
Alyssa Milano on Biden: ‘It’s Really About Who Can Beat this Man, This Horrible, Horrible President’

‘This primary to me is not about policy, it’s about beating Trump, period, that’s it, end of story’


MILANO: “I think it’s a great point. There’s nobody in the world that wants progressive policy to be set in place more than I do. But this primary to me is not about policy. It’s about beating Trump, period, that’s it, end of story. We need to nominate someone that is going to beat Trump and bring honesty and integrity and dignity and truth back to the United States of America. Empathy, compassion, all these things that I want to teach my children growing up in this great country. We need someone that’s going to represent that to the best of their ability and fight Trump. And, you know, I can’t — it’s not about who’s going to make the best president. It’s really about who’s going to beat this man, this horrible, horrible president.”

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