. Having lived and attended public school all my life before here I don’t know any other country Ican call home. I have very supportive system during my high school years. I graduated from San Fernando high school with honors. I volunteered. I served in the community, student body and to this day I’m working for the betterment of my community working for los Angeles family housing. Now that President Trump is president, I’m concerned about my future about that of my community. I want others to have the same opportunities I had before. I hope you can allocate some of your time for me to talk to awe about the importance of this bill and why it matters not only to me but the entire country. Thank you. And this is from grace Napolitano, thank you, grace. I see Albio sires from new Jersey, we had many testimonies from people from New Jersey. And Donnell Payne, I read yourtestimony earlier. Congresswoman, I’ve been referring to you as the godmother of this. And congressman Garamendi was here.Coming and going. Congresswoman Napolitano of California constituents have said this. Diego Garcia Ramirez a 31-year-old man from Almonte, just had his DACA approved at the end they have July and considers the opportunity of DACA a blessing from god.Has been able to provide a stable living for his family. He was brought to the U.S. At age 3. A real statement of it can work. Cynthia Lopez Lopez, 26-year-old woman from Almonte, waiting for her work authorization dock youment to renew, fears she would lose her job at wells Fargo. She’s a caregiver for her mom who is awaiting a lung transplant. The only income and pays for rent, health care and medical essentials. Imagine having all that challenge. But it is the strength that — the commitment to family all these people have, that strengthens America and that’s what argues for the family unification in our immigration policy. But that’s a subject for another day. For today we’re talking about the DREAMers. Again from Mike Thompson who I acknowledged earlier , he has another testimony, Mike Thompson of California. Kinea was born in Mexico. Today she lives in sonoma valley, California, and is his constituent. She’s a 2011 alumni of 10,000 degrees, an organization that serves low-income and first generation students. 10,000 degrees. That means degrees from colleges, not temperature. She graduated from sonoma state university with a B.A. In applied statistics and a concentration in the actuarial field. She’s currently involved in several different organizations and serves as a board member on the sonoma valley education foundation in the sonoma valley unified school district. She’s also involved as acommissioner for sonoma county regional park. Her current position as enrollment and outreach manager for a nonprofit that allowed her to serve families who need early education services through state funded preschools. She’s now in her second year as a board member for latin. She’s a mother to a wonderful 7-year-old. She received DACA in 2012. It opened doors for her allowing her to provide for her son and give back to the community that’s seen her grow. She’s a dreamer. Thank you for dreaming. And thank you for inspiring us to dream as well. Ted lieu, a testimony from Ted lieu’s district who was with us until a few minutes ago. Josefina is an undocumented person from Lima, Mexico. She my grated to the United States when she was 3 years old. Her family immigrated to the United States when she was 3 years old. She was with them. Although she became aware of her immigration status at an every ily age, her status had never defined her. She transformed uncertainty into demmings. She became hyper aware of the financial constraints faced by immigrant youth. She was able to afford her undergraduate education by working multiple jobs and applying to many scholarships. She would commute 2002 hours every day each way to UCLA on a daily basis because she couldnot afford to dorm. Her main motivation is her mother rings also an immigrant. Her persistent determination to provide for her family convinced Josefina of her ability to surmount the barriers she faces as an undocumented student. Today she’s learning her ph.d. At UCLA. Her research interests include the health and aging of the undocumented population. Her scholarly work is supported by the Robert wood Johnson foundation and the institute for humane studies. She believes research is a way to rewrite the narrative of the undocumented community in the United States. Undocumented people are the become bone of U.S. Society, she writes. Yet we are dehumanized, tokenized and invisiblized. Good word. This prompts a need for solution to immigration which is long overdue. You are so right, Josephine. Mark desaulnier, here with us, thank you, mark. This is from Marco of contra Costa county, represented by congressman desaulnier, who is with us, has been with us for a listening time today. From Marco who says, thanks to DACA I’ve been able to give back to the community in more profound ways. Because I was granted employmentauthorization I was able to work for two years as a case manager in re-entry services. I helped members of my community find their way back into my society after being in prison. I assisted them in managing their sobriety and finding stable pliment and housing.God bless you, Marco. Doesn’tly I’m working in a nonprofit that provoids free psychosocial services to cancer patients. My only dream in life is to give back to my communities. I’m also working on my masters in counseling and I’m on track as a marriage and family therapist. I plan to use my license to continue working with the chemically dependent and criminal population. I want to help make