
Bloomberg on Brexit: ‘Stupidest Thing Any Country Has Ever Done’ — Until Trump

‘It’s really hard for him to understand why for a country that was doing so well wanted to ruin it’
By Grabien Staff

BLOOMBERG: “I did say that I thought it was the single stupidest thing any country has ever done but then we Trumped it. (Laughter) (Applause) ...

"It is really hard to understand why a country that was doing so well wanted to ruin it. If you think about things that they talk about, immigration, the U.K. didn’t take anybody from northern Africa or from the Middle East. The U.K. immigrants came from places like Poland, where they needed carpenters and painters and plumbers and that sort of things. So they didn’t have an immigration problem and they didn’t need control of their borders. They have the English Channel – that gave them control of their borders. Then they complained about all the regulations.

"Well, Boris Johnson wrote a piece, totally fictitious when he was journalist assigned to Brussels, and he said, well if you’re importing bananas to the E.U. it had to be four bananas in a bunch, that was a law made by bureaucrats in Brussels. Well number one, it was fictitious, they don’t have any laws like that. And number two, the last time I saw the England grow bananas and then send them to E.U. it was a very long time ago. So, you know, a lot of those things it was not a smart thing to do and getting out of it is going to be very difficult and it will be very painful. It will hurt industries. People are already taking space in other cities over there [Europe], us included.

"We are opening a brand new European headquarters in London, two big expensive buildings. Would I have done it if I knew they were going to drop out? I have — I have some thoughts about it. Maybe I wouldn’t have. ...  You know, we love England. It is the father of our — of our country, I suppose. But what they are doing is not good and there is no easy way to get out of it because if they don’t pay a penalty, everyone else would drop out anyway as, as — in addition. So they can’t get as good of a deal as they had before. And in my view the old deal was better than anything else. So why would you want to do it?”

(Via Mediaite)

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