
Acting Labor Sec.: We’re Seeing the Impact of the Climate Crisis Across the Country and We Have To Do Something About That

‘We can both solve our climate crisis and build an economy that is good for working people’
By Grabien Staff


SU: “We're seeing the impact of the climate crisis all across the country right now. And we have to do something about that. And there's a -- there's an entire, you know, climate agenda to do that. There's also --  Bidenomics is about empowering workers and working people. And so all of the investments, including in the climate are opportunities to create good jobs in communities that need them the most. We have to think about how -- how -- what impact is on workers, but just as recently as this weekend, President Biden has said that we are going to make sure that we invest in and support the good middle class jobs in places like Detroit, in places like Milwaukee, where -- where working people have been built the auto industry that has led the world for a really long time.”


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