
After Travel Ban, Twitter Overflowing with Calls to Assassinate Pres. Trump

‘If you assassinate Trump, just know your name will go down in history’

No sooner had Donald Trump been inaugurated the 45th president of the United States were angry voters taking to Twitter to call for his assassination. And in the days since Trump signed an executive order pausing immigration from seven countries identified with having high levels of terrorism, calls for a coup are intensifying.

Anti-Trump rhetoric is becoming so heated, even a Times of London reporter, India Knight, openly called for his assassination. (She's since deleted this tweet.)

And here's just a sampling of what others are saying:

User "chaychay" openly taunted the White House to deport her after calling for the president's killing:


Perhaps user Bloody thought by adding question marks at the end, he would not be on the receiving end of a Secret Service visit????

User "B E C K," apparently concerned with climate change, hopes someone takes up arms against the president: 

User "SunflowersmBeans" seemed proud of her 12-year-old sister for expressing an interest in murdering the president:


Some calls for assassinating the president included attempts at humor, like this one from Buyani Mlambo:

Many Twitter users are thinking at least two steps ahead -- suggesting it won't be enough to kill Trump, and that Pence must likewise be assassinated: 





Unsurprisingly many did not know how to spell "assassinate": 



Who's "gonna take one for the team" and off Trump, "Catwoman" asks:


"Zombie Mami" says he plans to kill the president if a trade war with Mexico sparks higher avocado prices:




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