
Booker’s Press Sec.: Cory Has a Path to Victory Through Undecided African-American Voters

‘We know African-American women are the core of the Democratic Party’
By Grabien Staff


SINGH: “This is someone that has a proven record of getting things done, he reached out across the aisle to Republicans, Democrats and independents as mayor of Newark and has gotten things done in the Senate as senator of New Jersey. Criminal justice reform has gotten passed, some parts of it, by this administration thanks to the leadership of Cory Booker and him reaching across the aisle to people like Lindsey Graham and Chuck Grassley who he has, you know, really nothing in common with. But going back to your original question, the top tier that we’re focusing on right now, we are seeing that the African-American voters, there is still a lot of undecideds within the community. So we believe Cory has a real path to victory through those voters and can really unite voters, African-American voters, Latino voters, AAPI voters, to pull us into a win and become the nominee.”

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