
Ben Sasse on Comey Firing: ‘I’m Not Sure How’ Trump ‘Makes Lots of Decisions’

‘I’m disappointed in the timing of the firing’
By Grabien Staff

DICKERSON: And joining us now is Nebraska Senator Ben Sasse.
Senator Sasse is the author of "The Vanishing American Adult: Our Coming of Age Crisis and How to Rebuild a Culture of Self- Reliance."

He joins us from New York. Senator, why do you think James Comey was fired?

SEN. BEN SASSE (R), NEBRASKA: I'm not sure how this president makes lots of decisions, so I honestly don't know.
But I do know that we are in the midst of a civilization-warping crisis of public trust. And we need to talk honestly about our institutions that need to be restored and need to have the ability for people in five and eight and 10 years to trust these institutions.

So, there are lots of reasonable arguments people can make about the way Director Comey made decisions in the midst of the unprecedented complexities of the 2016 election cycle. And lots of people can think that Director Comey, who is a fundamentally honorable man, but people can think that he executed his job in all sorts of clunky and imperfect ways.
That's a different question than whether or not he should have been fired the way he was last week. And I have been critical of that decision. I think it exacerbates the erosion of trust in our institutions.

So, I'm disappointed in the timing of the firing, but I want to preserve room that there's lots of reasonable reasons that people across the political spectrum can argue about the way the FBI leadership conducted its business in the 2016 cycle.

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