
Bre Payton: NYT Claiming Obama Only Lied 18 Times Shows Media Double Standard Between Obama and Trump

‘That number is hilarious to me’
By Grabien Staff


PAYTON: "That number is hilarious to me. They also left out a number of lies that I just noticed, you know, throughout my time being alive. You know, okay. One that comes to mind is I remember Obama saying to cheering crowds that planned Parenthood offers mammograms and other services to women. That they quite frankly don’t. Right? This is why he often repeated at campaign trail and at events throughout his tenure. The other thing that was really interesting they counted the big whopper that Obama liked to tell all the time if you like your insurance you get to keep it they only counted it one time on this lie chart despite the fact that he said it a lot of times. Montage and mashups of him saying it over and over again for hours at a time. So, you know, I think it’s just very clear that this is a lie. And just very clear the double standard between the way that the media covers the Obama Administration and the Trump Administration. It’s just very different. I mean, the American people are not stupid, right? They see the media having crushes on Obama and pretending like he only told 18 lies in eight years. Every single day that Donald Trump is in office they act like their hair is perpetually on fire. This is why a majority of the country thinks that the media fake news because the “New York Times” gave us this great example."

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