
‘Alvin Bragg Is a Joke’: Vickie Paladino on Migrants Attacking NYPD Officers in Times Square

‘This is an absolute joke’
By Grabien Staff


PALADINO: "Once again no surprise from Alvin Bragg. True to form he’ll will arrest women, these two people for anti-vax are having false vaccination cards. But yet this scene here that you see right now on the screen, had these guys brought them in and released them. This has become a joke. Our poor police officers were taken down a notch again this week with 586. They are now assaulted in the middle of Times Square. What is going on here? What more proof does Alvin Bragg need other than the kicking and beating that we are seeing here? And these people right here, we have their pictures, we know exactly who they are. They are brought in and yet they were released. This is an absolute joke. Alvin Bragg is a joke. Alvin Bragg should not hold the office that he presently holds."

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