
Carson: ‘There Are Two Donald Trumps’

‘There’s the one you see on the stage, and there’s the one who’s very cerebral, sits there, you can have a very good conversation with him’
By Grabien Staff

Dr. Ben Carson today endorsed Donald Trump's candidacy for president. Here are some of his remarks:

Thank you. Well, thank you, Donald, and, you know, this whole process getting involved in the political process was something I never particularly intended to do, but, you know, I listened to the people, and it was really all about the people, and it continues to be all about the people. You know, it's not about the Republican party or the Democratic Party. It's about the people of America, and what I have been seeing recently is political operatives and parties once again trying to assert themselves and trying to thwart of will of the people.

I find that that is an extraordinarily dangerous place to be right now, and, you know, I want the voice of the people to be heard. I want the political process to play out in the way that it should play out, and, you know, I think the Republican party particularly will be very wise not to adopt, a let's stop this guy and promote this guy policy, but, rather, start thinking about, what are the things that are going to be helpful for America? Right now, you know, we're in a process of going off the deep end. We're going off the cliff for fiscally irresponsible, hating each other, destroying ourselves, a house divided against itself cannot stand. We're failing to take a leadership position on the world stage.

Now, some people have said, well, why would you get behind a man like Donald Trump? I'll tell you why pmp. First of all, I've come to know Donald Trump over the last few years. He is actually a very intelligent man who cares deeply about America. There are two different Donald Trumps. There's the one you see on the stage, and there's the one who's very cerebral, sits there, you can have a very good conversation with him, and that's the Donald Trump that you're going to start seeing more and more of right now.

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