
Buttigieg Slams Trump Over Latest ‘Atlantic’ Profile: ‘I Guess Wounded Veterans’ Make Him Uncomfortable

‘These are the kind of people who deserve respect and a hell of a lot more than that from every American, and definitely from every American president’
By Grabien Staff


BUTTIGIEG: “These are the kind of people who deserve respect and a hell of a lot more than that, from every American and definitely from every American president. And the idea that an American president, the person to whom service members look as a commander-in-chief and the person who sets the tone for this entire country, could think that way or act that way or talk that way about anyone in uniform and certainly about those who put their bodies on the line and sacrificed in ways that most Americans will never understand, and I guess — I guess wounded veterans make President Trump feel uncomfortable. When I encounter somebody who put their body on the line and paid a price for this country, I feel about this big, because I see what they have done and I see again and again and again their willingness to continue giving. But those are exactly the kinds of people we should lift up, because their commitment could help unify the country. And we need voices, whether it's ordinary people, service members or political leaders, who are interested in unifying, not dividing Americans."

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