
Al Gore Asks: How Can We Protect Ourselves from ‘Blatant Untruths Repeated Over and Over’

‘We face a climate crisis now that is the most serious challenge our civilization has ever confronted’
By Grabien Staff

WOODRUFF: "You're saying the news media can do its job and not be accused on a regular basis of being fake news as this president says?"
GORE: "Fake news has been around as long as news has been around, but, again, the issue is how vulnerable are we to it? How can the immune system of democracy which is not only the news media but also the free speech we all enjoy and the way we make decisions collectively, how can that better protect us against blatant untruths that are repeated over and over again."
WOODRUFF: "Are you continuing to have conversations with President Trump?"
GORE: "Well, I'm up not talking about any dialogue with him direct or indirect. I hope that our country remains in the Paris agreement, but we face a climate crisis now that is the most serious challenge our civilization has ever confronted, and the greatest country in the world has to remain a part of this unprecedented global agreement to deal with it."

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