our community safer. DACA allows me to continue working on my dream. That’s beautiful, Marco. Remember what the lord said, in the gospel of Matthew, when I was in prison you visited me. Thank you for doing that. Ok. Liza Rosenfeld, Boston,Massachusetts. I met liza at the state leaders event. Elias. I had the privilege to meet Elias this month when he came to the capitol with DREAMers to share his story. Born in Venezuela, he came to the United States as a young child. Shortly after his mother passedaway, United States citizenship and immigration services filed a letter notifying him that he was now an undocumented individualunable to receive health care, work, and provide for his family or obtain a driver’s license to commute to and from school. However , he fought to find a solution he founded united students immigration a student-led, community based organization that helped over 00 undocumented students be able to afford a college education. Elias’ pancht for the with the Florida high school young Democrats and lobbied over 200 state legislators in support of state-sponsored immigrant health care, child care, child health care, which resulted in the passing of the Senate and house bills protecting health care for over 22,000 children in Florida. Elias spearheaded student to demonstrations all over the state, 20 state and federal congressional offices in support of the dream act. He received a six-year Fulmer rit scholarship to bran dice university and a social justice scholarship program recently Elias worked on campaigns inFlorida and New Hampshire and is a campaign fellow, an intern for the immigration department for senator Elizabeth Warren. He also shared with us his religious belief that day he made a very, very impressive presentation. Thank you, Elias. Andre Ortiz. She came to the capitol to share her story to the American people. She is a creative leader. Borp in Mexico, she came to the United States with her parents and four siblings and successfully applied for the DACA program. She was a first generation undocumented student, she became a role model for her siblings. She graduated with honors in business administration from the California state university with a focus in management, human resources and entrepreneurship. Her experience, education and skills to support uplifting Latino communities. It is what drives her to keep pushing in life. Again from ALMA Adams who is with us from North Carolina, she tells the story of Brenda. Brenda was born in Mexico and came to Charlotte, north Carolina. She knew she wanted to attend college and because of DACA, she was able to. She enrolled at a university in Charlotte as a student leader. Founding member of Latinos aiming for achieve mifment to give voice in the community and place to meet. Today, there are 32 members ofthe organization. Brend after is one of many students who have been able to achieve her goals of earning a second degree thanks to DACA. This is from representative Jared Huffman of California. Alex is a talented member. And this is what she said. I’m smart. I’m resilient and hard working and I’m a dreamer and going to make something out of myself. I’m not the om one. Your lawyer is a dreamer and your boss is a dreamer. We are worth protecting and here to stay and save the DACA to save young Americans to worktowards their aspirations and contribute to the only country they call home. I have had that conversation with Alex. She is a remarkable young woman and doing so much in the community to give back. I’m glad that representative Huffman. Peter Welch of Vermont and congressman Welch calls attention to a story of a dreamer that he knows. And it’s a letter from Juan. Juan, master of science, Maryland in current medical student at the university of Vermont. This is killing me. Standing up is nothing, being thirsty is nothing. Dear congressman Welch, I tell you my story about DACA and the colleagues will come up with a legislative solution. I’m one of the dreamer kids. I lived most of my life in the United States. I have understood cancer and object sustained the training needed to help cancer patients. This traggetty made me realize that I wanted to fight. I dedicated my life in research and then D.N.A. Of tobacco and smoke from my doctoral study. I chose science because it was impossible for students to attend medical school and Iwanted an impact on a disease that affected my family. But I persisted because I believed in the promise of the American dream.When DACA was announced, it transformed my life. I could be free of the fear of deportation knowing that my hard work would be not meaningless. And medical schools including my current school, university of Vermont college of medicine gave DACA students a chance to enroll. I understand that legislation takes time, but if there is anything including a discharge petition, please do so. If you do, you will have the gratitude of a group of dedicated individuals who wish to give back to the only country they have ever known.So now this one is from a bipartisan problem solve I.R.S. Wrote to Paul Ryan. To establish official position of the U.S. House ofrepresentatives. Last week, 48 members of problem solvers’ caucus announced a bipartisan set of principles that laid the groundwork of DACA and homeland security. And this was led by Fred up ton and Peter Welch. Mr. Speaker, dear Mr. Speaker, the present challenge last fall toll legislate the DACA program rather than. The president has asked us to address border security. And the original intent was to protect from doe importanttation that were brought to this country. We have learned that the U.S.Immigration and custom enforcement has deported people