
Al Sharpton Struggles to Pronounce ‘al-Baghdadi,’ Hits Trump for Not Focusing on ‘White Supremacy’

By Grabien Staff

SHARPTON: "President Trump said that because of the killing of al-Baghdadi, that the world is a better place. And I would give credit to he and those that were responsible for it. But we have a lot of work that must still be done in the area of terrorism. In the same area of the world where al-Baghdadi was and in our own nation, where a year ago today we saw in Pittsburgh at the Tree of Life synagogue 11 people killed by a domestic terrorist, we see the threat of domestic terrorism, hate groups. Even FBI Director Chris Wray said that white supremacy is a major part of that in this country. We must be committed to fighting terrorism all over the world, but we cannot duck the rise of hate groups and terrorism at home. And remembering this one year ago today, what happened in Pittsburgh at Tree of Life, ought to make us all say, 'Yes, give credit for what happened with the leader of ISIS, but let’s not forget the sobering memory of 11 lives lost and many others that were lost to those domestic terrorists that are bent on hate and bent on white supremacy and anti-Semitism and racism and homophobia?' We have to fight terrorism, hate, and people taking people's lives on all fronts. And yes, give credit when we win, but don’t think the battle is over because we fought one fight. We must continue, and we must be operating with a sense of urgency. That does it for me. Thank you for watching."

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