
Charlie Dent on Trump Calling Nikki Haley Disloyal: They Are Running for Second Place Which Is Really Last Place

‘They need to take him on directly’
By Grabien Staff


DENT: "I don’t. It seems to me that too many of this candidate running against Donald Trump are running for second place, which was really last place and the primary. So I think what is to happen is these candidates, who are challenging Trump, need to take him on directly. I’ve been mystified why — political malpractice, except Chris Christie and asa hutchison and maybe a few others. They really need to explain what should own Trump it’s a great risk for the Republican Party. They have to make that case. The case to fire Donald Trump as the leader of the party. They have not on. That too many — effect ramaswamy — he’s certainly not running for president, he wants something, but he’s never gonna be president. He’s never even gonna be the nominee. Again, I’ve run a lot of campaigns. And when you’re running against somebody, you need to draw a strong contrast with the person who’s living. There are not doing. That they need to do it collectively, because Trump otherwise dominate the narrative and they can breakthrough. So it was an interesting debate. It’s an undercurrent. Nice to watch the fights leading up to the big one. But there was no big. Fight that’s where we stop."

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