who have been here for years and including some now married withchildren. They have paid taxes and no serious criminal record. There are a number of proposals that should be debated and votedon the house. Some are bipartisan within the uncertainty and distress of 800,000 DACA recipients and they address the. Mr. Speaker, the letter from the problem solvers’ caucus say we seek your commitment that the house will address this in a timely fashion either separately using an open process that allows the house to work its will. We seek your commitment and vote on substantive proposals particularly those offered on a bipartisan basis as well as any bill voted. A queen of the hill rule should be employed that establishes the proposal receiving the most votes as the position of the house. We accept the responsibility to reach consensus on the legislative situation on DACA. We need immigration reform should be bipartisan in an open process to demonstrate to the American people that we can find common ground. That was made by common solvers caucus by representative up ton and Peter Welch. We are talking about queen of the hill. There are several options. One queen of the hill. The queen of the hill is the one that gets the most votes. It goes to conference with the Senate or if it is the Senate bill. King of the hill, which we are not advocating is the one that wins last. We want the wins the most votes. I appreciate the letter from them because it talks about some very important things, bipartisan important process and brings people together, bipartisanship, and I thank thecaucus for this. We have another story from Houston, from Sheila Jackson Lee. A local San Antonio dreamer who adores the city of San Antonio as any true San Antonio would. In 2005, Andrea was eight years old. She was too young to realize the spring break vacation. That vacation was a permanent move. This was as a result of her fat’s stabbing in Mexico City. Her grand parents who are U.S. Citizens began the process to legalize her mother. The broken immigration system made it difficult to grant a green card. That process being over 23 years leaving her out of a possibility to address her status. We call it family unification was a broken issue in this government and her grand parents did nothing. That’s why we want to improve it. She pledged allegiance to the flag and getting good grades. Her first academic award was signed by President Obama. She continues her education achieving high marks andgraduating from Churchill high school. And she went to Texas university and pursued a career in health care. She decided to transfer to the university of Texas, San Antonio. She is now currently studying public policy. She is involved in various projects working as a lead immigration fellow to move San Antonio. And pushed for educational initiatives leading to the first dreamer center on the college in the state of Texas. Because of her leadership, she has been given the Washington and askinging us to act on bipartisan legislation. She graduates in December of 2018, four months after her DACA expires. She is worried what does that mean to her.She worries about her community that is full of promise. She is an American and she cheered when they won their first championship in 2007. Ok. That was then and that is now. And some of the worst tragedies of this country’s pain was her own and asked to be given the opportunity to prove she is already an American. How lovely. Little bit of my golden state warriors. From congresswoman Roybal-allard, the zpwod mother of it all, from her, we have testimony from one of her student DREAMers. I’m a student at east loss language university. I’m concerned about a what President Trump and gave Congress to take six months. And many are losing protection. I’m asking for a clean dream act for all the immigrant communities and that they are in this country for a better life. They want to be in the army and educate themselves and have the benefits that this country provides. DACA recipient.And also. Hi, Mrs. Roybal-allard. I’m from district 40 and DACA student from east Los Angeles college and tell you about myconcerns. I want to tell you I’m scared of what could happen in the next month because I want to accomplish my dreams and be aproud Latina. I hope we fight together because we are known as the one that fights together signed Ms. A nmp Na could Rea. In the previous letter, she talks about how many years it would take for the grand parents to help a daughter to become legal and to get a green card. And there was a big long article how fast the green card politicses are, years. Years. If people want to be doing things on schedule, many people are doing things that the process took so long that their opportunity expired. This is from this is from congresswoman Rosa Delauro. Thank you, congresswoman ke Lauro. Dear representative Delauro, I was hn Nored to intern in yourWashington office an learn more about the government of the United States an more specifically responding to constituent concerns. Walking through the long tunnels that connect congressional buildings to the capitol, I began to envision myself workingin the district of Columbia upon graduation. But like for many people, the election forced me to take a different path. After the election, all the stability that allowed my family and me to become part of American life has turned into doubt. President Trump is removing the DACA program and I had to return to New Haven and assist my family in deciding what are the best decisions moving forward. Thus I’m afraid I cannot continue to work in your office. While I’m constantly afraid, I’m not giving in. My best memory in your office — working in your office was running into an old employer came to the office for a capitol tour. Reflecting on the aspirations I had working as a Busser to get myself through high school I remember your person always providing me at hope. That was grown when I thought of the times you walked into your office and greeted your interns with such infinite gratitude. Thank you, congresswoman Delauro, for submitting this testimony to us and recognizing the difficult decisions that have — that families have tomake in the interest of families staying together. Thank you and we’ll submit this for the record. Congressman Tsongas has joined us and congresswoman Moore of Wisconsin has joined us aws well — joined us as well. And congresswoman Frederica Wilson as joined us as well. Thank you for joining us. Thank you. Ok. Go back to Mr. — Oh, you have more? Again, this is from representative Watson Coleman, another constituent, Diana Diaz, 22 years old. She came to the United States from Mexico with her mother andtwo older siblings in 2002 when Diane was 7 years old. They settled in Somerset, new Jersey, where her mother worked lock hours to ensure her Chern could focus all their attention on school. Die she graduated from high school in new Brunswick, new Jersey. While still in high school she worked at a full-time job to support her family. After high school she attended middlesex county communitycollege where she got her associate degree in education. She continued then her higher education transfer to Rutgers in the fall of 2016. There she majors in public administration, minors in Spanish. She has aspirations to continue her education and enroll in themasters program to become a certified legal interpreter. That’s hard. She hopes to head back to new Brunswick and work in the public school system as an administrator to help students like her. She also wants to create a nonprofit organization to assistvarious ethnic groups with gaping access to higherings she believes the education she received in New Jersey was so valuable to her overall success that she wants to give back so that others can follow suit. I just want to dwell on this for a moment. She’s talking about education being valuable to her success and she wants to give back so that others can follow suit. I hope that all of the ItalianAmerican, Irish American, German American, Dutch American, all the ethnic groups that are here in our country take full pride in the example they have set for how the American dream works in America. Because what you see with these DREAMers just follows so closely what our families did, our ancestors did, coming here. The idea that education was key to upward mobility and to reaching personal aspirations. That faith and family and the work ethic were important part of how you were regarded in America. And that this may be what’s in their D.N.A. As they come to the United States but it’s clear they have masterful, great examples to show how to achieve the American dream. And all of the ways of immigration that came before. Family, faith, community, education, patriotism, love of America. So beautiful. Diana spells it out so clearly here. Is this a new one? Ok. Another one from representativejayapal of Washington state. We heard fromer earlier, shevers here earlier. She’s a Judiciary Committee leader on immigration and an immigrant herself. 22-year-oldester was a valued intern in representative jayapal’s office last year and also a dreamer who came to the United States when she was just 3 years old from South Korea. They arrived on a Visa, and sought help from an immigrationlawyer to obtain more permanent legal status in the United States. They filled out application, paid their dues, gave the lawyers most of the money they had and they ran away with all of it. He scammed them and left them with nothing. Ester’s parents Visas expiredthey pushed their kids around in shopping carts because a stroller was too expensive. But then they started over. They built their lives in the United States. They raised a smart, passionate daughter who is now a senior at Harvard. The DACA statusester obtained in 2013 gave her the freedom to pursue her own American dream. Even when her DACA status was secure, she said that typical safe spaces like hospitals, places, filled her with fear because DACA doesn’t afford protections to her family. She also hides her status andworries what would happen if someone she trusted outed them to immigration authority. Unless we take immediate action to help DREAMers,ester’s future is even more uncertain. Thank you,ester. For share tissue thank you,ester, for sharing your story with us. We have been joined by Cedric Richmond the distinguished chair of the congressional black caucus. Earlier I head statistics from the caucus about how many people were — had DACA — were DREAMers from caribbean from Nigeria, etc. We read some testimony that was from our press conference by the dreamer sent by kamla Harris from gmbingts aleese and coming from the African-American community now. Thank you for coming, congressman Richmond. Ok now we have from David Vazquez, a dreamer I have met, he was born in Germany, moved to the United States at age 13. He grew up in eling grove village, Illinois and graduated at the top of his high school class he earned a full-ride scholarship to college through questbridge, that links low income students with college in the U.S. He graduated with a double major in economics and German and was able to spend two Summers interning at Goldman Sachs. He later joined alpha site, a high growth startup, he established their San Francisco office and grew it from 8 to 25employees. Many of these DREAMers have started