
Andrew Tate on Ukraine War: You’re Naive if You Believe There Are Good Guys and Bad Guys in War

‘The bad guys are crazy and the good guys want freedom’
By Grabien Staff


TATE: "But I understand very well, I like to believe, what’s happening with Ukraine and Russia. And what I will say to the people watching this at home is that if you are naive enough to believe that there are good guys and bad guys in wars and it’s a simple as good and bad, and that the bad guys are crazy and the good guys want freedom, then you need to do a little bit more investigation into what’s really happening. And when you look at the vested interest of any country or any person — "
CARLSON: "Can I just ask you to pause and just comment that’s the truest thing, what you just said. That is the — and anyone who doesn’t understand that should shut the f**k up. And I mean that, having seen war."

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