
Brian Stelter Says ‘Right Wing Rage Machine’ Fueled Omar News Cycle: ‘This Controversy Was Created’

‘It’s easy for me to sit here and say I would have chosen different words, right?’


STELTER: “The framing, you can see here, is that Omar was downplaying 9/11. His tweet took off and it spread to right-wing websites. It was all over these sites by Tuesday. Then on Tuesday night Sean Hannity brought the video to television. He covered it on Tuesday night. And then, come Wednesday, Fox and Friends was all over it. Brian Kilmeade was questioning Omar’s patriotism. This went on and on for days and days. And then on Thursday, this was the cover of The New York Post. Some people did something. Four words. Probably not the best choice of words. It's easy for me to sit here and say I would have chosen different words, right? But the point is that this controversy was created. The construction of the frame, Omar downplays 9/11, is a key part of the story. These viral videos and tweets are how we argue about the future of America.”

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