
CBS Calls out Dem Rep. Dan Goldman’s Lies on the Devon Archer Testimony: ‘Actually Not What Devon Archer Testified To’

‘In fact, when you look at the transcript, what you see is that phrase “illusion of access” is in Dan Goldman’s question — it’s actually NOT what Devon Archer testified to’
By Grabien Staff


HERRIDGE: "Well, earlier this week we just had to rely on the characterization from Republicans and Democrats about Devon Archer's testimony, but now we can see the full transcript. You’ll recall that Democrat Congressman Dan Goldman said that Archer testified that it was the illusion of access to Joe Biden that Hunter Biden was offering to these clients, but, in fact, when you look at the transcript, what you see is that that phrase, 'illusion of access,' is in Dan Goldman’s question. It's actually not what Devon Archer testified to. He says, 'Yes, but that’s not quite fair. This was about showing that there was the signal that there’s influence and access here.'"

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