
Carville on Biden’s Polls: ‘Dems Need to Quit Bedwetting But My Wife Already Changed Me to Rubber Sheets’

‘There is not much else you can say when you look at them’
By Grabien Staff


CARVILLE: “It’s pretty clear. There is not much else you can say when you look at them. I guess the best thing you could say is if anything they work for Trump but there is an apprehension. That is undeniable. On the other hand I point out we haven’t lost an election since the Dobbs decision. We were supposed to lose in November in an off year and didn’t really. We kind of tied. I don’t know. The polling I’ve seen or anybody else has seen is not very good. There was a memo, my friend Jim said Democrats need to quit bed wetting but my wife already changed me to rubber sheets.”

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