
Biden on Gaza Hospital Attack: ‘I’m Not Suggesting That Hamas Deliberately Did It Either’

‘Our Defense Department says it’s highly unlikely that it was Israel’
By Grabien Staff


BIDEN: “Well, I can understand why in this circumstance they [inaudible]. I can understand that. But I would not — you notice I don’t say things like that unless I have faith in the source from which I’ve gotten it. Our Defense Department says it’s highly unlikely that it was Israel, would’ve been a different footprint. Intercepted — anyway. So that’s why, if you notice, I didn’t say at first, I wanted to make sure that I knew. Look — and I’m not suggesting that Hamas deliberately did it either. That’s [inaudible]. And it’s not the first time Hamas has launched something that didn’t function. So, I don’t know all the detail, but I do know the people at the Defense Department, who I respect, and in the intelligence community that I respect, it is highly improbable that Israel did that.”

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