
Bakari Sellers: Musk and Zuckerberg Haven’t Proven Themselves to Show They Care About the User

‘I think that’s a fundamental problem as well’
By Grabien Staff


SELLERS: “And then you have Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg, who haven’t proven themselves to show that they actually care about the — "
HARLOW: "Both fathers."
SELLERS: "Both fathers, who haven’t proven themselves to show that they care about the user. I think that’s a fundamental problem as well. So from a very personal level, you are scared about what your children may encounter or who may be reaching out. And as a criminal defense lawyer, I represent some of these people, you see it, you see it up close and personal. But then you look at the people who govern, I mean we are running from — we are literally running from Elon Musk to Mark Zuckerberg. I mean, that is — I mean, that’s — I mean, what is that? 2% versus regular? There is not much of a difference, and that, just on a political level, frightens me."

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