
Actress Lily Tomlin at Climate Protest: ‘No More Real Christmas Trees’

‘If you’ve got a real Christmas tree, save it; it stands there as a symbol of consciousness’
By Grabien Staff


TOMLIN: "Together with the oceans, the trees are our lungs. We must save them if we’re going to save ourselves."

[Audience member yelling]

TOMLIN" "No more cutting down Christmas trees, either. If you’ve got a real Christmas tree, save it. It stands there as a symbol of consciousness. Don’t cut any more down. You would love to be able to go and pull out that fake tree and pull it right up wouldn’t you with ornaments on it and everything? That’s what we do at our house."

[Audience member yelling]

TOMLIN: "Fake white Christmas trees, although white is questionable. Only elect politicians who will fight for the climate in bold, brave ways!"

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