
Biden Says Trump Should Enact Steps to Combat Coronavirus That Have Already Been Enacted

‘I would open up a new enrollment period for health care’
By Grabien Staff

SCARBOROUGH: “We’re back with Vice President Joe Biden. Mr. Vice President, thank you for being with us. Now let’s move on to what a crisis that many call the greatest crisis since World War II for the United States. 63,000 Americans have died in this pandemic, and I could ask you what you are going to do in the abstract, but the fact is, if you were elected president in November, then chances are very good, if Dr. Fauci and other doctors are right, you are going to be sitting in the Oval Office when this pandemic comes back again in the middle of flu season. How should America prepare for the second wave that Dr. Fauci says could be even worse than the first?”

BIDEN: “We should be preparing now. Look, Joe, one of the things I’ve said from the beginning, the President should empower a supply officer, someone who is in charge of making sure that all the material needed, all the PPP, all the — all the testing, all the things we know we have to get done are getting done. And use the — create the Defense Production Act to make sure that we also deal with the banking side of this, to make sure all the things that, in fact, the Congress, the several trillion dollars they put out there to help business, small businesses stay alive, actually get to small business. I’d also establish a pandemic testing board to finally solve the testing problem. I would open up a new enrollment period for health care. I would also — you know, some early data shows African-Americans and communities of color have contracted this disease and died at alarming rates. And I’d get economic relief as quickly as we can to the most — those most in need, to diminish the impact of this. But we have to have that material, Joe. We have to have everything from enough swabs to the reagents to the testing capacity, to masks to gloves to — and he’s going so slowly on this.”

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