
CBS News: Hunter Biden Laptop Data We Analyzed ‘Shows No Evidence It Was Faked or Tampered With’

‘Then candidate Biden labeled the laptop controversy disinformation’
By Grabien Staff


DOKOUPIL: "As Republicans take control of the House Hunter Biden, the president's son will be a target for investigations, and that means data from a laptop reported to belong to Biden could be crucial to the investigatory process. CBS News has obtained its data, not through a third party or political operative, but directly from the source who told us they provided it to the FBI under subpoena. And we commissioned an independent forensic review to determine its authenticity. Senior Investigative Correspondent  Catherine Herridge joins us now with what we found. Catherine, I'm very interested. Good morning."
HERRIDGE: "Good morning, Tony. These House Republican investigations are coming and that could be a challenge for the White House as we head into 2023 and 2024. The laptop data we had analyzed showed no evidence it was faked or tampered with."


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