
Bakari Sellers: ‘Literally No Evidence’ that Joe Biden Has Anything To Do with Hunter’s Business Deals

‘This is a very interesting needle that Republicans are trying to thread by persecuting someone with an addiction’
By Grabien Staff


SELLERS: “They’re going to say that there is smoke. They’re going to say that we’re going to have all of this responsibility placed on simply to distract the American people away from this election and drive up Joe Biden’s negatives. That is all they want to do, is drive up Joe Biden’s negatives. And I don’t think that’s going to work in this case. And the main reason I don’t think it’s going to work is, one, Democrats are saying, if Hunter Biden committed a crime, hold him accountable. But two, addiction touches every single family in this country, or the overwhelming majority thereof. And this is a very interesting needle that Republicans are trying to thread by persecuting someone with an addiction. If while having this addiction he committed crimes, then punish him. But there is literally no evidence that this ties back to the president of the United States. And I think that whataboutism is going to fall flat as we head into this election.”

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