
Bowman: Biden’s Support for Israel Could Cost Him Reelection

‘Yes, it could’
By Grabien Staff


BOWMAN: "Yes, it could. And let me just be very clear. It’s one thing to support Israel, which the U.S. has always done and will continue to do. It’s another thing to never hold Israel accountable for their behavior, whether it is related to the occupation, the open-air prison that is Gaza, or the war crimes that are taking place right now during this siege. I mean, Israel was very clear from the beginning, 'We’re gonna cut off water, food, electricity.' They have used white phosphorus. In terms of collective punishment, that is what is happening right now. Moving half the country from one part of the — excuse me, half the strip from one part of the strip to the other, or trying to, in 24 hours, these are things that President Biden has not been strong enough in holding Israel to account. And the Muslim community, the Arab community and Palestinians hear that loud and clear and receive that as erasure and even further receive it as dehumanization.”

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