
Andrea Mitchell on Trump: ‘We Have Let People Normalize Criminal Behavior’ Through Tweets

‘These are experts on branding’
By Grabien Staff


MITCHELL: “And perjury. These are not process infractions. This goes to the heart of our criminal justice system. I agree with Heather. We have let people normalize really criminal behavior and bad behavior and abnormal behavior through tweets, through branding, basically. These are experts on branding. And you know, as Neal Katyal said, if this is a witch hunt, they found a coven so far, 37 indictments, as he just said here, on the program. This cannot be let to stand. And I also would caution that, going forward, in 2020, we do not know what impulses now, in social media, are being programmed from Moscow. And we’ve seen the forensics of what happened in 2016. And I see a lot of the things that are going viral. And I am now so suspicious about anything that we are reading.”

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