
Biden: ‘There’s a Whole Group of Extreme People Trying to Erase History’

‘We have to speak out’
By Grabien Staff


BIDEN: “And as I’ve said to the country, we can’t let hate prevail. And it’s on the rise. It’s not — not diminishing. Silence, I believe, and we’ve all said many times, silence is complicity. We’re not going to remain silent. And so, we have to act against this hate-fueled violence. And you saw what’s happening. By the way, almost five years to the day that five young blacks were killed in Jacksonville, five years earlier at the — at a gun — not a gun shop — a store, they were doing kid’s toys. And — but, you know, we have to speak out that there’s a whole group of extreme people trying to erase history, trying to walk away from — I mean, the idea —“

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