
Al Sharpton: Trump ‘Fought in the Spirit of King George to Kill the Democratic Process and Scapegoat Black Women’

‘What are we supposed to tell our children now in school when we get to the 45th president?’
By Grabien Staff


SHARPTON: “When I was growing up, we learned about the first presidents of the United States who fought the British in the American Revolution to have democratic elections. Here you have a president that is fighting to corrupt a democratic process and targeting black women, that is part of that process. What are we supposed to tell our children now in school when we get to the 45th president, to explain how he fought in the spirit of King George to kill the democratic process and scapegoat black women that were part of that pipeline to assure us the democratic process worked? I don’t think we understand how un-American this is what he’s done. Yes, it’s criminal. Yes, it’s despicable, but it goes against everything this country said it stood for that many of us had to fight to get to be a part of, and now you want to change the script and say that elections don’t matter?”

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