
Al Sharpton: GOP Playing on Biden’s Health ‘Is Totally Crazy,’ ‘Look at What He’s Done to the Economy’

‘He clearly is doing his job’
By Grabien Staff


SHARPTON: "I sense they're aware of it, but I clearly felt she won’t play into that, because clearly they’re playing on the president’s health, which has shown to be totally crazy, because he clearly is doing his job. Look at what he’s done to the economy. Look at what he’s done for legislation. But Donald Trump is only three or four years younger than the president. I mean, it’s not like you’re talking about a 20-, 25-year gap. And the thing that the vice president emphasized, she said to me, 'Rev, I’m glad that you have a diverse group coming for this march. Anti-Defamation League is co-chair with Martin III and I, Asian groups, Latino groups, because all of us are under attack. Don’t underestimate that when we’re they’re using this President Harris thing, they’re not only talking about the president’s health, they're talking about her gender and her race. They’re playing the race card, 'You can’t let this black woman in as president,' and I think most Americans will reject that. And I think she’s wise not to play into that. Let them stand out there on their own, clearly playing that card, and she will not engage. She’s bigger than that as a person."

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