
Andy McCarthy: No Doubt the FBI Had at Least One Confidential Informant in the Trump Campaign

‘The Trump thing was a counter intelligence investigation’
By Grabien Staff


KILMEADE: "Get this. Take a moment. 'The New York Times' posting this report about origins of the Trump investigation but in many cases I feel as though they buried the lead. Did they actually confirm that James Comey’s FBI spied on the Trump campaign with an embed informant ans quote, 'At least one government', this is from the article, 'At least one government informant met several times with Mr. Page and Mr. Papadopoulos, current and former officials said. That has become a politically contentious point, with many of Mr. Trump’s allies questioning whether the FBI was spying on the Trump campaign or trying to entrap campaign officials.' He is -- let's bring Andy McCarty now, former federal prosecutor and chief assistant U.S. attorney, contributing editor of the National Review, and hopefully a Fox News contributor soon, Andy first off, am I wrong or are we wrong to point out this line buried in the middle of the story at least one government informant met several times with Page and Papadopoulos? Did they actually put someone under cover to try to bring these guys out?"
MCCARTHY: "Yeah, they did, Brian. I've written a couple of columns in the last week or so pointing out that there is probably no doubt that they had at least one confidential informant in the campaign and going carefully through the Strzok and Page text to show that they obviously opened an investigation late July, early August of 2016, in which they met with at least someone from a foreign government in connection with an investigation — with this investigation in England. What we now know from the 'Times' article that’s all true, but the lead that they buried the word that you almost never see in the 'Times' 4,000 whatever word it is counter intelligence. What happened here is they did not have a criminal predicate to open an investigation on Trump as they had an immense criminal predicate to conduct on Mrs. Clinton. And what they did was used their counter intelligence powers covertly to investigate the Trump campaign during the stretch run of the campaign under circumstances where they did not have evidence that anyone had actually committed a crime."

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