
Charles Coleman Jr. On Trump’s Gag Order: Judge Chutkan Will Keep Him on a ‘Tighter Leash’ Than Judge Cannon in Mar-a-Lago Case

‘It’s going to be very different’
By Grabien Staff

COLEMAN JR.: "The brilliance of Jack Smith’s request, however, is that they don’t really talk about his political opponents. Because they focus on people who are officiants of the proceedings, the trial, the judges, potential witnesses, juries, court officers, and other people who should not be open fodder for Donald Trump’s commentary. I do expect that some portion of the request is going to be granted. I think it’s going to be very different because you are dealing with, in Judge Chutkan, an extremely different judge who is going to keep Donald Trump on a tighter leash, as compared to Judge Cannon down in south Florida."

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