
Axelrod: ‘It Drives Me Crazy’ When Biden Is ‘Extolling the Miracles’ of the Biden Economy

‘That is the wrong strategy’
By Grabien Staff


AXELROD: “And instead of sort of doing what you’d expect Joe Biden to do, because he’s a person of empathy who grew up in a working class circumstance, and identify with the concern, he said, 'You know, I'd tell them we’ve got the strongest economy in the world and, you know, we're...' — and he continues to do that. That is the wrong strategy. The right strategy is to say, 'Look, we’ve made a lot of progress from the day I walked in the door as a country and I’m proud of our country for a fighting through this pandemic and getting her back to where we’ve got this much employment. But the fact is, the way people experience this economy is the way I did when I was growing up in Scranton, Pennsylvania. How much did you pay for the groceries? How do you afford the gas, the rent? And these continue to be a problem and I'm fighting that fight,' and then I go through a few things that — you know. So I think he needs to put himself on the side of working people in their economic fight here."

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