
Bill Kristol: Trump’s ‘Unstable’ and He ‘Does Not Have a Psychological State’ To Be Trusted Four More Years

‘Republicans are not going to acknowledge that they were not right’ to vote for him over Hillary Clinton
By Grabien Staff


KRISTOL: “And I have to say this weekend, people who haven't agreed with me, people who have said to me over and over, 'Oh, come on, Bill, the tweets are annoying and vulgar and even disagreeable for president, but, you know, the tax cuts are good, the judges are good.' I think this weekend a few people said, 'You know, maybe this shows that he’s not stable and he does not have a psychological state to be trusted as president, especially for an additional four years. To a degree, there can be a serious Republican primary general. Republicans are not going to acknowledge that they were not right to vote for him, a lot of them in 2016 over Hillary Clinton, they're not going to reverse their positions on a bunch of policy issues, but they might say, 'Okay, you know what? We kind of dodged the bullet here and we got away with some things, he was not that terrible.' But four more years, four additional years of a person who is becoming increasingly unhinged? I think that’s the question this raises."

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