
Beto O’Rourke Says ‘We Don’t Need a Wall,’ Calls For Universal Health Care on The Late Show

‘Republican senior Sen. John Cornyn and I worked on a bill to improve border security by investing in our ports of entry’
By Grabien Staff


O'ROURKE: "I’m convinced that the people of Texas— and that’s who we’re relying on— me PACS, no corporations, no special interest, no D.N.C.— the people of Texas are more than a match for President Trump or for politics as usual. We’ve gone to all these counties. We’ve held town halls in all of them. We’ve listened to people. And people are coming out at this moment of truth. They’re going to help us decide as a country are we a nation of walls? Will we ban all muslims or all people of one religion? Will we describe the press as the enemy of the people? Will we take kids away from their parents and they’re trying to claim asylum, fleeing from the most brutal countries in this hemisphere, if not the planet? Or are we going to be defined by our ambitions, the big things we want to do, going from the least-insured state in the country to the one that leads on universal, guaranteed, high-quality health care for everyone? A state that values public education and pays their teachers accordingly and allows them to teach it a child instead of a standardized test? And this diverse state, the most diverse city in the country, Houston, Texas, can we lead on rewriting our immigration laws in our own image. We can do all of those things. We are not running against anyone or anything or any other political party. We are running for this country, and I am so excited to be a part of this."

(via Mediaite)

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