businesses, created jobs by creating small businesses by being entrepreneurs.That’s an important part of our economy. Jesper Kim, brought to the United States when he was 2 years old, received his associate degree, pursuing a degree in computer science he feel continues to volunteer at his church and in his high school key club. Evelyn Valdez ward from Irvine, California. Graduate student at the university of California Irvine. First general ration female Hispanic undocumented scientist. Evelyn constantly seeks to dismantle economic, racial, and cultural bare yeses. She’s part of the 1 percent of 800,000 DACA students that pursue post-graduate education. In addition to studying climate change impact on — on thecommunity. She received her bachelor’s degree in biology from university of Houston downtown. She spent a variety of years inprojects that spark her passion for ecology. She helped create a plant water transport model using chaparral shrubs to test drought tolerance . This is very important research. In 2014 and 2015 she worked under the direction of Dr. Scott Mangen, Michael Tobin andClaudia stein in St. Louis Tyson research center where she study phylogenetic relationships in prairie grasslands. Studying at university of California Irvin and Ford foundation predoctoral fellow she’s studying thesques of climate change on the interaction between plants and their soil Mike robes. She’s dedicated to combines her — combining her scientific traping with mentoring ofunderrepresented minorities in stem. Evelyn hopes to inspire the next generation of scientists by pushing forward a mission todiversify stem. Thank you for that, Evelyn. Againmark of the great things, discoveries in America came from immigrants coming here.Many of the great academic minds in our country came from another country. But then — at the same time America produced our own and that’s pretty exciting combination. Ann Cueva, a young Mexican immigrant who has called Utah and the United States home since 1998 when she was 5 years old. From this young age and we have a number of DACA DREAMers, we have a number of DREAMers from Utah, we thank the — them for speaking up. From this young age she’s always taught the importance of education, hard work, and family. Beyond the values her parents instilled in her, her future was also shaped when a year after arriving to this country her mom became very ill. This experience gave her a desire to help others and began to forge a path on her journey to find her calling in nursing. In fact, nursing solidified her as her American dream when she was just 9 years old. To achieve this dream sheunderstood how important it was to honor her parents’ decisions and dedicated herself to education and community. As a teenager she quickly became a volunteer at her local hospital and later was elected president of the national honor society. For her high school chapter. She attended an accelerated high school, earned her associate degree in science at 17, and graduated top 10 percent of her senior class. She continued her studies a year later with the help of DACA. Now she prides herself on being able to say she achieved her professional dream of being a registered nurse, B.S.N., currently working in shock therapy I.C.U. Level one trauma cent for the Utah. She graduated with high honors from Utah valley university in December, 2016. Thank you, Ana, for sharing your story with us which I submit for the record. Kayla Garcia Espino of Wyoming. She came to the United States when she was 5 years old from Mexico. In 2016 she earned her bachelor’s degree in business administration with a concentration in the N accounting from fair state university. She was a deputy treasury for the city of east Grand Rapids and has been working for the city for almost three years. Her DACA expires in October, 2018. May I correct the record. She’s not from Wyoming. She’s from Wyoming, Michigan. A city in Michigan. Ok. From Coleen Hanabusa, who has been with us for a large part of the day this testimony. Am I not lucky to be able tobecome so familiar with so many of these beautiful DREAMers? We want to send these people back? This talent this rich talent, this achievement, this determination, this faith in the future, this patriotism for America? I don’t think so. We have to make it happen. I have confidence. Hi. My name is Cecilia, I’m a DACA recipient. My parents came to the United States of America seeking American dream. I and my siblings came here when we were young. I was 4 when my mother and I came to U.S.A. It was not until I was a senior in high school that I found out I had no legal status in this country of opportunity. Today I humbly ask that you issue legal resident status to those who have benefited from President Obama’s deferred action for childhood arrivals. President John F. Kennedy said, ask not what you can do for your country — asked ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. This program has opened the door for myself and other undocumented children to have education, employment and other leadership roles in their community so they can do something for our country. President Trump said he’ll he is slamming the door in the face of DACA recipients and damaging the economy and perhaps across the world. We feel a sense of danger, people who have benefited want to become positive members of the U.S. Community. Those with severe criminal backgrounds do not qualify for DACA. I ask, and this is a letter to congressman hues. And protect these information that return to the department ofhomeland security in order to return peace of mind. Only with your help that we continue working for a better America. It’s interesting as we read these