
Antony Blinken: Republican Criticism that the W.H. Funded Iran Ahead of Israel’s Attack Is a False Narrative

‘They’re either misinformed or they’re misinforming. And either way it’s wrong’
By Grabien Staff


BLINKEN: "Well, look, I'm not going to comment on specific comments. What I can do is I can say this. It's unfortunate that some are, in effect, saying things that maybe motivated by politics at a time when so many lives have been lost and Israel remains under attack. And the facts are these, and should be well known. This involved Iranian resources, not American taxpayer dollars. These were resources that Iran had acquired from the sale of its oil that was stuck in a bank — in this case, in South Korea. They have always been entitled to use those funds under our law and under our sanctions for humanitarian purposes, and the funds were moved from one bank to another to facilitate that. By the way, not a single dollar from that account has actually been spent to date. And in any event, it's very carefully and closely regulated by the Treasury Department to make sure that it’s only used for food, for medicine, for medical equipment. So, some who are advancing this false narrative, they’re either misinformed or they’re misinforming. Either way, it’s wrong."

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