
Andrew McCabe: Without FISA We Won’t Be Able to Surveil Hamas Terrorists

‘Hamas, we know has a presence here in the United States’
By Grabien Staff


MCCABE: “The former attorney general is exactly right here. And you're right, Jim, some -- anyone who has been a consumer of the intelligence that section 702 provides us and that, of course, would include former President Trump should understand the significance of that. And then let's overlay on the time that we're talking about right now. Israel is at war with Hamas. Hamas, we know has a presence here in the United States. The idea that we would turn off the prime vision, the prime insight that we have into terrorists who are overseas, terrorists like Hamas terrorists, who may in fact be talking to people in the United States and planning activities here, we don't know that, but it's certainly a top priority for the FBI right now, the idea that we would turn off that flow of information, which is entirely lawful and has survived every court challenge, is just astounding to me. There is no one in the community, in the intelligence community who would support such a thing.”


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