letters. How many families hesitated to tell their children about their status. I can understand why. They would not want to frighten them. But nonetheless, when they do find out, they are very shocked by it. We shouldn’t have that kind offear and shock in our country, especially for our children. And while these parents took great risk and have great courage and determination to protect their children, unfortunately, we didn’t have comprehensive immigration reform to avoid some of these sad situations. Congresswoman Velazquez has testimony from a dreamer. A young new Yorker who faces an uncertain future. He came to the United States from the Mexico since age two. She is holding a job. Because she is undocumented, she is not able to secure financial aid. And working with a community group that stands up and empowers some of the most vulnerable neighbors.She is the type of person we want contributing to our nation. Congress is turning its back on DREAMers. This is shameful for youngpatriotic people and for hundreds of thousands of young Americans. Yes, Americans. We need to pass the dream act now. I appreciate the statement from her. Blue I hope we can be more optimistic about the prospect not turning our back and having a discussion and debate on the floor of the house in passinging legislation and I hope the speaker would give us in this house of representatives, the dignity that we deserve to discuss matters on the floor of this house and the house of representatives work its will in order to address this issue. The Senate has gotten that privilege — not privilege, but a given by the leader in the Senate, Mitch McConnell and in consultation with the bipartisan group of members that we have bipartisan legislation what should be bipartisan and should be done openly and union if I people. That should be the rule of thumb, especially necessary to do this soon. Why, we ask the question. Why is the house cut out of this discussion? Why? We need that answer from the speaker of the house. Why are we not given our constitutional opportunity to discuss this important issue? Just a few more from members, ok. I just have — I think we did all these. Ok. Actually, I could stay here for the full 40 hours and do this, but I know that we have a vote to take and the rest, so let us just conclude with our co-sponsor of the bill, no relation. Congress reminds currently lives in Texas. As graduating from high school, he received his B.A. In psychology and earned an M.S. At the university of Texas. He has attended Harvard where he is pursuing a doctorate degree. Carlos has devoted his endeavors to issues to unauthorized migration and support and guidance. In addition to academic attention, he has remaped in this community as the coordinator for U tmp sa, university of Texas San Antonio.He has Mr accomplishments. Mover, to together with undocumented students, he coordinated efforts and mobilizing the efforts DACA students. They advocate to improve the educational opportunities for the population. I’m going to go for one. And one resides in Los Angeles. And without papers and despite, risen to the challenge. And implemented supporting DREAMers and she involved in the advocacy in Victorville and congressman cook’s office. She hopes to become a lawyer one day and right now, she hopes tobecome a lawyer. And I’m joined by congresswoman Schakowsky and Kathy castor. You were here earlier and congresswoman Carol Shea-porter and congresswoman Kelly and salesman Cohen. And comma congresswoman Katherine Clark. And congressman Bobby Scott. Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz. I read your testimony earlier and congressman David Cicilline and congressman Yvette Clark. And hank Johnson. I think we have acknowledged all of the members who are here. And more I acknowledged earlier.She was sitting next to — sitting next to representative strong as. My colleagues. The last eight hours I have had the privilege of reading the testimony of so many DREAMers and I still have more but 
>> Read them all. 
>> I thank all of you Ms. Pelosi: It’s a privilege to read the eloquent statements of the DREAMers as they express their love of America, their commitment to a better future to our country and their own families. It was a double honor to do so with the recommendations of the testimony that you all extended — presented — recommended these testimonials and have so many of you here in the course of the day, a real tribute to the respect that we have for our DREAMers. I accept your applause on behalf of them, because it was their story that I told. In addition to the bible and the catholic conference of bishops and pope Francis and pope Benedict and so many other religious groups. I thank all of you. Our basic request is honor the house of representatives. Give us a chance to have a vote on the floor. The Republican leader in the Senate — Ms. Pelosi: The Republican leader, Mitch McConnell has gone forward with the budget proposal with the promise that he will give that opportunity to the floor of the Senate. The Senate will work its will and we’ll work our will, but it must be bipartisan, transparent and unifying and there is a lot of hard work and this bill. And there may be other options. I’m telling you that. With that, though, I thank the staff of the house of representatives, the various speakers of the house who have been up there with such courtesy. You smile. You smile. Let us acknowledge the DREAMersand their optimism, their inspiration to make America more American. Thank you, my colleagues. Ms. Pelosi: With that, I yield back.The speaker pro tempore: The house will come to order. 

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