
Bernstein: CNN Is to the Trump Era What the Washington Post Was to Watergate

‘You have a very serious news organization’
By Grabien Staff



STELTER: "Rudy’s spin is desperate, kind of sad. We all know the truth will come out eventually. I don’t know about you. I just feel like it’s taking a long time to get to the truth. Let’s talk about all of it with a reporter whose byline graced all the stories about watergate 45 years ago and whose byline is back on the scoop about Cohen and trump, who claims that trump knew in advance about that pivotal Trump Tower meeting. Carl joins me now. Talk to me about this most recent story. You’ve been saying for a year we need to follow the money, follow the lies and figure out this cover-up. So how did you do it in this case? Talk to us about how you got this reporting."
BERNSTEIN: "Well, I talked to sources. And as did Jim Sciutto. It became very apparent the former attorney to the president of the United States was going around and telling people that the famous Trump Tower meeting, which indeed was convened for the purpose of collusion. Which is to say it was convene bid don junior to accept information from the Russians about dirt on Hillary Clinton that, indeed, Cohen was saying that Donald Trump, candidate for president of the United States at the time, had authorized the go ahead for that meeting to take place with his son. And I said this is news. As did CNN. Like in Watergate, you have a very serious news organization. CNN, in Watergate, the Washington Post making judgments about what is news. And that’s really the most important thing that we do, when we go out and do our reporting and then decide what is news and what is the best attainable version of the truth."

(Via the Washington Times)

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