
Abortion Hearing Guest Cannot Explain Difference Between Hour Old Baby She Condones Aborting and 2 Year Old

‘I trust people to make decisions about their body’
By Grabien Staff


JOHNSON: “If it is not lawful and morally acceptable to take the life of a 10-year-old child -- I assume you agree with that, right, that would be wrong, correct?"
ARRAMBIDE: "I believe that that is wrong."
JOHNSON: "OK. And a 2-year-old-child, same thing, that would be murder -- we would all agree that's wrong. Then what is the principal distinction between the human being that is 2 years old or 9 months old, or 1 week old, or an hour old than one that is 8 inches further up the birth canal in the uterus? What's the difference? Why is it OK in the latter case, and not the former cases?"
ARRAMBIDE: "I trust people to determine what to do with their own body."
ARRAMBIDE: "Full stop."
JOHNSON: "Wow! Full stop, indeed. And that describes right there exactly what this is about. There's a legal issue here. But underneath that is a moral issue. It's about reality. It's about science.”

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