
Ana Navarro Criticizes the Media for Covering Biden Gaffes: They Have Forgotten How Bad Donald Trump Was

‘People have forgotten all the gaffes and mistakes that Donald Trump made as president, while the ones that Joe Biden makes are, you know, front and center and they are national news’
By Grabien Staff


NAVARRO: "Frankly, I think people have forgotten how bad Donald Trump was. I think people have forgotten all the gaffes and mistakes that Donald Trump made as president, while the ones that Joe Biden makes are, you know, front and center and they are national news media. News -- they get new national news media, national news, media attention. I think people have forgotten what a stressful, horrible, divisive time for America the Trump presidency was. The daily tweets leading to cultural wars, the attacks on people personally, the ad hominem attacks on -- on international leaders. Just the -- the -- the way we live for four years, I think people have forgotten that.”


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