
Carville: ‘I Am Not the Least Bit Concerned,’ Trump Will Lose Early Tomorrow

‘We’re going to know the winner of this election by 10:00 tomorrow night’


CARVILLE: "What people are doing is just unnecessarily scaring people and making them unnecessarily nervous. That event he had — David Plouffe is one hundred percent right, that event in Fayetteville, North Carolina, which is a state if he loses, I don’t have to wait on Pennsylvania, he loses in North Carolina, he’s going to lose. That event was literally insane. You’re in eastern North Carolina, a state that you’ve got to win, and you’re talking about some pollster at Fox News. It is literally — it's insane that anybody — any politician would use that as a closing argument. I am not the least bit concerned about the outcome tomorrow night, and I’m not the least bit concerned that we’re going to have to wait weeks or months to find out what the result is. We’ll know and we’ll know pretty early."

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