
ACU’s Schlapp Defends Trump’s Press Exclusion: ‘No Law’ Demands Their Inclusion

‘There’s no law to say how the president has to operate with the press’
By Grabien Staff


MATTHEWS: "Do you think he has right to decide which reporter cover the White House?"
MATTHEWS: "He decide who was in and who was out?"
SCHLAPP: "Was that briefing or smaller group of reporters he pulled together."
MATTHEWS: "Everybody they decided — there wasn’t a amount of space because they let certain in the door and others they didn’t. They didn’t let CNN, they didn’t let “New York Times.” They decided who could come in and he wasn’t. The news organizations are raising hell."
SCHLAPP: "Look, the president — there’s no law to say how the president has to operate with the press. He has right to set way he interacts with the press that’s clear."

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