
Bill Maher, Kellyanne Conway Agree NYT Buried Kavanaugh Murder Plot Because He’s Conservative: ‘If It Doesn’t Fit Our Narrative, F*ck It’

‘And that’s what’s so disappointing about a paper like The New York Times, because they just wear their bias on their sleeves’
By Grabien Staff


MAHER: “The New York Times buried this. If this had been a liberal Supreme Court justice that someone came to kill, it would have been on the front page. And that’s what’s so disappointing about a paper like The New York Times, because they just wear their bias on their sleeves and they — ‘if it’s not part of something that feeds our narrative, fuck it. We bury it.'”

CONWAY: “They are protesting in front of Amy Coney Barrett’s house, where we all know there are seven children inside.”



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