
Anand Giridharadas: Trump ‘Tapped’ into the Anger from the Most Vulnerable and ‘Redirected’ It onto Them

‘Do we get Donald Trump to be loyal to the people who voted for him to start with?’
By Grabien Staff


GIRIDHARADAS: "We have new data showing 117 million, the bottom half of Americans literally got no raise, on average, since the ‘70s, as the world got so amazing. So, innovation without progress. I think the problem is, Donald Trump, and that was — by the way, the beneficiaries of that were the least vulnerable Americans, the most successful and the vulnerable Americans got screwed over over that generation. Donald Trump tapped into that anger and instead of redirecting it back to the people who were extracting value from this society has redirected it to the most vulnerable people. I think the question behind what was said by the congressman is how do we get Donald Trump to be loyal to the people who voted for him to start with, people who like having health insurance over not having it, people who don’t love the big Wall Street banks that he's now cozying up to? I want to make him loyal to his people for starters."

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