
CBS’s Catherine Herridge: ‘Political Figure 1’ in Hunter Biden Documents Is Former VP Joe Biden

‘It is heavily reacted, but this is the draft warrant’
By Grabien Staff


HERRIDGE: “The Republican-led House Ways & Means Committee has released hundreds of new documents from the Hunter Biden investigation, and I want to walk you through exhibits 202 and 203. Exhibit 202 is an email from August 2020, it was sent by prosecutor Lesley Wolf to senior FBI and IRS investigators who are drafting a search warrant. Wolf tells them to keep the scope narrow and limited to potential violations of foreign lobbying laws, or FARA, and to remove references to ‘Political Figure 1.’ So who is ‘Political Figure 1?’ Well, that’s explained in Exhibit 203. It’s heavily reacted, but this is the draft warrant and it lists ‘Political Figure 1’ as former Vice President Joe Biden.”

(Via RealClearPolitics)

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