
Axios’ Alex Thompson: Hunter Biden ‘Sees His Sobriety as Related to the Fate of the Country’

‘He think about the consequences of failure here’
By Grabien Staff


THOMPSON: “Hunter Biden was in a spiral of a crack cocaine addiction, alcohol addiction, he basically got sober the day before Joe Biden's first campaign kickoff in 2019, the day before. Since then, he has essentially been completely sober. He testified to that in court. A court -- another judge basically said that he has been tested since August, his lawyer so that he has continued to be tested. And so part of the reason that he has stayed sober beyond I think the love of his family, he got married, he had a little boy that he named after his -- you know, his late brother, Beau."
THOMPSON: "But other -- the other thing is he sees his sobriety as related to the fate of the country.”


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