
Attorney: Trump’s New Travel Ban ‘Much Better and More Well-Reasoned than the First One’

‘The president has great latitude when it comes to immigration executive orders’
By Grabien Staff


HERMAN: "It's much better and more well reasoned than the first one. The first one was a sloppy mess. Again, by taking care of green card individuals and Visa individuals, this ban really has a shot. Now, you played that video of trump and you cannot enact laws based on discrimination. So that's the argument that he proclaimed this during the campaign. There's his intent. You could dress it up as you want, but it's discrimination and we're not going to uphold that but however, Fred, the president has great latitude when it comes to immigration executive orders, great latitude, maybe any other executive order. A lot of deference has to go to the president. Don't be surprised if this one is upheld."

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