
Calif. AG: We Are Suing Oil Companies Because They ‘Knew that We Would Have Climate Change’

‘They also knew there were alternative pathways for clean energy’
By Grabien Staff


BONTA: "Yeah, I mean, the prediction of global warming. It shows that early on, based on their own studies, they knew that we would have climate change, we would have global warming. The impacts, they called it devastating on the environment. They also knew there were alternative pathways for clean energy. They knew about carbon sequestration and capture and they suppressed those pathways to pursue a profit-creating pathway of fossil fuels that is destroying the planet and leaving people like my daughter to say, 'Dad, I love our family, but I might not want to have a family of my own because I think it's irresponsible to bring a new life into a dying planet.' There is a whole generation of young people who think that."

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