
Anderson Cooper Tries to Stop Andy Cohen’s ‘I Hate the Mayor’ Rant: ‘But It’s Not Gonna Happen’

‘I just think this town needs some parents, that’s all’
By Grabien Staff


COOPER: "It is 2024. Crazy."
COHEN: "2024. It is crazy. We’ve got to remember how to write that on our checks. I have to say, it was such a relief not seeing the mayor doing the victory dance on the Seacrest stage."
COOPER: "Don’t start the new year with a rant."
COHEN: "No, but I'm saying, I'm glad I didn't have to see that, because you know what, I would have had a rant."
COOPER: "Don't start the new year's rant."
COHEN: "This is the time for my customary 'I hate the mayor' rant."
COOPER: "But it’s not gonna happen."
COHEN: "And I have one ready to go."
COOPER: "But it's not gonna happen. (Laughs)"
COHEN: "I do have one ready to go. Would you like a little bit?"
COOPER: "No. (Laughs)"

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